10 research outputs found

    “Alert-Audit-Act”: assessment of surveillance and response strategy for malaria elimination in three low-endemic settings of Myanmar in 2016

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    Abstract Background Myanmar, a malaria endemic country of Southeast Asia, adopted surveillance and response strategy similar to “1-3-7” Chinese strategy to achieve sub-national elimination in six low-endemic region/states of the country. Among these, Yangon, Bago-East, and Mon region/states have implemented this malaria surveillance and response strategy with modification in 2016. The current study was conducted to assess the case notification, investigation, classification, and response strategy (NICR) in these three states. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study using routine program data of all patients with malaria diagnosed and reported under the National Malaria Control Programme in 2016 from the above three states. As per the program, all malaria cases need to be notified within 1 day and investigated within 3 days of diagnosis and response to control (active case detection and control) should be taken for all indigenous malaria cases within 7 days of diagnosis. Results A total of 959 malaria cases were diagnosed from the study area in 2016. Of these, the case NICR details were available only for 312 (32.5%) malaria cases. Of 312 cases, the case notification, investigation, and classification were carried out within 3 days of malaria diagnosis in 95.5% cases (298/312). Of 208 indigenous malaria cases (66.7%, 208/312), response to control was taken in 96.6% (201/208) within 7 days of diagnosis. Conclusion The timeline at each stage of the strategy namely case notification, investigation, classification, and response to control was followed, and response action was taken in nearly all indigenous malaria cases for the available case information. Strengthening of health information and monitoring system is needed to avoid missing information. Future research on feasibility of mobile/tablet-based surveillance system and providing response to all cases including imported malaria can be further studied

    Correction to: How are the village health volunteers delivering malaria testing and treatment services and what are the challenges they are facing? A mixed methods study in Myanmar

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    In the original publication of this article [1], the article title should be changed to “How are the village health volunteers delivering malaria testing and treatment services and what are the challenges they are facing? A mixed methods study in Myanmar”

    How are the village health volunteers deliver malaria testing and treatment services and what are the challenges they are facing? A mixed methods study in Myanmar

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    Abstract Background Village health volunteers (VHVs) play a key role in delivering community-based malaria care especially in the hard-to-reach areas in Myanmar. It is necessary to assess their performance and understand the challenges encountered by them for effective community management of malaria. This mixed methods study was conducted to (i) understand the cascade of malaria services (testing, diagnosis, referral, and treatment of malaria) provided by the VHVs under the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in Myanmar in 2016 and compare with other health care providers and (ii) explore the challenges in the delivery of malaria services by VHVs. Methods A sequential mixed methods study was designed with a quantitative followed by a descriptive qualitative component. The quantitative study was a cohort design involving analysis of secondary data available from NMCP database whereas the qualitative part involved 16 focus group discussions (eight each with community and VHVs) and 14 key informant interviews with program stakeholders in four selected townships. Results Among 444,268 cases of undifferentiated fever identified by VHVs in 2016, 444,190 were tested using a rapid diagnostic test. Among those tested, 20,375 (4.6%) cases of malaria were diagnosed, of whom 16,910 (83.0%) received appropriate treatment, with 7323 (35.9%) receiving treatment within 24 h. Of all malaria cases, 296 (1.5%) were complicated, of whom 79 (26.7%) were referred to the higher facility. More than two thirds of all cases were falciparum malaria (13,970, 68.6%) followed by vivax (5619, 27.6%). Primaquine was given to 83.6% of all cases. VHVs managed 34.0% of all undifferentiated fever cases, 35.9% of all malaria cases, and identified 38.0% of all Plasmodium falciparum cases reported under NMCP. The key barriers identified are work-related (challenges in reporting, referral, management of malaria especially primaquine therapy, and lack of community support) and logistics related (challenges in transportation, financial constraints, time and shortage of drugs, and test kits). On the other hand, they also enjoy good community support and acceptance in most areas. Conclusion VHVs play an important role in malaria care in Myanmar, especially in the hard-to-reach areas. More programmatic support is needed in terms of logistics, transportation allowance, and supervision to improve their performance

    Are village health volunteers as good as basic health staffs in providing malaria care? A country wide analysis from Myanmar, 2015

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    Abstract Background Malaria is one of the major public health problems in Myanmar. Village health volunteers (VHV) are the key malaria diagnosis and treatment service provider at community level in addition to basic health staffs (BHS). This countrywide analysis aimed to assess and compare the accessibility to- and quality of malaria care (treatment initiation, treatment within 24 h and complete treatment delivery) between VHV and BHS in Myanmar. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study using record review of routinely collected programme data available in electronic format. All patients with undifferentiated fever screened and diagnosed for malaria in January–December 2015 by VHV and BHS under National Malaria Control Programme in Myanmar were included in the study. Unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) were calculated to assess the effect of VHV/BHS on receipt of treatment by patients. Results Of 978,735 undifferentiated fever patients screened in 2015, 11.0% of patients were found malaria positive and the malaria positivity in VHV and BHS group were 11.1 and 10.9% respectively. Access to malaria care: higher proportion of children aged 5–14 years (21.8% vs 17.3%) and females (43.7% vs 41.8%) with fever were screened for malaria by VHV compared to BHS. However, the same for children aged < 5 years was 2.2% lower in VHV group compared to BHS. Quality of malaria care: the proportion of malaria cases that received treatment was 96.6 and 94.9; treatment initiation within 24 h of fever was 44.7 and 34.1; and, complete treatment delivery was 80.9 and 88.2, respectively, in VHV and BHS groups. After adjustment for potential confounders, patients with malaria provided care by VHV had 1.02 times higher chance of receiving treatment compared to BHS [aPR (95% confidence interval) 1.017 (1.015, 1.020)]. Conclusions The VHV were more accessible to children and women than BHS in providing malaria screening services. The malaria treatment services provided by VHV was as good as BHS. Further qualitative research to explore and address the challenges on initiation and delivering complete treatment by VHV including inventory assessment and cost-effectiveness studies on integration of VHV in routine health system are needed

