875 research outputs found

    Uncertainties in obtaining high reliability from stress-strength models

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    There has been a recent interest in determining high statistical reliability in risk assessment of aircraft components. The potential consequences are identified of incorrectly assuming a particular statistical distribution for stress or strength data used in obtaining the high reliability values. The computation of the reliability is defined as the probability of the strength being greater than the stress over the range of stress values. This method is often referred to as the stress-strength model. A sensitivity analysis was performed involving a comparison of reliability results in order to evaluate the effects of assuming specific statistical distributions. Both known population distributions, and those that differed slightly from the known, were considered. Results showed substantial differences in reliability estimates even for almost nondetectable differences in the assumed distributions. These differences represent a potential problem in using the stress-strength model for high reliability computations, since in practice it is impossible to ever know the exact (population) distribution. An alternative reliability computation procedure is examined involving determination of a lower bound on the reliability values using extreme value distributions. This procedure reduces the possibility of obtaining nonconservative reliability estimates. Results indicated the method can provide conservative bounds when computing high reliability. An alternative reliability computation procedure is examined involving determination of a lower bound on the reliability values using extreme value distributions. This procedure reduces the possibility of obtaining nonconservative reliability estimates. Results indicated the method can provide conservative bounds when computing high reliability

    Carbon Nanotube-based Sensor and Method for Continually Sensing Changes in a Structure

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    A sensor has a plurality of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based conductors operatively positioned on a substrate. The conductors are arranged side-by-side, such as in a substantially parallel relationship to one another. At least one pair of spaced-apart electrodes is coupled to opposing ends of the conductors. A portion of each of the conductors spanning between each pair of electrodes comprises a plurality of carbon nanotubes arranged end-to-end and substantially aligned along an axis. Because a direct correlation exists between resistance of a carbon nanotube and carbon nanotube strain, changes experienced by the portion of the structure to which the sensor is coupled induce a change in electrical properties of the conductors

    Using Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Paint for Global Surface Pressure and Temperature Measurements on the Aft-Body of a Capsule Reentry Vehicle

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    Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) and Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) were used to visualize and quantify the surface interactions of reaction control system (RCS) jets on the aft body of capsule reentry vehicle shapes. The first model tested was an Apollo-like configuration and was used to focus primarily on the effects of the forward facing roll and yaw jets. The second model tested was an early Orion Crew Module configuration blowing only out of its forward-most yaw jet, which was expected to have the most intense aerodynamic heating augmentation on the model surface. This paper will present the results from the experiments, which show that with proper system design, both PSP and TSP are effective tools for studying these types of interaction in hypersonic testing environments

    Water-Based Pressure-Sensitive Paints

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    Water-based pressure-sensitive paints (PSPs) have been invented as alternatives to conventional organic-solvent-based pressure-sensitive paints, which are used primarily for indicating distributions of air pressure on wind-tunnel models. Typically, PSPs are sprayed onto aerodynamic models after they have been mounted in wind tunnels. When conventional organic-solvent-based PSPs are used, this practice creates a problem of removing toxic fumes from inside the wind tunnels. The use of water-based PSPs eliminates this problem. The waterbased PSPs offer high performance as pressure indicators, plus all the advantages of common water-based paints (low toxicity, low concentrations of volatile organic compounds, and easy cleanup by use of water)

    In acute lung injury, inhaled nitric oxide improves ventilation-perfusion matching, pulmonary vascular mechanics, and transpulmonary vascular efficiency

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    AbstractAcute respiratory distress syndrome continues to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality related to ventilation-perfusion mismatch, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular failure. It has been suggested that inhaled nitric oxide, which is a selective pulmonary vasodilator, may be effective in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome; however, the effects of nitric oxide on cardiopulmonary interactions are poorly understood. We therefore developed a model of acute lung injury that mimics the clinical syndrome of acute respiratory distress syndrome. In our model, inhaled nitric oxide significantly reduced pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, and pulmonary vascular impedance. In addition, inhaled nitric oxide improved transpulmonary vascular efficiency and ventilation-perfusion matching, which resulted in increased arterial oxygen tension. Although arterial oxygen tension increased, oxygen delivery did not improve significantly. These data suggest that by improving ventilation-perfusion matching and arterial oxygen tension while lowering pulmonary vascular resistance and impedance, nitric oxide may be beneficial in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, additional measures to enhance cardiac performance may be required. ( J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1995;110: 593-600

    Development of a Pressure Sensitive Paint System for Measuring Global Surface Pressures on Rotorcraft Blades

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    This paper will describe the results from a proof of concept test to examine the feasibility of using Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) to measure global surface pressures on rotorcraft blades in hover. The test was performed using the U.S. Army 2-meter Rotor Test Stand (2MRTS) and 15% scale swept rotor blades. Data were collected from five blades using both the intensity- and lifetime-based approaches. This paper will also outline several modifications and improvements that are underway to develop a system capable of measuring pressure distributions on up to four blades simultaneously at hover and forward flight conditions

