45 research outputs found

    All-Pairs Minimum Cuts in Near-Linear Time for Surface-Embedded Graphs

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    For an undirected nn-vertex graph GG with non-negative edge-weights, we consider the following type of query: given two vertices ss and tt in GG, what is the weight of a minimum stst-cut in GG? We solve this problem in preprocessing time O(nlog3n)O(n\log^3 n) for graphs of bounded genus, giving the first sub-quadratic time algorithm for this class of graphs. Our result also improves by a logarithmic factor a previous algorithm by Borradaile, Sankowski and Wulff-Nilsen (FOCS 2010) that applied only to planar graphs. Our algorithm constructs a Gomory-Hu tree for the given graph, providing a data structure with space O(n)O(n) that can answer minimum-cut queries in constant time. The dependence on the genus of the input graph in our preprocessing time is 2O(g2)2^{O(g^2)}

    Minimum cycle and homology bases of surface embedded graphs

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    We study the problems of finding a minimum cycle basis (a minimum weight set of cycles that form a basis for the cycle space) and a minimum homology basis (a minimum weight set of cycles that generates the 11-dimensional (Z2\mathbb{Z}_2)-homology classes) of an undirected graph embedded on a surface. The problems are closely related, because the minimum cycle basis of a graph contains its minimum homology basis, and the minimum homology basis of the 11-skeleton of any graph is exactly its minimum cycle basis. For the minimum cycle basis problem, we give a deterministic O(nω+22gn2+m)O(n^\omega+2^{2g}n^2+m)-time algorithm for graphs embedded on an orientable surface of genus gg. The best known existing algorithms for surface embedded graphs are those for general graphs: an O(mω)O(m^\omega) time Monte Carlo algorithm and a deterministic O(nm2/logn+n2m)O(nm^2/\log n + n^2 m) time algorithm. For the minimum homology basis problem, we give a deterministic O((g+b)3nlogn+m)O((g+b)^3 n \log n + m)-time algorithm for graphs embedded on an orientable or non-orientable surface of genus gg with bb boundary components, assuming shortest paths are unique, improving on existing algorithms for many values of gg and nn. The assumption of unique shortest paths can be avoided with high probability using randomization or deterministically by increasing the running time of the homology basis algorithm by a factor of O(logn)O(\log n).Comment: A preliminary version of this work was presented at the 32nd Annual International Symposium on Computational Geometr

    How to Walk Your Dog in the Mountains with No Magic Leash

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    We describe a O(logn)O(\log n )-approximation algorithm for computing the homotopic \Frechet distance between two polygonal curves that lie on the boundary of a triangulated topological disk. Prior to this work, algorithms were known only for curves on the Euclidean plane with polygonal obstacles. A key technical ingredient in our analysis is a O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm for computing the minimum height of a homotopy between two curves. No algorithms were previously known for approximating this parameter. Surprisingly, it is not even known if computing either the homotopic \Frechet distance, or the minimum height of a homotopy, is in NP

    Generalized Max-Flows and Min-Cuts in Simplicial Complexes

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    We consider high dimensional variants of the maximum flow and minimum cut problems in the setting of simplicial complexes and provide both algorithmic and hardness results. By viewing flows and cuts topologically in terms of the simplicial (co)boundary operator we can state these problems as linear programs and show that they are dual to one another. Unlike graphs, complexes with integral capacity constraints may have fractional max-flows. We show that computing a maximum integral flow is NP-hard. Moreover, we give a combinatorial definition of a simplicial cut that seems more natural in the context of optimization problems and show that computing such a cut is NP-hard. However, we provide conditions on the simplicial complex for when the cut found by the linear program is a combinatorial cut. For d-dimensional simplicial complexes embedded into ?^{d+1} we provide algorithms operating on the dual graph: computing a maximum flow is dual to computing a shortest path and computing a minimum cut is dual to computing a minimum cost circulation. Finally, we investigate the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm on simplicial complexes, prove its correctness, and provide a heuristic which guarantees it to halt

    Minimum Bounded Chains and Minimum Homologous Chains in Embedded Simplicial Complexes

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    We study two optimization problems on simplicial complexes with homology over ??, the minimum bounded chain problem: given a d-dimensional complex ? embedded in ?^(d+1) and a null-homologous (d-1)-cycle C in ?, find the minimum d-chain with boundary C, and the minimum homologous chain problem: given a (d+1)-manifold ? and a d-chain D in ?, find the minimum d-chain homologous to D. We show strong hardness results for both problems even for small values of d; d = 2 for the former problem, and d=1 for the latter problem. We show that both problems are APX-hard, and hard to approximate within any constant factor assuming the unique games conjecture. On the positive side, we show that both problems are fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the size of the optimal solution. Moreover, we provide an O(?{log ?_d})-approximation algorithm for the minimum bounded chain problem where ?_d is the dth Betti number of ?. Finally, we provide an O(?{log n_{d+1}})-approximation algorithm for the minimum homologous chain problem where n_{d+1} is the number of (d+1)-simplices in ?