25 research outputs found

    Predicting zinc-enhanced maize hybrid performance under stress conditions

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    The low yield potential of most biofortified maize is a barrier to its full adoption and reduces its potential to curb various macro- and micronutrient deficiencies highly prevalent in low-income regions of the world, such as sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). By crossing biofortified inbred lines with different nutritional attributes such as zinc (Zn), provitamin A and protein quality, breeders are attempting to develop agronomically superior and stable multi-nutrient maize of different genetic backgrounds. A key question, however, is the relationship between the biofortified inbred lines per se and hybrid performance under stress and non-stress conditions. In this study, inbred line per se and testcross performance were evaluated for grain yield and secondary traits of Zn-enhanced normal, provitamin A and quality protein maize (QPM) hybrids and estimated heterosis under combined heat and drought (HMDS) and well-watered (WW) conditions. Responses of all secondary traits, except for the number of days to mid-anthesis, significantly differed for HMDS and WW conditions. The contribution of heterosis to grain yield was highly significant under both management levels, although higher mid and high-parent heterosis was observed under WW than HMDS conditions. However, the findings suggest that inbred line performance was the best determinant of hybrid performance under HMDS. Strong correlations were observed between grain yield and secondary traits for both parents and hybrids, and between secondary traits of inbred lines and hybrids under both management levels, indicating that hybrid performance can be predicted based on intrinsic inbred line performance. Phenotypic correlation between grain yield of inbred lines and hybrids was higher under HMDS than WW conditions. This study demonstrated that under HMDS conditions, performance of Zn-enhanced hybrids could be predicted based on the performance of their corresponding inbred lines. However, the parental inbred lines should be systematically selected for desirable secondary traits correlated with HMDS tolerance during inbred line development

    Projecting the Contribution of Provitamin A Maize Biofortification and Other Nutrition Interventions to the Nutritional Adequacy and Cost of Diets in Rural Zimbabwe

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    Background Evidence of the effectiveness of biofortified maize with higher provitamin A (PVA) to address vitamin A deficiency in rural Africa remains scant. Objectives This study projects the impact of adopting PVA maize for a diversity of households in an area typical of rural Zimbabwe and models the cost and composition of diets adequate in vitamin A. Methods Household-level weighed food records were generated from 30 rural households during a week in April and November 2021. Weekly household intakes were calculated, as well as indicative costs of diets using data from market surveys. The impact of PVA maize adoption was modeled assuming all maize products contained observed vitamin A concentrations. The composition and cost of the least expensive indicative diets adequate in vitamin A were calculated using linear programming. Results Very few households would reach adequate intake of vitamin A with the consumption of PVA maize. However, from a current situation of 33%, 50%–70% of households were projected to reach ≤50% of their requirements (the target of PVA), even with the modest vitamin A concentrations achieved on-farm (mean of 28.3 μg RAE per 100 g). This proportion would increase if higher concentrations recorded on-station were achieved. The estimated daily costs of current diets (mean ± standard deviation) were USD 1.43 ± 0.59 in the wet season and USD 0.96 ± 0.40 in the dry season. By comparison, optimization models suggest that diets adequate in vitamin A could be achieved at daily costs of USD 0.97 and USD 0.79 in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Conclusions The adoption of PVA maize would bring a substantial improvement in vitamin A intake in rural Zimbabwe but should be combined with other interventions (e.g., diet diversification) to fully address vitamin A deficienc

    Construction of a generalised farm typology to aid selection, targeting and scaling of on farm research

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    Farm typologies are often used to reduce the complexity in categorising diverse farming systems, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The resulting typologies can then be used in multiple ways including designing efficient sampling schemes that capture the diversity in smallholder farms, prescribing the selection of certain farm types to which interventions can be targeted or upscaled, or to give context into derived relationships. However, the construction of farm typologies consists of many subjective decisions that are not always obvious or evident to the end-user. By developing a generalized framework for constructing farm typologies, we clarify where these subjective decisions are and quantify the impact they have on the resulting typologies. Further, this framework has been encapsulated in the open source RShiny App: TypologyGenerator to enable users to focus on the decisions and not the underlying implementation