    Child-stripping in the Victorian City

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    During the nineteenth century, police, magistrates, reformers and the press noticed a rising tide of juvenile crime. Child-stripping, the crime of stealing young children's clothes by force or deception, was an activity of this type which caused alarm among contemporaries. As the century progressed, improved policing, urbanization and Irish migration, allied to growing social concern, caused more cases of child-stripping to be noticed. Accounts by Dickens, Mayhew and others characterized child-stripping as an activity indulged in by old women who were able to make money by victimizing the weakest strata of society. However, research in the British Library's digitized newspaper collections as well as in parliamentary papers conclusively demonstrates that child-stripping, far from being the domain of Dickensian crones, was actually perpetrated by older children, notably girls, against children even younger than themselves. Despite widespread revulsion, which at times approached a ‘moral panic’ prompted by the nature of the crime, progressive attitudes largely prevailed with most child-stripping children being sent to reformatories or industrial schools in the hope of reforming their behaviour. This article thus conforms with Foucauldian notions of the switch from physical to mental punishments and aligns with the Victorians’ invention of children as a category of humanity that could be saved

    Daylighting, Daylight Simulation and Public Health: Low-Energy Lighting for Optimal Vision/Visual Acuity and Health/Wellbeing

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    Moshfegh, Bahram (ed.) (2011). World Renewable Energy Congress – Sweden, 8–13 May, 2011, Linköping, Sweden http://dx.doi.org/10.3384/ecp11057Indoor Ecology (IE) is an emerging research field that aims to develop new approaches and technologies which allow indoor environments and occupants to dynamically co-adapt to each other in order to enhance human wellbeing and productivity while simultaneously optimizing energy efficiency. The central idea in IE is that humans, building systems and the interior environment form a single, integrated complex ‘ecosystem’. One way to IE optimization is though lighting, especially daylighting and daylight simulation. Current approaches to energy-efficient buildings emphasize only limited aspects of interior lighting, such as the carbon footprint, without regard to the multiple effects lighting has on human health, wellbeing and productivity which must be considered if truly sustainable interior spaces are to be designed. This paper documents five ongoing investigations which study various aspects of the lighting-human interaction in a variety of circumstances. For example, students in the classroom setting are exposed to wide changes in lighting as well as inadequate light during early classes, likely affecting attention, retention and performance. Subjects displayed a marked preference for natural lighting when given the option; supporting a general hypothesis that daylighting might be a solution to the twin problems of promoting health and productivity while decreasing energy use

    Stabilized tin-oxide-based oxidation/reduction catalysts

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    The invention described herein involves a novel approach to the production of oxidation/reduction catalytic systems. The present invention serves to stabilize the tin oxide reducible metal-oxide coating by co-incorporating at least another metal-oxide species, such as zirconium. In one embodiment, a third metal-oxide species is incorporated, selected from the group consisting of cerium, lanthanum, hafnium, and ruthenium. The incorporation of the additional metal oxide components serves to stabilize the active tin-oxide layer in the catalytic process during high-temperature operation in a reducing environment (e.g., automobile exhaust). Moreover, the additional metal oxides are active components due to their oxygen-retention capabilities. Together, these features provide a mechanism to extend the range of operation of the tin-oxide-based catalyst system for automotive applications, while maintaining the existing advantages

    A New Survey for Giant Arcs

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    We report on the first results of an imaging survey to detect strong gravitational lensing targeting the richest clusters selected from the photometric data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with follow-up deep imaging observations from the Wisconsin Indiana Yale NOAO (WIYN) 3.5m telescope and the University of Hawaii 88-inch telescope (UH88). The clusters are selected from an area of 8000 deg^2 using the Red Cluster Sequence technique and span the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.6, corresponding to a comoving cosmological volume of ~ 2 Gpc^3. Our imaging survey thus targets a volume more than an order of magnitude larger than any previous search. A total of 240 clusters were imaged of which 141 had sub-arcsecond image quality. Our survey has uncovered16 new lensing clusters with definite giant arcs, an additional 12 systems for which the lensing interpretation is very likely, and 9 possible lenses which contain shorter arclets or candidate arcs which are less certain and will require further observations to confirm their lensing origin. The number of new cluster lenses detected in this survey is likely > 30. Among these new systems are several of the most dramatic examples of strong gravitational lensing ever discovered with multiple bright arcs at large angular separation. These will likely become 'poster-child' gravitational lenses similar to Abell 1689 and CL0024+1654. The new lenses discovered in this survey will enable future sysetmatic studies of the statistics of strong lensing and its implications for cosmology and our structure formation paradigm.Comment: 19 pages, 7 pages of Figures, submitted to AJ. Fixed Typo
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