3 research outputs found

    Neural Tissue And Complete Regeneration Of The Tail Of The Gekkonid Lizard, Hemidactylus flaviviridis

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    Tails of three groups of the Gekkonid lizard, Hemidactylus flavivirdis, were amputated (group I) orautotomized (groups II and III). The animals were exposed to 12 hours of ight and 12 hours of darkness. Ingroup I experiment, previously regenerated tails were amputated (repeated autotomyRA) with a pair of sharp scissors, after anesthetizing the animals with ice cubes, at point equivalent to three autotomy segments. The orginal planes of autotomy have been replaced by ependymal tubes and there were noblood exudates,. In group II the spinal cord at thelocal site of autotomy was carefuly removed (spinal cord removed, SCR), with dissecting instruments, for a length equal to one autotomy segment Lizards in group III served as controls (NormalLizard NL). The results show that the initiation o regeneration, the growth rate, the total length of new growth (regenerate) produced, and the total percentage replacement of the lost (amputated/autotomized) tails 30 days after excision were all signiicantly less in lizards of group II (p < 001) and insignifcantly less in group I lzards, when compared with the controls (group III). The results show that for complete regeneration of the lizard tai neural tissue must be present. Keywords: Neural tissue, Regeneration, Tail, Gekkonid lizard, Hemidactylus flaviviridis Animal Research International Vol. 3 (1) 2006 pp. 415-41

    Exogenous Testosterone Stimulates Gluconeogenesis In Hypoproteinemic Albino Rat

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    Changes in plasma glucose and protein concentrations in two experimental groups of albino rats, weghing 250 - 300g, were evaluated after 7 days of acclmatzaton to laboratory conditons and another 14 days o feeding the rats wth low protein diets. Frank hypoproeinmia was evident by the low plasma protein levels and some clear physical manifestations, such as hair loss, change in skin colour and edema. Edema was caused by lowered plasma protein concentrations. Daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of 0.2 ml of testosterone for a period of 7 days produced a statistcally sgnificant increase in plasma glucose concentrations (P < 0.01) when compared with the saline-treated controls. There wasa statistically significant decrease (

    Acid tolerance of the African lungfish Protopterus annectins (Owen)

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    The tolerance of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens (Owen) to acid water was investigated under laboratory conditions. Healthy adult specimens of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens (Owen); mean length 38.3cm ± 2.4, and mean weight 294.3g ± 5.2 were subjected to acid waters of concentrations that ranged from pH 3.8 to pH 7.4. P. annectens tolerated acid water from neutral pH 7.4.down to a pH of 4.6. It is possible that P. annectens was able to maintain almost a constant level of blood pH in acid waters due to the possession of acidophilic cells in the gills which actively secrete H+ from the blood into the water medium.Global Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 6 (1) 2007: pp. 71-7