    Combining ability and testcross performance of multi-nutrient maize under stress and non-stress environments

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    While significant progress has been made by several international breeding institutions in improving maize nutritional quality, stacking of nutritional traits like zinc (Zn), quality protein, and provitamin A has not received much attention. In this study, 11 newly introduced Zn-enhanced inbred lines were inter-mated with seven testers from normal, provitamin A and quality protein maize (QPM) nutritional backgrounds in order to estimate the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for grain yield (GY) and secondary traits under stress conditions [(combined heat and drought stress (HMDS) and managed low nitrogen (LN)] and non-stress conditions [(summer rainfed; OPT) and well-watered (irrigated winter; WW)] in Zimbabwe. Lines L6 and L7 had positive GCA effects for GY and secondary traits under OPT and LN conditions, and L8 and L9 were good general combiners for GY under HMDS conditions. Superior hybrids with high GY and desirable secondary traits were identified as L10/T7 and L9/T7 (Zn x normal), L2/T4, L4/T4, L3/T5 (Zn x provitamin A), and L8/T6 and L11/T3 (Zn x QPM), suggesting the possibility of developing Zn-enhanced hybrids with high yield potential using different nutritional backgrounds. Both additive and dominance gene effects were important in controlling most of the measured traits. This suggests that selecting for desirable traits during inbred line development followed by hybridization and testing of specific crosses under different management conditions could optimize the breeding strategy for stacked nutritionally-enhanced maize genotypes

    Near-infrared spectroscopy to predict provitamin A carotenoids content in maize

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a public health issue worldwide. Provitamin A (PVA) biofortified maize serves as an alternative to help combat VAD. Breeding efforts to develop maize varieties with high PVA carotenoid content combine molecular and phenotypic selection strategies. The phenotypic assessment of carotenoids is currently done using liquid chromatography, a precise but time-and resource-consuming methodology. Using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) could increase the breeding efficiency. This study used ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) data from 1857 tropical maize genotypes as a training set and NIRS data to do an independent test of a set of 650 genotypes to predict PVA carotenoids using Bayesian and modified partial least square (MPLS) regression models. Both regression methods produced similar prediction accuracies for the total carotenoids (r2 = 0.75), lutein (r2 = 0.55), zeaxanthin (r2 = 0.61), β-carotene (r2 = 0.22) and β-cryptoxanthin (BCX) (r2 = 0.57). These results demonstrate that Bayesian and MPLS regression of BCX on NIRS data can be used to predict BCX content, the current focus on PVA enhancement, and thus offers opportunities for high-throughput phenotyping at a low cost, especially in the early stages of PVA maize breeding pipeline when many genotypes must be screened

    Molecular breeding for nutritionally enriched maize: status and prospects

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 21 Feb 2020Maize is a major source of food security and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Latin America, and the Caribbean, and is among the top three cereal crops in Asia. Yet, maize is deficient in certain essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Biofortified maize cultivars enriched with essential minerals and vitamins could be particularly impactful in rural areas with limited access to diversified diet, dietary supplements, and fortified foods. Significant progress has been made in developing, testing, and deploying maize cultivars biofortified with quality protein maize (QPM), provitamin A, and kernel zinc. In this review, we outline the status and prospects of developing nutritionally enriched maize by successfully harnessing conventional and molecular marker-assisted breeding, highlighting the need for intensification of efforts to create greater impacts on malnutrition in maize-consuming populations, especially in the low- and middle-income countries. Molecular marker-assisted selection methods are particularly useful for improving nutritional traits since conventional breeding methods are relatively constrained by the cost and throughput of nutritional trait phenotyping

    Genetic trends in the Zimbabwe’s national maize breeding program over two decades

