9 research outputs found


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    Within this paper we bring together the conceptual and practical issues regarding the organic products market and the consumer behavior specificity on this market. In the first section we introduce the importance and argue the conceptual approach. Throughout the second section, we review the evolution of the ‘organic’ concept and emphasize the necessity to promote this consumption trend both at European level and national level. The evolution of the ‘organic’ concept must be acknowledged in order to have proper meaning of its origin and usefulness. The third section presents some evidence at European level regarding the practicing of organic farming and agriculture. Section four describes the specificity of the consumer behavior on this niche market. In order to bring the suitable arguments, we present a categorization of consumers and their behavior, in section 5. Throughout the conclusion section we review the most relevant ideas and interpretations on the subject. We conclude that each type of behavior depends on previous factors that had an influence, directly or indirectly. In real life, marketing studies are directly interested to discover and analyze the triggers of consumer behavior which further determine the consumers’ act of buying and that is highly more important for such a domain like organic products

    Exploring the effectiveness of university agenda for developing students’ entrepreneurial behavior

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    The objective of this research was to identify the main factors of influence and their level in terms of framing ‘S, tefan cel Mare’ University of Suceava into the pattern of the sustainable university. Firstly, we have thoroughly examined the literature and correlated it with the local practices in entrepreneurship and education. This resulted in a set of key issues which we have investigated as variables throughout a questionnaire that has been applied to 348 students from ‘S, tefan cel Mare’ University of Suceava (USV) in Romania. By running the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in SPSS, we have identified which type of academic skills and competencies acquired by students are influencing the development of the university and the development of students’ entrepreneurial abilities. Results indicated that a high degree of material resources available to use by respondents is associated with a high level of academic training, thus this should be a good strategy to intensify. For the second part of the analysis, we have applied the logistic regression method to measure the combined influence of factors identified throughout the PCA. Statistical analyses showed that respondents who recorded higher interactions related to the university context gained higher entrepreneurial skills and competencies


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    Human capital is of particular importance for political decision-makers in addressing various aspects, such as: economic growth, quality of life, social cohesion and progress, as well as sustainable development. The (reciprocal) relationship between education/human capital and the quality of life is a positive influence of education on individual and social well-being. Throughout this paper we explore the question of how quality of life and its various dimensions have evolved, taking into account the dimension of sustainable development while measuring progress and improving conventional measurements. The purpose of this paper is to provide an image of the quality of life in Romania in the context of European countries from the perspective of education. For this purpose, we propose an evaluation of the quality of life of European countries by means of socio-economic indicators Human Development Index (HDI), Life expectancy at birth, Quality of life Index (QOL), Average rating of satisfaction over a period of time 2013- 2020 that include sub-indicators such as the level of education, also examining whether education influences the quality of life. The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 1- Introduction to the subject of the study; Section 2 - introduces the concept of quality of life in the context of education and investment in human capital as well as the specialized literature; Section 3 - The research methodology which consists in the analysis of social indicators in the European and national context in the time horizon 2013-2021 and the last section - discussions and conclusions


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    In a modern society, education plays an important role, it became increasingly a major source of competitiveness in the markets. Qualifications that educational institutions provide them directly and essentially depends on the value of their products, which will result in future generations of specialists that will benefit society. Worldwide currently exist prerequisite that education systems must begin, continue and support transformations and social progress, providing quality education, preparing the individual for the future and at the same time developing its capabilities to adapt to change technical and scientific and to create the new. Ultimately, educational institutions not only transmit knowledge but also often produce or apply new technologies. Today, when knowledge is the most important commodity, and the school is an institution of knowledge implication is obvious. Strengthening and supporting a union of Member States, the objective necessity to dynamism and competitiveness of the United States, but also the participation of Asian countries in the gaming arena of economic, forced the governments of the member countries of the European Union to build political and social systems beneficial for education the latter being considered an important pillar in the economic development of a country in the long term. This was established from the following perspectives: the first focused on integration and identification of models able to be compatible with European systems of education and training, and, second, on individuality and ensuring that all geographic region or country to adapt general principles to specific needs, depending on the ideological factors and social, economic and technological development differences and particularities of human capital


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    In a modern society, education plays an important role, it became increasingly a major source of competitiveness in the markets. Qualifications that educational institutions provide them directly and essentially depends on the value of their products, which will result in future generations of specialists that will benefit society. Worldwide currently exist prerequisite that education systems must begin, continue and support transformations and social progress, providing quality education, preparing the individual for the future and at the same time developing its capabilities to adapt to change technical and scientific and to create the new. Ultimately, educational institutions not only transmit knowledge but also often produce or apply new technologies. Today, when knowledge is the most important commodity, and the school is an institution of knowledge implication is obvious. Strengthening and supporting a union of Member States, the objective necessity to dynamism and competitiveness of the United States, but also the participation of Asian countries in the gaming arena of economic, forced the governments of the member countries of the European Union to build political and social systems beneficial for education the latter being considered an important pillar in the economic development of a country in the long term. This was established from the following perspectives: the first focused on integration and identification of models able to be compatible with European systems of education and training, and, second, on individuality and ensuring that all geographic region or country to adapt general principles to specific needs, depending on the ideological factors and social, economic and technological development differences and particularities of human capital

    The Impact of Digitalization on Business Sector Development in the Knowledge Economy

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    The economic progress of the last century has made the world seem smaller, has shortened distances and provided an increase in the efficiency with which the ‘time’ resource is used. Currently, due to technological advancement, change and diversification of the means of communication, we can get in touch or chat with another person in every corner of the world, no matter how far. Moreover, technology imports raise standards of living and bring improvements to the service sector. The digital revolution is not only present, but it is increasing every day. Knowledge fundamentally transforms every sector of our economy - from health up to transport and energy and beyond. The scope, magnitude and omnipresence of these disruptive innovations are truly unprecedented. The objective of our work is to present the theoretical approaches regarding the information society and its quantification in Romania and in the European context on the basis of specific indicators. By analyzing these indicators, we try to demonstrate the position of our country at world level in terms of ICT. In order to analyze comparatively the situation of ICT and their impact on the business sector, two major indicators for this field were analyzed - the State ICT Development Index (IDI) and the DESI Index

    Challenges and opportunities for creative-innovative clusters partnerships

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    Clusters of innovation are global economic “hot spots” where new technologies germinate at an astounding rate and where pools of capital, expertise, and talent foster the development of new industries and new ways of doing business. They are vibrant, effervescent ecosystems composed of startups, businesses that support the startup process, and mature enterprises (many of whom evolved rapidly from a startup history). In these ecosystems, resources of people, capital, and know-how are fluidly mobile and the pace of transactions is driven by a relentless pursuit of opportunity, staged financing, and short business model cycles. The aim of this paper, clustering, which is an important model in the development of the countries and the concept of innovation have been reviewed together. The most prominent feature of the industry is to produce Technology. Countries to focus on knowledge-intensive industries and businesses as a result of regional cluster policies for innovation are seen that there is a relation between. Clustering is an important model for an innovational development in Romania. The analysis was carried out for a period of 3 years, for which there were registered the main achievements in the field of product innovation, processes, organizational forms and marketing methods, new or significantly improved, obtained by companies, starting from January 2016 until December 2018, representing Romania’s contribution to the evaluation of the results of the European statistical research on innovation, 2018. Following the innovative activities in which the companies are engaged does the characterization of the innovation. The National Institute of Statistics provides the necessary means for carrying out statistical research on innovation in businesses in the business and industrial environment