6 research outputs found
BARNAHUS ā Children\u27s house in Slovenia; Comprehensive concept of treatment of a child victim of sexual abuse in the criminal proceedings
In 2022, the first children\u27s house the primary goal of which is the comprehensive treatment
of child victims or witnesses of criminal offences, will begin operating in Slovenia. The newly
formed Protection of Children in Criminal Procedure and their Comprehensive Treatment in
children\u27s House Act stipulates that a forensic interview with a child victim of a sexual offence
shall be conducted in the Childrenās house with the assistance of an appropriate expert for criminal
proceedings or in cases of urgent pre-trial investigation. (MikliÄ, 2021a) Thus, the criminal
proceedings are aimed at avoiding additional unnecessary interrogations and thus causing
victimisation due to the proceedings themselves and approaching the welfare of the injured child.
Despite the proximity of the opening, the professional public is not adequately acquainted
with the European concept of Barnahus, which will be approached by the first children\u27s house in
Slovenia in its operating model. Due to the lack of key information, misconceptions and unrealistic
expectations have formed, which will complicate the idea of the childrenās house operation for a
child who would need treatment in the children\u27s house at the stage of disclosure of abuse and at
the time of reporting to the competent authorities, and for experts who daily meet children, victims
of abuse, as well as for professionals employed in the house
Zahtevnost kriminalistiÄnega zbiranja osebnih dokazov o slabotnih osebah
Družba je v primerih spolnih zlorab slabotnih oseb polna
predsodkov in tabujev. Slabotne osebe so pogosto socialno
izolirane, nimajo znanja, vedenja in izkuŔenj. Slepo zaupajo in
prijazne geste razumejo kot iskrene. Razumljene so kot Ā»nespolna
bitjaĀ«, nevredna pozornosti. Realnost je, da so slabotne
osebe oŔkodovanci tudi najhujŔih kaznivih dejanj, ne glede
na spol, starost ali oviro. Možnost za zlorabo se s starostjo ne
zmanjÅ”uje. RazliÄne raziskave piÅ”ejo tudi o desetkratniku možnosti
zlorabe slabotne osebe in vendar so prijave Ŕe redkejŔe, ko gre za
zlorabe slabotnih oseb znotraj institucij. Storilci so osebe, ki so
lahko del njihovega življenja, ali celo osebe, od katerih so slabotne
osebe življenjsko odvisne. Slabotne osebe morda sploh ne vedo, kaj
se dogaja, ali pa zlorabo težko izrazijo. Morda se jim ne verjame,
ali pa so drugi do njihovih navedb zgolj apatiÄni. Od preiskovalca
se zato terja odliÄno poznavanje obravnavnega podroÄja in Å”iroka
razgledanost. Terjajo se posebej natanÄna priprava, specifiÄna
znanja, izkuŔnje, spretnosti in sposobnosti. Dober preiskovalec
pozna taktike storilcev in ravnanja ter vedenja oŔkodovancev.
PremiŔljena preiskava, zastavljena po korakih, je preiskava, ki
ne dopuÅ”Äa bližnjic. Zahteva zakonito, strokovno, temeljito in
podrobno zbiranje informacij ter indicev, ki lahko vodijo k osebnim
dokazom in (v nekaterih primerih) tudi k materialnim dokazom.
Pomembni so podrobni in natanÄni informativni pogovori z vsemi,
ki bi lahko podali katerokoli informacijo. Ugotovitve razgovorov
preiskovalca s slabotno osebo lahko zaÅ”Äitijo oÅ”kodovanca in
sankcionirajo storilca. Za preiskovalca se primer ne konÄa nujno s
podano kazensko ovadbo, temveÄ z njegovim ali njenim priÄanjem
na sodiÅ”Äu
BARNAHUS ā Children\u27s house in Slovenia; Comprehensive concept of treatment of a child victim of sexual abuse in the criminal proceedings
In 2022, the first children\u27s house the primary goal of which is the comprehensive treatment
of child victims or witnesses of criminal offences, will begin operating in Slovenia. The newly
formed Protection of Children in Criminal Procedure and their Comprehensive Treatment in
children\u27s House Act stipulates that a forensic interview with a child victim of a sexual offence
shall be conducted in the Childrenās house with the assistance of an appropriate expert for criminal
proceedings or in cases of urgent pre-trial investigation. (MikliÄ, 2021a) Thus, the criminal
proceedings are aimed at avoiding additional unnecessary interrogations and thus causing
victimisation due to the proceedings themselves and approaching the welfare of the injured child.