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    Monitoring genetic gains within breeding programs is a critical component for continuous improvement. While several national breeding programs in Africa have assessed genetic gain using era studies, this study is the first to use two decades of historical data to estimate genetic trends within a national breeding program. The objective of this study was to assess genetic trends within the final two stages of Zimbabwe’s Department of Research & Specialist Services maize breeding pipeline between 2002 and 2021. Data from 107 intermediate and 162 advanced variety trials, comprising of 716 and 398 entries, respectively, was analyzed. Trials were conducted under optimal, managed drought stress, low nitrogen stress, low pH, random stress, and disease pressure (maize streak virus (MSV), grey leaf spot (GLS), and turcicum leaf blight under artificial inoculation. There were positive and significant genetic gains for grain yield across management conditions (28–35 kg ha-1 yr-1), under high-yield potential environments (17–61 kg ha-1 yr-1), and under low-yield potential environments (0–16 kg ha-1 yr-1). No significant changes were observed in plant and ear height over the study period. Stalk and root lodging, as well as susceptibility to MSV and GLS, significantly decreased over the study period. New breeding technologies need to be incorporated into the program to further increase the rate of genetic gain in the maize breeding programs and to effectively meet future needs

    Genetic trends in CIMMYT’s tropical maize breeding pipelines

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    Fostering a culture of continuous improvement through regular monitoring of genetic trends in breeding pipelines is essential to improve efficiency and increase accountability. This is the first global study to estimate genetic trends across the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) tropical maize breeding pipelines in eastern and southern Africa (ESA), South Asia, and Latin America over the past decade. Data from a total of 4152 advanced breeding trials and 34,813 entries, conducted at 1331 locations in 28 countries globally, were used for this study. Genetic trends for grain yield reached up to 138 kg ha−1 yr−1 in ESA, 118 kg ha−1 yr−1 South Asia and 143 kg ha−1 yr−1 in Latin America. Genetic trend was, in part, related to the extent of deployment of new breeding tools in each pipeline, strength of an extensive phenotyping network, and funding stability. Over the past decade, CIMMYT’s breeding pipelines have significantly evolved, incorporating new tools/technologies to increase selection accuracy and intensity, while reducing cycle time. The first pipeline, Eastern Africa Product Profile 1a (EA-PP1a), to implement marker-assisted forward-breeding for resistance to key diseases, coupled with rapid-cycle genomic selection for drought, recorded a genetic trend of 2.46% per year highlighting the potential for deploying new tools/technologies to increase genetic gain

    Genotype x environment interaction and yield stability of normal and biofortified maize inbred lines in stress and non-stress environments

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    AbstractBreeding for nutrient-dense maize cultivars is reliant on introductions of exotic inbred lines enhanced with high levels of the targeted nutrients. Sometimes, the exotic nutrient donor germplasm may not adapt well in new growing environments, thereby reducing seed production when used in hybrid combinations. Therefore, evaluating introduced trait donors for adaptation, through genotype × environment interaction (GEI) analysis is crucial in breeding for quality traits. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate grain yield performance of introduced zinc-enhanced, provitamin A, normal and quality protein maize lines across stress and non-stress environments in Zimbabwe, (ii) assess the presence of GEI and (iii) identify high yielding and stable lines that could be used for developing Zn-enhanced hybrids with improved seed producibility. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype plus genotype × environment interaction (GGE) biplot analyses were used for stability analysis. GEI effects were highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) for grain yield. Grain yields for the inbred lines ranged from 1.28 to 3.5 t ha−1. The Zn donor G11 (ITZN313) had the highest grain yield of 3.5 t ha−1 across environments, whereas the normal check G24 (CZL1111) had the lowest grain yield. G2 (CLWQHZN14), G4 (CLWQHZN19), G8 (OBATANPA6), G11 (ITZN313) and G18 (CML546) were stable and high yielding and can be used for developing Zn-enhanced hybrids. Five mega-environments were identified, clearly separating stress and non-stress environments. E11 (Chisumbanje WW) was the most discriminating and representative test environment and could be used to identify superior genotypes