1 research outputs found

    Assessment of shear zone-derived quartz from the Etam area, southwest Cameroon as potential high-purity quartz resource : petrography, geochemistry and technological studies

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    This study focuses on the evaluation of the high-purity quartz (HPQ) potential of a shear zone-hosted hydrothermal and metamorphic quartz deposit in Etam, southwest Cameroon. The shear zone quartz-rich rock is monomineralic and consists of both milky and translucent varieties. The combination of ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS analytical techniques was used to assess the chemical purity of both quartz varieties. These compositional analyses show that all quartz samples have SiO2 content of 98.46–99.75 wt% with very low concentrations of all the other elements. Translucent quartz when compared to the milky quartz variety shows low concentration of most of the elements including the following principal impurities: Al (mean 107 ”g g−1), Ca (mean 27.85 ”g g−1) and Fe (mean 26.05 ”g g−1). Bubble generation in the samples after flame fusion over a silica plate was assessed to test the suitability of the quartz in industrial uses. The results obtained from the chemical analyses and bubble formation tests indicate that all the samples investigated do not meet the HPQ requirement. However, the translucent quartz shows characteristics of medium-purity quartz and can produce silica glass for some industrial manufacturing even without further purification. In this study, the fluid inclusions in the samples were examined as this bears information on the economic viability of the deposit and provides clues on the genesis of the quartz vein. Also tiny mineral inclusions within individual quartz grains were identified by SEM–EDS. The results of these studies show that the deposit is probably of metamorphic origin marked by crystal-plastic deformation in quartz grains. The veins were later modified by hydrothermal fluid input. The results also indicate that the majority of impurities are likely hosted by fluid inclusions and thus the quartz can be upgraded to HPQ after purification by suitable methods24CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQNĂŁo temThis paper is part of ongoing Ph.D. thesis by the first author. This work has been financially supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon, through the Special Allocation for the Modernization of Research (SAMR) granted to the first author. Authors thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) for the financial support. We highly appreciate the support of Prof. Nzenti Jean Paul who suggested constructive revisions to the various versions of the manuscript. The incisive comments of two anonymous reviewers and the Editor are much appreciate