7 research outputs found

    ATLaS: Assistant Software for Life Scientists to Use in Calculations of Buffer Solutions

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    Many solutions such as percentage, molar and buffer solutions are used in all experiments conducted in life science laboratories. Although the preparation of the solutions is not difficult, miscalculations that can be made during intensive laboratory work negatively affect the experimental results. In order for the experiments to work correctly, the solutions must be prepared completely correctly. In this project, a software, ATLaS (Assistant Toolkit for Laboratory Solutions), has been developed to eliminate solution errors arising from calculations. Python programming language was used in the development of ATLaS. Tkinter and Pandas libraries were used in the program. ATLaS contains five main modules (1) Percent Solutions, (2) Molar Solutions, (3) Acid-Base Solutions, (4) Buffer Solutions and (5) Unit Converter. Main modules have sub-functions within themselves. With PyInstaller, the software was converted into a stand-alone executable file. The source code of ATLaS is available at https://github.com/cugur1978/ATLaS

    A study on the bıoactıvıty of plant extracts obtaıned from Arum maculatum leaves by dıfferent extractıon technıques

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    Arum maculatum is a highly known plant worldwide for traditional use. The aim of this study is to evaluate the bioactivity of the plant extract obtained using different techniques and solutions. Total fenolic, flavonoid components and antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibition activity of the plant extracts (Boiling in water, fermenting in water and USB in methanol) were investigated. Additionally, oil components of the extracts was analysed in GC-MS. As a result of the GC-MS analysis, 18 different fatty acid were determined. Major fatty acid components of extracts were palmitic acid (19.57%), oleic acid (15.25%), linoleic acid (21.84%) and alpha-linolenic acid (15.95%). The plant extracts were also found to be consisting of omega 3-6-9 fatty acid. The results showed that methanolic extracts in USB is produced better and more effective findings than the other extracts. According to the antimicrobial activity experiments, E. coli and S. aureus were the only strains inhibited by the all extracts obtained three different methods. The highest inhibition was recorded against Bacillus subtilis with USB methanol extracts. The only antifungal activity was observed against C. albicans with extracts obtained by boiling in water. Enzyme inhibition activity was very limited with all extracts. Amylase activity was slightly inhibited (14.1%) up to 30 min

    Extraction of Indigo from Some Isatis species and Dyeing Standardization Using Low-technology Methods

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    Fresh leaves of four Isatis species culture form of I. tinctoria L and wild forms of I. buschiana Schischkin, I. candolleana Boiss. (endemic) and I. tinctoria L. subsp. corymbosa. (Boiss.) were used for indigo production. Dyes were extracted by fermentation and hot water application. The extracted dyes were optimized with different pH and reducing agents. Results showed that the dye from hot water application produced the desired dying quality at pH 11. Reducing agent concentrations had no significant effect on color quality. Dark blue and blue colors were obtained from I. tinctoria and I. candolleana extracts although I. tinctoria subsp. corymbosa and I. buschiana produced mostly yellow-gray colors. Light, dry and wet rubbing fastness values varied between 3 and 3/4 while washing fastness was between 2 and 4/5. The highest indigo amounts were determined spectrophotometrically as 4.19 mg/g and 2.53 mg/g in I. tinctoria and I. candolleana, respectively. Results also showed that harvesting season was important for indigo production and the highest indigo amount was observed in mid-June

    Evaluation of the chemical composition and biological activities of medicinal plants Alkanna tinctoria and Teucrium polium from Turkey

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    Since ancient times, natural products from various plants have been used for the treatment of different diseases. Alkanna and Teucrium species have been considered medicinal plants and are used popularly around the world. So, investigating the pharmaceutical properties of these plants has been the subject of interest for many researchers. In this work, total phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxydant, antimicrobial activity and in vitro enzyme inhibition properties of Alkanna tinctoria and Teucrium polium ethanol and methanol extracts were investigated. Additionally, GC-MS analyses of oil composition of the plant extracts were performed and 21 different fatty acids were identified in A. tinctoria and 18 in T. polium. Palmitic acid was the major component in A. tinctoria and saturated fatty acids constitutes a large part of the oil composistion. On the other hand, linoleic acid was the major fatty acid in T. polium and unsaturated fatty acids constitutes a large part of the oil composition. According to the results, methanol was more effective than the ethanol for the extraction of bioactive components. Both of the extracts showed a good antioxidant activity and the inhibition of bacteria and yeasts. Slight inhibitory activity of A. tinctoria and protective action of T. polium on enzyme with other results indicate that these plant extracts have potential to control microorganisms which can be promising for food industry