    Mapping and modelling the impact of mass drug adminstration on filariasis prevalence in Myanmar

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    Abstract Background Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is endemic in Myanmar and targeted for elimination. To highlight the National Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (NPELF) progress between 2000 and 2014, this paper describes the geographical distribution of LF, the scale-up and impact of mass drug administration (MDA) implementation, and the first evidence of the decline in transmission in five districts. Methods The LF distribution was determined by mapping historical and baseline prevalence data collected by NPELF. Data on the MDA implementation, reported coverage rates and sentinel site surveillance were summarized. A statistical model was developed from the available prevalence data to predict prevalence at township level by year of measurement. Transmission assessment survey (TAS) methods, measuring antigenemia (Ag) prevalence in children, were used to determine whether prevalence was below a level where recrudescence is unlikely to occur. Results The highest baseline LF prevalence was found in the Central Valley region. The MDA implementation activities scaled up to cover 45 districts, representing the majority of the endemic population, with drug coverage rates ranging from 60.0% to 98.5%. Challenges related to drug supply and local conflict were reported, and interrupted MDA in some districts. Overall, significant reductions in LF prevalence were found, especially after the first 2 to 3 rounds of MDA, which was supported by the corresponding model. The TAS activities in five districts found only two Ag positive children, resulting in all districts passing the critical threshold. Conclusion Overall, the Myanmar NPELF has made positive steps forward in the elimination of LF despite several challenges, however, it needs to maintain momentum, drawing on international stakeholder support, to aim towards the national and global goals of elimination

    School and community driven dengue vector control and monitoring in Myanmar: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background Dengue is the most common and widespread mosquito-borne arboviral disease globally estimated to cause >390 million infections and >20,000 deaths annually. There are no effective preventive drugs and the newly introduced vaccines are not yet available. Control of dengue transmission still relies primarily on mosquito vector control. Although most vector control methods currently used by national dengue control programs may temporarily reduce mosquito populations, there is little evidence that they affect transmission. There is an urgent need for innovative, participatory, effective, and locally adapted approaches for sustainable vector control and monitoring in which students can be particularly relevant contributors and to demonstrate a clear link between vector reduction and dengue transmission reduction, using tools that are inexpensive and easy to use by local communities in a sustainable manner. Methods Here we describe a cluster randomized controlled trial to be conducted in 46 school catchment areas in two townships in Yangon, Myanmar. The outcome measures are dengue cases confirmed by rapid diagnostic test in the townships, dengue incidence in schools, entomological indices, knowledge, attitudes and practice, behavior, and engagement. Conclusions The trial involves middle school students that positions them to become actors in dengue knowledge transfer to their communities and take a leadership role in the delivery of vector control interventions and monitoring methods. Following this rationale, we believe that students can become change agents of decentralized vector surveillance and sustainable disease control in line with recent new paradigms in integrated and participatory vector surveillance and control. This provides an opportunity to operationalize transdisciplinary research towards sustainable health development. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and political instability in Myanmar the project has been terminated by the donor, but the protocol will be helpful for potential future implementation of the project in Myanmar and/or elsewhere. Registration: This trial was registered in the ISRCTN Registry on 31 May 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN78254298)

    Malaria Research for Tailored Control and Elimination Strategies in the Greater Mekong Subregion

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    The malaria landscape in the Greater Mekong Subregion has experienced drastic changes with the ramp-up of the control efforts, revealing formidable challenges that slowed down the progress toward malaria elimination. Problems such as border malaria and cross-border malaria introduction, multidrug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum, the persistence of Plasmodium vivax, the asymptomatic parasite reservoirs, and insecticide resistance in primary vectors require integrated strategies tailored for individual nations in the region. In recognition of these challenges and the need for research, the Southeast Asian International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research has established a network of researchers and stakeholders and conducted basic and translational research to identify existing and emerging problems and develop new countermeasures. The installation of a comprehensive disease and vector surveillance system at sentinel sites in border areas with the implementation of passive/active case detection and cross-sectional surveys allowed timely detection and management of malaria cases, provided updated knowledge for effective vector control measures, and facilitated the efficacy studies of antimalarials. Incorporating sensitive molecular diagnosis to expose the significance of asymptomatic parasite reservoirs for sustaining transmission helped establish the necessary evidence to guide targeted control to eliminate residual transmission. In addition, this program has developed point-of-care diagnostics to monitor the quality of artemisinin combination therapies, delivering the needed information to the drug regulatory authorities to take measures against falsified and substandard antimalarials. To accelerate malaria elimination, this program has actively engaged with stakeholders of all levels, fostered vertical and horizontal collaborations, and enabled the effective dissemination of research findings