
Fluctuation theorem in quantum heat conduction


We consider steady state heat conduction across a quantum harmonic chain connected to reservoirs modelled by infinite collection of oscillators. The heat, QQ, flowing across the oscillator in a time interval τ\tau is a stochastic variable and we study the probability distribution function P(Q)P(Q). In the large τ\tau limit we use the formalism of full counting statistics (FCS) to compute the generating function of P(Q)P(Q) exactly. We show that P(Q)P(Q) satisfies the steady state fluctuation theorem (SSFT) regardless of the specifics of system, and it is nongaussian with clear exponential tails. The effect of finite τ\tau and nonlinearity is considered in the classical limit through Langevin simulations. We also obtain predictions of universal heat current fluctuations at low temperatures in clean wires.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

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