64 research outputs found

    Development of Regional Innovation System Model-Based Economic, Science and Technology, Social and Cultural Factors to Improve Regional Competitiveness in Malang East Java Province – The Republic of Indonesia

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    A regional development required orientation multidemensional. As development in Malang Regency based on the orientation of the economy, science and technology, as well as the socio-cultural context. Therefore, this research aims to develop a model “SIDa” or “RIS” (Regional Innovation System) which is oriented multidimensional reality based on the exploration of the condition of the area. The implementation of RIS is to promote the competitiveness of the area based on the dualistic exact sciences and social sciences are usually considered unimportant. Such a collaborative approach is believed to be able to solve the problem and multidimensional social reality. In this research found six dimensions that can be used as a model to build regional competitiveness, namely; (1) Regional Innovation Systems, (2) Mapping the Cultural Zone of Economic and Social Affairs, (3) Industry Cluster, (4) Innovation Linkage, (5) Technology, and (6) Pillar thematic line with regional development programs. The research findings indicate that the build RIS must involve programs are delivered in regional planning system. With this model can be implemented throughout an integrated program in favor of regional competitiveness. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n3s1p41

    End-user satisfaction as an impact of the system quality, information quality, and top management support, upon the perceived usefulness of technology utilization

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    The utilization of Accounting Information System (AIS) by the small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMEs) at present is apparently at the minimum level if not to mention the integrated operation. This study attempts to fathom and analyse, first, the impact of subsequently the system quality, the information quality, the top management support upon the perceived usefulness. Second, the effect of the system quality, the information quality, and the top management support on the end-user information satisfaction. Third, how the perceived usefulness affect the end-user information satisfaction. Fourth, to analyze the effect of the system quality, the information quality, and the top management support on end-user information satisfaction via the perceived usefulness. The study observed the designated SMEs managers in a chosen area of targeted location in East Java, Indonesia. The structural equation modelling was employed to study the effect of those variables under study, namely the system quality, information quality, top management support on the end-user information satisfaction through the perceived usefulness. The results revealed that the system quality, the information quality, as well as the top management support proven to be affecting the designated SMEs perceived usefulness. Among those variables under study, it was proved that the system quality, information quality, top management support influence on the end-user information satisfaction. However, the perceived usefulness is an intervening variable that can mediate the effect of system quality, the information quality, the top management support on the end-user information satisfaction


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    To enhance the resiliency of framed structures under lateral loads, new infilled frame systems have been developed and evaluated using finite element method. The developed frame systems include haunches to reduce stress concentration at the frame’s corners under lateral in-plane loads thus improving the resistance of the infilled frame system. A previously developed and validated three dimensional finite element models based on the simplified micro-modelling technique were adopted in this study to investigate the behaviour of infilled steel and reinforced concrete frames under lateral in-plane loads. The investigated parameters include: the infill wall stiffness, the presence and size of haunches at the beam-column connections. The effect of infill wall stiffness was investigated by analysis of steel and concrete frames infilled with grouted infill walls, which were found to significantly improve the lateral strength and stiffness of the infilled frames. The effect of the size of the haunches on the lateral behaviour of infilled frames was investigated by adding 200 mm, 400 mm, and 600 mm equal-leg haunches at the frame’s beam-column connections. The lateral load resistance of infilled steel and reinforced concrete frames was found to increase by about 60% and 20%, respectively, when 600 mm equal-leg haunches were introduced. The Canadian standard for the design of masonry structures gave conservative estimates for the lateral cracking strength of the studied infilled frames. The accuracy of this standard was found to depend on the lateral stiffness of the bounding frames and the stiffness of the infill wall


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    Saat ini terdapat kebijakan yangmana narapidana dengan kualifiikasi tertentu bisa mendapatkan program asimilasi dan reintegrasi. Hal ini berdasarkan kemanusiaan dan keadilan agar warga binaan yang ada di lingkungan Lapad maupun Rutan dapat terhindar dari covid-19 yang apabila tingkat kepadatan tinggi, maka akan semakin tinggi pula resiko penyebarannya. Namun, kebijakan ini menimbulkan keresahan ditengah masyarakat, karena dikhawatirkan narapidana yang menjalani asimilasi dan reintegrasi tersebut akan dengan mudah melakukan tindak pidana berulang akibat dari belum maksimalnya proses pembinaan bagi narapidana. Sehingga menyebabkan tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terkait pengaruh asimilasi dengan tingkat keresahan masyarakat yang dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif

    The Impact of Product Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction with the Mediator of Customer Value

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    The purpose of this study is to test the product quality and price towards customer satisfaction and to test the mediating role of customer value in improving customer satisfaction. This research is the study of perception and causality for the customer of toothpaste as a convenience product. The uniqueness of this research is in the major focus, which is the study of the customer value perception for toothpaste product as a convenience product for the metropolitan community. This research is a quantitative study with positivism paradigm approach survey method. Also, the Structural Equation Modeling is used as a means of inferential statistics. The population of this study is the customer of toothpaste product over the age of 17 and domiciled in Bekasi, Indonesia. This research is also supported with Likert scale questionnaires which are distributed to 110 respondents who visited the mall. On the other hand, a purposive sampling technique is used with the consideration that the selected individuals are in accordance with the criteria of the research. The study found that the functional value of the toothpaste product bought by the customer is not optimal yet to be a major consideration to satisfy the customers, it is precisely the quality of the toothpaste product itself that conforming the production standard in advance. Keywords: product quality, price, customer value, customer satisfaction

    The evaluation of lecturer performance through soft skillls, organizational culture and compensation on private university of Ambon