Despite the proximity of the opening, the professional public is not adequately acquainted
with the European concept of Barnahus, which will be approached by the first children\u27s house in
Slovenia in its operating model. Due to the lack of key information, misconceptions and unrealistic
expectations have formed, which will complicate the idea of the childrenās house operation for a
child who would need treatment in the children\u27s house at the stage of disclosure of abuse and at
the time of reporting to the competent authorities, and for experts who daily meet children, victims
of abuse, as well as for professionals employed in the house
BioloÅ”ka kontrola sive plijesni Botrytis cinerea na grožÄu s pomoÄu autohtonih vinskih kvasaca
Biocontrol activities of different yeast species and strains isolated from grape/must/wine environments have been compared to those of commercially available antagonistic yeast species of Candida oleophila. A total of 591 yeast isolates were tested in a preliminary screening on agar to select isolates showing inhibitory effect against Botrytis cinerea, the plant pathogen causing grey mould disease on grape. Yeast species Aureobasidium pullulans, Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Pichia guilliermondii showed, on average, higher biocontrol activity than commercially used yeast Candida oleophila. Furthermore, these three species and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is potentially interesting biocontrol agent against grey mould of grapes, were selected for their inhibitory effects and assayed in vitro on different solid synthetic media for their antagonistic capacity towards B. cinerea. The results indicate that the composition of the medium had an impact on the biocontrol activity of yeast species and strains, as Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed the highest antagonistic activity against B. cinerea when tested on media with increased concentrations of glucose. The antagonistic activity of selected yeast strains was finally determined on wounded and sound grape berries of cultivars Rebula and Chardonnay for their ability to inhibit infection by B. cinerea moulds. Results suggest that antagonist yeasts with the potential to control B. cinerea on grape can be found among the microflora associated with the berries.Ispitana je aktivnost razliÄitih vrsta i sojeva kvasaca, izoliranih iz grožÄa, moÅ”ta i vina, u spreÄavanju bolesti grožÄa, i to u usporedbi s komercijalnim kvascem Candida oleophila, koji djeluje kao antagonist. Na ploÄama agara preliminarno je ispitan 591 izolat kvasca radi odabira onih koji inhibiraju uzroÄnika sive plijesni na grožÄu (Botrytis cinerea). Kvasci Aureobasidium pullulans, Metschnikowia pulcherrima i Pichia guilliermondii prosjeÄno su imali veÄu aktivnost od kvasca Candida oleophila. Uzgojem in vitro na razliÄitim sintetiÄkim podlogama prouÄena je moguÄnost uporabe tih vrsta kvasaca, a i kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae, za bioloÅ”ko suzbijanje sive plijesni B. cinerea. Rezultati pokazuju da sastav podloge utjeÄe na aktivnost kvasaca. Kvasac Saccharomyces cerevisiae u podlozi s poveÄanim udjelom glukoze imao je najizraženiji antagonistiÄki uÄinak na B. cinerea. Ispitana je antagonistiÄka aktivnost odabranih kvasaca na oÅ”teÄenim i neoÅ”teÄenim bobicama grožÄa sorata Rebula i Chardonnay. Rezultati pokazuju da se iz prirodne mikrobne populacije grožÄa mogu izdvojiti kvasci Å”to imaju antagonistiÄki uÄinak na sivu plijesan B. cinerea
Biocontrol of Grey Mould Disease on Grape Caused by Botrytis cinerea with Autochthonous Wine Yeasts
Biocontrol activities of different yeast species and strains isolated from grape/must/wine environments have been compared to those of commercially available antagonistic yeast species of Candida oleophila. A total of 591 yeast isolates were tested in a preliminary screening on agar to select isolates showing inhibitory effect against Botrytis cinerea, the plant pathogen causing grey mould disease on grape. Yeast species Aureobasidium pullulans, Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Pichia guilliermondii showed, on average, higher biocontrol activity than commercially used yeast Candida oleophila. Furthermore, these three species and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is potentially interesting biocontrol agent against grey mould of grapes, were selected for their inhibitory effects and assayed in vitro on different solid synthetic media for their antagonistic capacity towards B. cinerea. The results indicate that the composition of the medium had an impact on the biocontrol activity of yeast species and strains, as Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed the highest antagonistic activity against B. cinerea when tested on media with increased concentrations of glucose. The antagonistic activity of selected yeast strains was finally determined on wounded and sound grape berries of cultivars Rebula and Chardonnay for their ability to inhibit infection by B. cinerea moulds. Results suggest that antagonist yeasts with the potential to control B. cinerea on grape can be found among the microflora associated with the berries