    Istraživanje mogućnosti upotrebe stabljika biljki Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira

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    Isatis tinctoria and Isatis buschiana were evaluated as raw materials for pulp and paper production. Chemical composition and morphological aspects of Isatis stalks were determined. Lignin contents of I. tinctoria and I. buschiana were 23.9 % and 19.9 %, respectively. alfa-cellulose ratio was found to be 48.5 % in I. tinctoria and 32.9 % in I. buschiana. Fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured and the obtained data was used to calculate felting rate, elasticity coeffi cient, rigidity coefficient, runkel index and F factor. Handsheets were produced from Isatis stalks, and physical and optical properties were determined. Breaking length, tear index and burst index values were higher for the beaten pulp than for unbeaten pulp, while brightness and whiteness values were higher in unbeaten pulp.U radu su istražene mogućnosti upotrebe stabljike biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Određeni su kemijski sastav i morfoloÅ”ka svojstva stabljike. Sadržaj lignina u stabljici I. tinctoria bio je 23,9 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana 19,9 %. U stabljici I. tinctoria utvrđen je udjel alfa-celuloze od 48,5 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana taj je postotak iznosio 32,9 %. Izmjereni su duljina i promjer vlakanaca, promjer pore i debljina stanične stijenke, a dobiveni su podaci iskoriÅ”teni za izračunavanje brzine fi lcanja, koefi cijenta elastičnosti, koefi cijenta krutosti, Runkelova indeksa i F-faktora. Od stabljika biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana proizvedeni su listovi papira kojima su zatim određena fizikalna i optička svojstva. Utvrđeno je da je veće vrijednosti duljine lomljenja, indeksa cijepanja i indeksa pucanja imao papir od mljevene celuloze nego papir od nemljevene celuloze, dok je papir od nemljevene celuloze imao veće vrijednosti sjajnosti i bjeline

    Investigation of Isatis Tinctoria and Isatis Buschiana Stalks as Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production

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    Isatis tinctoria and Isatis buschiana were evaluated as raw materials for pulp and paper production. Chemical composition and morphological aspects of Isatis stalks were determined. Lignin contents of I. tinctoria and I. buschiana were 23.9 % and 19.9 %, respectively. alfa-cellulose ratio was found to be 48.5 % in I. tinctoria and 32.9 % in I. buschiana. Fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured and the obtained data was used to calculate felting rate, elasticity coeffi cient, rigidity coefficient, runkel index and F factor. Handsheets were produced from Isatis stalks, and physical and optical properties were determined. Breaking length, tear index and burst index values were higher for the beaten pulp than for unbeaten pulp, while brightness and whiteness values were higher in unbeaten pulp.U radu su istražene mogućnosti upotrebe stabljike biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Određeni su kemijski sastav i morfoloÅ”ka svojstva stabljike. Sadržaj lignina u stabljici I. tinctoria bio je 23,9 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana 19,9 %. U stabljici I. tinctoria utvrđen je udjel alfa-celuloze od 48,5 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana taj je postotak iznosio 32,9 %. Izmjereni su duljina i promjer vlakanaca, promjer pore i debljina stanične stijenke, a dobiveni su podaci iskoriÅ”teni za izračunavanje brzine fi lcanja, koefi cijenta elastičnosti, koefi cijenta krutosti, Runkelova indeksa i F-faktora. Od stabljika biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana proizvedeni su listovi papira kojima su zatim određena fizikalna i optička svojstva. Utvrđeno je da je veće vrijednosti duljine lomljenja, indeksa cijepanja i indeksa pucanja imao papir od mljevene celuloze nego papir od nemljevene celuloze, dok je papir od nemljevene celuloze imao veće vrijednosti sjajnosti i bjeline