83 research outputs found

    Extremal attractors of Liouville copulas

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    Liouville copulas, which were introduced in McNeil and Neslehova (2010), are asymmetric generalizations of the ubiquitous Archimedean copula class. They are the dependence structures of scale mixtures of Dirichlet distributions, also called Liouville distributions. In this paper, the limiting extreme-value copulas of Liouville copulas and of their survival counterparts are derived. The limiting max-stable models, termed here the scaled extremal Dirichlet, are new and encompass several existing classes of multivariate max-stable distributions, including the logistic, negative logistic and extremal Dirichlet. As shown herein, the stable tail dependence function and angular density of the scaled extremal Dirichlet model have a tractable form, which in turn leads to a simple de Haan representation. The latter is used to design efficient algorithms for unconditional simulation based on the work of Dombry, Engelke and Oesting (2015) and to derive tractable formulas for maximum-likelihood inference. The scaled extremal Dirichlet model is illustrated on river flow data of the river Isar in southern Germany.Comment: 30 pages including supplementary material, 6 figure

    Modeling and Generating Dependent Risk Processes for IRM and DFA

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    Modern Integrated Risk Management (IRM) and Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) rely in great part on an appropriate modeling of the stochastic behavior of the various risky assets and processes that influence the performance of the company under consideration. A major challenge here is a more substantial and realistic description and modeling of the various complex dependence structures between such risks showing up on all scales. In this presentation, we propose some approaches towards modeling and generating (simulating) dependent risk processes in the framework of collective risk theory, in particular w.r.t. dependent claim number processes of Poisson type (homogeneous and non-homogeneous), and compound Poisson processe

    A Primer on Copulas for Count Data

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    The authors review various facts about copulas linking discrete distributions. They show how the possibility of ties that results from atoms in the probability distribution invalidates various familiar relations that lie at the root of copula theory in the continuous case. They highlight some of the dangers and limitations of an undiscriminating transposition of modeling and inference practices from the continuous setting into the discrete on

    Modeling and Generating Dependent Risk Processes for IRM and DFA

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    Modern Integrated Risk Management (IRM) and Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) rely in great part on an appropriate modeling of the stochastic behavior of the various risky assets and processes that influence the performance of the company under consideration. A major challenge here is a more substantial and realistic description and modeling of the various complex dependence structures between such risks showing up on all scales. In this presentation, we propose some approaches towards modeling and generating (simulating) dependent risk processes in the framework of collective risk theory, in particular w.r.t. dependent claim number processes of Poisson type (homogeneous and non-homogeneous), and compound Poisson processe

    Multivariate Archimedean copulas, dd-monotone functions and 1\ell_1-norm symmetric distributions

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    It is shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for an Archimedean copula generator to generate a dd-dimensional copula is that the generator is a dd-monotone function. The class of dd-dimensional Archimedean copulas is shown to coincide with the class of survival copulas of dd-dimensional 1\ell_1-norm symmetric distributions that place no point mass at the origin. The dd-monotone Archimedean copula generators may be characterized using a little-known integral transform of Williamson [Duke Math. J. 23 (1956) 189--207] in an analogous manner to the well-known Bernstein--Widder characterization of completely monotone generators in terms of the Laplace transform. These insights allow the construction of new Archimedean copula families and provide a general solution to the problem of sampling multivariate Archimedean copulas. They also yield useful expressions for the dd-dimensional Kendall function and Kendall's rank correlation coefficients and facilitate the derivation of results on the existence of densities and the description of singular components for Archimedean copulas. The existence of a sharp lower bound for Archimedean copulas with respect to the positive lower orthant dependence ordering is shown.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS556 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On rank correlation measures for non-continuous random variables

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    Abstract For continuous random variables, many dependence concepts and measures of association can be expressed in terms of the corresponding copula only and are thus independent of the marginal distributions. This interrelationship generally fails as soon as there are discontinuities in the marginal distribution functions. In this paper, we consider an alternative transformation of an arbitrary random variable to a uniformly distributed one. Using this technique, the class of all possible copulas in the general case is investigated. In particular, we show that one of its members -the standard extension copula introduced by Schweizer and Sklar -captures the dependence structures in an analogous way the unique copula does in the continuous case. Furthermore, we consider measures of concordance between arbitrary random variables and obtain generalizations of Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho that correspond to the sample version of these quantities for empirical distributions

    Asymptotics of joint maxima for discontinuous random variables

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    This paper explores the joint extreme-value behavior of discontinuous random variables. It is shown that as in the continuous case, the latter is characterized by the weak limit of the normalized componentwise maxima and the convergence of any compatible copula. Illustrations are provided and an extension to the case of triangular arrays is considered which sheds new light on recent work of Coles and Pauli (Stat Probab Lett 54:373-379, 2001) and Mitov and Nadarajah (Extremes 8:357-370, 2005). This leads to considerations on the meaning of the bivariate upper tail dependence coefficient of Joe (Comput Stat Data Anal 16:279-297, 1993) in the discontinuous cas