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    Lecturer performance is actions that can be measured. It can be said as related to the quantity and quality finished by the certain individual at the certain time. Lecturer performance measurement process mainly is determining the criteria as standard such as quality, quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, need for supervision and interpersonal impact. The research aimed at analyzing the relationship form of soft skill, organizational culture and compensation toward lecturer performance, by using quantitative approach and data collection by a survey. A sample used of 170 persons. They were chosen through proportional stratified sampling. Data collected by using questionnaires with Likert scale 1-5. Data analysis by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Amos approach. Analysis results proved that 1) Soft skills significant and positive impact on the performance of lecturers. These results indicate that the performance should be supported with adequate soft skills where faculty performance is the performance shown by the lecturer, both in quality and quantity in performing its duties in accordance with the responsibilities given. 2) Cultural organizations significant and positive impact on the performance of lecturers. These results indicate that indicates that a good culture of organizations working in the campus will be able to improve performance in the future lecturers 3) Compensation significant and positive impact on the performance of lecturers. Granting compensation (fringe benefits) include: As forming job satisfaction, remuneration of lecturers so as to meet the physical needs and social status. The results can be used as knowledge and positive input so they are encouraged to try to improve their performance through implementation of soft skills, organizational culture and compensation


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    Pada saat ini banyak masyarakat yang memiliki hobi atau mengisi waktu luangnya dengan melakukakan pemeliharaan ikan hias terutama ikan koi kohaku Pada proses perawatan dibutuhkan sistem irigasi air pada kolam ikan koi kohaku, yang mana ini seharusnya dilakukan setiap hari agar kondisi air pada kolam ikan koi kohaku tetap stabil. Kebutuhan sirkulasi air pada kolam ikan koi kohaku diperlukan untuk kebutuhan membersihkan air kotor yang terdapat pada kolam ikan koi kohaku ke filter kolam ikan koi kohaku sehingga kolam ikan koi kohaku tidak menjadi terlalu kotor dan ikan tetap mendapatkan kondisi ruang yang baik. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 4 sensor yaitu sensor turbidity, sensor pH, sensor HCSR04 dan sensor DS18B20. Kelebihan dari sistem ini adalah berbasis aplikasi Telegram, yang akan memudahkan pengguna untuk memonitor dari jarak jauh. Pengendalian dilakukan dengan menerapkan ANFIS sebagai pelatihan data untuk mendapatkan output yang diinginkan. Perancangan sistem kendali fuzzy untuk kestabilan pH dapat mencapai nilai stabil pH 6.5-8.0 dalam waktu ±17 menit untuk larutan basa dengan nilai awal 10.19 dan waktu ±13 menit untuk larutan asam dengan nilai awal 4.31, sedangkan untuk mencapai kestabilan suhu <31°C dari nilai awal 38.41 dibutuhkan waktu ±2 menit dan untuk kekeruhan kolam ikan koi kohaku dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk kembali jernih dalam waktu ±55 menit nilai kekeruhan turun dengan nilai awal 61 menjai 59 NTU

    The impact of product quality and price on customer satisfaction with the mediator of customer value

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    The purpose of this study is to test the product quality and price towards customer satisfaction and to the the mediating role of customer value in improving customer satisfaction. This research is the study of perception and causality for the customer of toothpaste as a convenience product. The uniqueness of this research is in the major focus, which is the study of the customer value perception for toothpaste product as convenience product for the metropolitan community. This research is quantitative study with positivism paradigm approach survey methods. Also, the Structural Equation Modeling is used as a means of inferential statistics. The population of this study is the customer of toothpaste product over the age of 17 and domiciled in Bekasi, Indonesia. This reseacrh is also supported with Likert scale quetionnaires which are distributed to 110 respondents who visited the mall. On the other hand, a purposive sampling technique is used with the consideration that the selected individuals are in accordance with the criteria of the reseach. The study found that the functional values of the toothpaste product bought by the customer is not optimal yet to be a major consideration to satisfy the customers, it is precisely the quality of the toothpaste product itself that conforming the production standard in advance

    Return on Assets, Firm Value, and Good Corporate Governance: Empirical at Foreign Exchange Banks In Indonesia

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    Every firm tries to improve the performance in order to achieve its goal, namely maximizing the firm wealth or value (Salvatore, 2005). The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Return on Assets on firm value with Good Corporate Governance as its moderating variable. This study used 29 Foreign Exchange Banks in LQ45 category and listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2017. The firm value was measured by using Tobin's Q while GCG was measured by Independent commissioner. The results of the study showed that Good corporate governance which is proxied by the independent commissioner weakens the influence of Return on Assets to the firm value

    Voluntary Disclosure, Financial Reporting Quality and Asymmetry Information

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    This study aims to test Voluntary Disclosure, Quality of Financial Reporting and Information Asymmetry as Moderation Variables. The Voluntary Disclosure variable is calculated using the Index Disclosure. This research uses quantitative methods and uses partial least square with EViews data analysis. The research sample consisted of 225 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for the period 2016- 2018. The results of the study state that voluntary disclosure has a positive and significant effect on the quality of financial reporting through asymmetric information. The relationship between voluntary disclosure and asymmetric information has a negative effect on the quality of financial reporting, states that the disclosure of voluntary reports to companies can prevent information asymmetry, as well as the relationship of voluntary disclosure to information asymmetry states that companies that make voluntary disclosure will increase the interest of investors and other stakeholders. The quality of financial reporting states that if there is information asymmetry, the quality of financial reporting will also decline. The low value of relevance will affect the level of large or small information gaps between management and investors. The quality of financial reporting with increased relevance means that asymmetric information will have a negative impact on financial reporting
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