166 research outputs found

    Art-Therapy - Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Art-Therapy Method of Working with Children with T.S.A.

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    Behavioral therapy is a short, symptom-focused therapy and generally aims to change theinteractions between the person and his or her environment. Behavioral therapy is an approach designedto treat unwanted behaviors directly observable, which psychodynamic therapy calls “symptoms”, onlyas behaviorists reject the notion that problem behavior is a symptom of underlying conflicts, maintainedby processes of unconscious dynamics. The treatment model is first to evaluate the behavior and thento modify it through the procedures that modify the old behavior or that learn new behaviors (egconditioning techniques, systematic desensitization, modeling, etc.). For children and adults withautism spectrum notes, the world can experience sensory overload every day. In many countries, arttherapy has been seen for some time as a complementary or helpful therapy within the therapies ofchildren with autism alongside music therapy, play therapy, etc

    Instructive-Educational Strategies of Stimulating Creativity at the Small School

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    Among the educational objectives, the stimulation of imagination and creativity must be abasic one, along with the education of thought. In the content of education, the general culture must befurther promoted, this favoring creativity. Programs must provide special lessons for developingcreative imagination. The extracurricular activity offers many opportunities for cultivating theimagination. Meetings with students of scientists and art can be initiated in the student circles who cantalk about their work. Visiting exhibitions, excursions broaden the horizon and represent endlesssources of questions. Creative thinking needs a rich material to operate with and to facilitategeneralization. But it is not just the accumulation of knowledge, but especially their systematization,the acquisition of the internal structure of knowledge, the understanding of the mutual relations ofobjects and phenomena. Children’s creativity is characterized above all by the intellectual, affective,motivational relationship that the subject brings in his action through his personal efforts. Each childgradually evolves into a specific individual structure of his or her creative potential, which largelydelimits their personality

    Accesul egal la educatie de calitate

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    The Romanian educational system is confronted with a profound crisis which affects all strata of Romanian society. Poor access to education of the marginalized, low financing of the educational system, are just some of the challenges faced by Romanian education. A serious and far-reaching reform is needed if the present state of affairs is to change. In this respect, I am trying to examine several of these major issues with which the Romanian education system is confronted and present possible solutions

    The Group of Friends as Factor of Socialization and Juvenile Delinquency

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    The theme of the paper is “The group of friends as factor of socialization and juveniledelinquency”. I have chosen this theme due to the proportion of this phenomenon in our country. Thepurpose of the paper is to highlight the causes and the factors for juvenile delinquency because Ibelieve that the “failure” in the juvenile delinquency issue is because we concentrate too much on theconsequences and too little on the causes and roots of this phenomenon. I have described the group asbeing the development and formation environment for the youth’s personality but also as being theorigin of the young “delinquents, especially those groups called “street groups” or “gangs”. Thegroup, right after the family, has a positive effect over the individual and his personality. I haveconcluded, by mentioning some “failure” in elementary socialization, other mechanisms ofcontinuous socialization

    Working Tools Used in the Education of Functional Behavior in Children with Autism. Means of Communication and Visualization

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    Formation of functional behavior in children with autism is primarily based on specificeducation. This should be tailored to each case, depending on the symptoms and needs. Because a childwith autism receives and accumulates less information and less knowledge in the environment than aregular child, intervention from an early age is required. There are many structured methods forteaching children with autism; of these, the most used are the ABBA method and the TEACH method.The intervention is based on several types of therapies that help to form functional behavior, which isparticularly important in developing the autonomy and independence of the autistic child

    Behavior and Attitudes of Parents with Children Diagnosed with Autism

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    Autism is a developmental disorder, considered by researchers to be one of the mostwidespread and serious neuropsychiatric disorders of childhood, with the most implications in allspheres of development. The sooner the parents discover the condition and accept it as part of their newlife, the more likely the child is to recover. Each parent wants a peaceful, successful life for his child,and the autistic child appears to be trapped in a trap of isolation, of incapacity, in which the probabilityof any success is almost nil. The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder affects each family memberdifferently. Parents need to focus all their attention on helping the child with autism, which can bestressful and can affect marriage, other couple’s children, work, savings, interpersonal relationships andresponsibilities

    Child with Medium Mental Deficiency - Working Methods

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    Intelligence is the most important skill of a human being. This determines how it relatesand assumes the assimilation and processing of information as well as the efficiency of the behavior.Intelligence appears as a system of stable qualities of the individual that is manifested in the quality ofintellectual activity centered on thinking. Intelligence can be evaluated through different tests. In thepresented case, the RAVEN color test was used to establish IQ and to develop an adapted curriculum,needed in the education of pupils with a liminal IQ or less. Riding to law students with a low IQ has asupport teacher with whom he works 2 to 4 hours a week. The adapted curriculum is recommendedby a committee of specialists following the evaluation result and is developed by the teacher incollaboration with a team of psycho-pedagogue specialists, psychologist, speech therapist

    The Role of Emotions in Conflict Resolution

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    People usually conflict with interests, but also with accompanying emotions. Emotions aresubjective experiences that result from the agreement or discrepancy between a person's needs orexpectations and reality. They are internal states characterized by: physiological reactions, specificthoughts and behavioral expressions. These can make the individual believe in the reality of hissubjective representations having important repercussions on the whole affective life. The role ofemotions is to help us monitor our behavior and to regulate interactions with others. Properly managedemotions are not harmful; they are part of our life, help in the process of healing or eliminating stress

    Aggressive behaviors in Small Schoolchildren

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    Regarding the small schoolchildren it can be said that these reactions, the aggressivebehaviors, are the result of the experiences of feelings of anger and frustration, that appear against thebackground of abilities of expression of the emotions and of emotional regulation insufficientlydeveloped. Only in time, through different life experiences, children learn to gain better control overtheir own emotional reactions. Research indicates that these skills are essential for success at school,with family, with friends and on a professional level. When children are not aware of their ownexperiences, they may find it difficult to control their actions driven by the first impulse and to makeappropriate decisions. In school, there are more and more conflicting situations between children ofyoung school age, such as quarrels, misunderstandings or disputes, taking place in play contexts ordaily interactions with colleagues at school. Due attention should be paid to constant and constantlysupervised violent manifestations of children, both during class hours and during breaks. They need tobe taught that when they are involved or witnessing violence, they should contact the teacher
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