942 research outputs found

    Inelastic Interaction Corrections and Universal Relations for Full Counting Statistics

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    We analyze in detail the interaction correction to Full Counting Statistics (FCS) of electron transfer in a quantum contact originating from the electromagnetic environment surrounding the contact. The correction can be presented as a sum of two terms, corresponding to elastic/inelastic electron transfer. Here we primarily focus on the inelastic correction. For our analysis, it is important to understand more general -- universal -- relations imposed on FCS only by quantum mechanics and statistics with no regard for a concrete realization of a contact. So we derive and analyze these relations. We reveal that for FCS the universal relations can be presented in a form of detailed balance. We also present several useful formulas for the cumulants. To facilitate the experimental observation of the effect, we evaluate cumulants of FCS at finite voltage and temperature. Several analytical results obtained are supplemented by numerical calculations for the first three cumulants at various transmission eigenvalues.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Exciting half-integer charges in a quantum point contact

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    We study a voltage-driven quantum point contact (QPC) strongly coupled to a qubit. We predict pronounced observable features in the QPC current that can be interpreted in terms of half-integer charge transfers. Our analysis is based on the Keldysh generating functional approach and contains general results, valid for all coherent conductors.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Fully Overheated Single-Electron Transistor

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    We consider the fully overheated single-electron transistor, where the heat balance is determined entirely by electron transfers. We find three distinct transport regimes corresponding to cotunneling, single-electron tunneling, and a competition between the two. We find an anomalous sensitivity to temperature fluctuations at the crossover between the two latter regimes that manifests in an exceptionally large Fano factor of current noise.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, includes Appendi

    Coulomb Blockade due to Quantum Phase-Slips Illustrated with Devices

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    In order to illustrate the emergence of Coulomb blockade from coherent quantum phase-slip processes in thin superconducting wires, we propose and theoretically investigate two elementary setups, or "devices". The setups are derived from Cooper-pair box and Cooper-pair transistor, so we refer to them as QPS-box and QPS-transistor, respectively. We demonstrate that the devices exhibit sensitivity to a charge induced by a gate electrode, this being the main signature of Coulomb blockade. Experimental realization of these devices will unambiguously prove the Coulomb blockade as an effect of coherence of phase-slip processes. We analyze the emergence of discrete charging in the limit strong phase-slips. We have found and investigated six distinct regimes that are realized depending on the relation between three characteristic energy scales: inductive and charging energy, and phase-slip amplitude. For completeness, we include a brief discussion of dual Josephson-junction devices

    Fluctuation theorem in quantum heat conduction

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    We consider steady state heat conduction across a quantum harmonic chain connected to reservoirs modelled by infinite collection of oscillators. The heat, QQ, flowing across the oscillator in a time interval Ï„\tau is a stochastic variable and we study the probability distribution function P(Q)P(Q). In the large Ï„\tau limit we use the formalism of full counting statistics (FCS) to compute the generating function of P(Q)P(Q) exactly. We show that P(Q)P(Q) satisfies the steady state fluctuation theorem (SSFT) regardless of the specifics of system, and it is nongaussian with clear exponential tails. The effect of finite Ï„\tau and nonlinearity is considered in the classical limit through Langevin simulations. We also obtain predictions of universal heat current fluctuations at low temperatures in clean wires.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Coulomb interacting Dirac fermions in disordered graphene

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    We study interacting Dirac quasiparticles in disordered graphene and find that an interplay between the unscreened Coulomb interactions and pseudo-relativistic quasiparticle kinematics can be best revealed in the ballistic regime, whereas in the diffusive limit the behavior is qualitatively (albeit, not quantitatively) similar to that of the ordinary 2DEG with parabolic dispersion. We calculate the quasiparticle width and density of states that can be probed by photoemission, tunneling, and magnetization measurements.Comment: Latex, 4 page
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