21 research outputs found

    Partycypacja społeczna w kształtowaniu przestrzeni centralnej wsi jerzmanowice usytułowanej w otulinie Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego

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    Suburban villages undergo dynamic transformations that significantly affect their spatial and social structure. Particular attention should be paid to those locations situated within an attractive landscape, where investment pressure is gaining momentum. The threat of implementing new functions at the expense of open areas increases with an attractive location in the vicinity of large cities. The situation described herein concerns the Jerzmanowice-Przeginia municipality, which is adjoining the Ojców National Park. The activities on the part of municipal authorities, aimed at protecting the identity of the village, are conducted on two planes: related to land planning, and to architecture. Students from the University of Agriculture were involved in the architectural scope of planning, and they developed concepts for the management of the central area of Jerzmanowice village based on the results of social research carried out by the staff of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture at the University of Agriculture in Kraków.Wsie podmiejskie ulegają dynamicznym przekształceniom, które znacząco wpływają na ich strukturę przestrzenną i społeczną. Szczególną uwagę należy zwrócić na miejscowości usytuowane w atrakcyjnym krajobrazie, gdzie presja inwestycyjna przybiera na sile. Zagrożenie realizacją nowych funkcji kosztem terenów otwartych wzrasta wraz z atrakcyjną lokalizacją w sąsiedztwie dużych miast. Opisana sytuacja dotyczy gminy Jerzmanowice-Przeginia, która sąsiaduje z terenem Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego. Działania władz gminy, w celu ochrony tożsamości wsi, prowadzone są w dwóch skalach, planistycznej oraz architektonicznej. W działaniach architektonicznych wzięli udział studenci Uniwersytetu Rolniczego, którzy opracowywali koncepcje zagospodarowania przestrzeni centralnej wsi Jerzmanowice na podstawie wyników badań społecznych przeprowadzonych przez pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych Wydziału Biotechnologii i Ogrodnictwa Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie

    Preliminary study on the influence of UV-C irradiation on microorganism viability and polyphenol compounds content during winemaking of ‘Regent’ red grape cultivar

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    In this study, UV-C light was tested as an alternative method to inactivate microorganisms in the must of ‘Regent’ red grape cultivar. The control sample containing the microorganism diluted in a physiological NaCl solution was prepared to take into consideration different conditions of liquids, such as turbidity and colour. Additionally, the changes in the composition of polyphenol compounds in the ‘Regent’ must after UV-C exposure were evaluated. The viability of yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and bacteria (Oenococcus oeni) significantly decreased with time; however, the highest decline was noted after the first hour of exposure. The polyphenol compound content was significantly lower after UV-C treatment and this was mainly the result of anthocyanin decomposition. The total content of flavan-3-ols and hydroxycinnamic acids and derivatives increased after irradiation

    EB1 interacts with outwardly curved and straight regions of the microtubule lattice

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    EB1 is a microtubule plus-end tracking protein that recognizes GTP-tubulin dimers in microtubules and thus represents a unique probe to investigate the architecture of the GTP cap of growing microtubule ends. Here, we conjugated EB1 to gold nanoparticles (EB1-gold) and imaged by cryo-electron tomography its interaction with dynamic microtubules assembled in vitro from purified tubulin. EB1-gold forms comets at the ends of microtubules assembled in the presence of GTP, and interacts with the outer surface of curved and straight tubulin sheets as well as closed regions of the microtubule lattice. Microtubules assembled in the presence of GTP, different GTP analogues or cell extracts display similarly curved sheets at their growing ends, which gradually straighten as their protofilament number increases until they close into a tube. Together, our data provide unique structural information on the interaction of EB1 with growing microtubule ends. They further offer insights into the conformational changes that tubulin dimers undergo during microtubule assembly and the architecture of the GTP-cap region