29 research outputs found

    Regulation of cell-fate decisions in T lymphocyte differenttiation

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    The acquisition of protective immunity is essential for survival. Protective itmllunity can be divided in innate immunity and acquired immunity. These two parts of the immune system have evolved to closely interact. Cells of the innate immune system, such as dendritic cells and macrophages, recognize potentially hazardous substances by their particular carbohydrate signature using germline-encoded receptors. In addition, innate imlllunity is thought to playa major role during the early phases of the immune response as well as in activating and regulating the acquired immune response. Acquired immunity mediates antigen-specific immune responses directed against those antigens selected by the innate immune response to be potentially noxious . The cells which are essential in effecting the acquired immune responses are the Band T lymphocytes. These cells specifically recognize foreign antigcns using their antigen receptors, the B cel

    Enforced expression of GATA-3 during T cell development inhibits maturation of CD8 single-positive cells and induces thymic lymphoma in transgenic mice

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    The zinc finger transcription factor GATA-3 is of critical importance for early T cell development and commitment of Th2 cells. To study the role of GATA-3 in early T cell development, we analyzed and modified GATA-3 expression in vivo. In mice carrying a targeted insertion of a lacZ reporter on one allele, we found that GATA-3 transcription in CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes correlated with the onset of positive selection events, i.e., TCRalphabeta up-regulation and CD69 expression. LacZ expression remained high ( approximately 80% of cells) during maturation of CD4 single-positive (SP) cells in the thymus, but in developing CD8 SP cells the fraction of lacZ-expressing cells decreased to <20%. We modified this pattern by enforced GATA-3 expression driven by the CD2 locus control region, which provides transcription of GATA-3 throughout T cell development. In two independent CD2-GATA3-transgenic lines, approximately 50% of the mice developed thymic lymphoblastoid tumors that were CD4(+)CD8(+/low) and mostly CD3(+). In tumor-free CD2-GATA3-transgenic mice, the total numbers of CD8 SP cells in the thymus were within normal ranges, but their maturation was hampered, as indicated by increased apoptosis of CD8 SP cells and a selective deficiency of mature CD69(low)HSA(low) CD8 SP cells. In the spleen and lymph nodes, the numbers of CD8(+) T cells were significantly reduced. These findings indicate that GATA-3 supports development of the CD4 lineage and inhibits maturation of CD8 SP cells in the thymus

    Smooth-muscle-derived WNT5A augments allergen-induced airway remodelling and Th2 type inflammation

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    Asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic inflammation and structural changes in the airways. The airway smooth muscle (ASM) is responsible for airway narrowing and an important source of inflammatory mediators. We and others have previously shown that WNT5A mRNA and protein expression is higher in the ASM of asthmatics compared to healthy controls. Here, we aimed to characterize the functional role of (smooth muscle-derived) WNT5A in asthma. We generated a tet-ON smooth-muscle-specific WNT5A transgenic mouse model, enabling in vivo characterization of smooth-muscle-derived WNT5A in response to ovalbumin. Smooth muscle specific WNT5A overexpression showed a clear trend towards enhanced actin (α-SMA) expression in the ASM in ovalbumin challenged animals, but had no effect on collagen content. WNT5A overexpression in ASM also significantly enhanced the production of the Th2-cytokines IL4 and IL5 in lung tissue after ovalbumin exposure. In line with this, WNT5A increased mucus production, and enhanced eosinophilic infiltration and serum IgE production in ovalbumin-treated animals. In addition, CD4+ T cells of asthma patients and healthy controls were stimulated with WNT5A and changes in gene transcription assessed by RNA-seq. WNT5A promoted expression of 234 genes in human CD4+ T cells, among which the Th2 cytokine IL31 was among the top 5 upregulated genes. IL31 was also upregulated in response to smooth muscle-specific WNT5A overexpression in the mouse. In conclusion, smooth-muscle derived WNT5A augments Th2 type inflammation and remodelling. Our findings imply a pro-inflammatory role for smooth muscle-derived WNT5A in asthma, resulting in increased airway wall inflammation and remodelling

    Characterization of a lung epithelium specific E-cadherin knock-out model: Implications for obstructive lung pathology

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    The airway epithelium regulates responses to aeroallergens, acting as a physical and immunological barrier. In asthma, epithelial barrier function and the expression of adherens junction protein E-cadherin is compromised, but it is unknown whether this is cause or consequence of the disease. We hypothesized that airway epithelial loss of E-cadherin is a critical step in the development of manifestations of asthma. We generated a transgenic mouse model with conditional loss of E-cadherin in lung epithelial cells at birth and onwards. We observed normal lung development at the time of birth in mice lacking E-cadherin in the lung epithelium. However, E-cadherin deficiency led to progressive epithelial damage in mice growing into adulthood, as evidenced by airway epithelial denudation, decreased zonula occludens (ZO)-1 expression, loss of ciliated cells, and enlarged alveolar spaces. In addition, spontaneous goblet cell metaplasia with mucus production was observed. These epithelial changes were accompanied by elevated levels of the epithelial-derived chemokine CCL17, infiltration of eosinophils and dendritic cells, and mucus production. In conclusion, loss of E-cadherin induces features in the lung reminiscent of those observed in asthma, indicating that the disruption of E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts may play a key role in the development of asthma manifestations

    The Pediatric Cell Atlas: defining the growth phase of human development at single-cell resolution

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    Single-cell gene expression analyses of mammalian tissues have uncovered profound stage-specific molecular regulatory phenomena that have changed the understanding of unique cell types and signaling pathways critical for lineage determination, morphogenesis, and growth. We discuss here the case for a Pediatric Cell Atlas as part of the Human Cell Atlas consortium to provide single-cell profiles and spatial characterization of gene expression across human tissues and organs. Such data will complement adult and developmentally focused HCA projects to provide a rich cytogenomic framework for understanding not only pediatric health and disease but also environmental and genetic impacts across the human lifespan

    Susceptibility to chronic mucus hypersecretion, a genome wide association study

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    Background: Chronic mucus hypersecretion (CMH) is associated with an increased frequency of respiratory infections, excess lung function decline, and increased hospitalisation and mortality rates in the general population. It is associated with smoking, but it is unknown why only a minority of smokers develops CMH. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon is a predisposing genetic constitution. Therefore, we performed a genome wide association (GWA) study of CMH in Caucasian populations. Methods: GWA analysis was performed in the NELSON-study using the Illumina 610 array, followed by replication and meta-analysis in 11 additional cohorts. In total 2,704 subjects with, and 7,624 subjects without CMH were included, all current or former heavy smokers (≥20 pack-years). Additional studies were performed to test the functional relevance of the most significant single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Results: A strong association with CMH, consistent across all cohorts, was observed with rs6577641 (p = 4.25x10-6, OR = 1.17), located in intron 9 of the special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 1 locus (SATB1) on chromosome 3. The risk allele (G) was associated with higher mRNA expression of SATB1 (4.3x10 -9) in lung tissue. Presence of CMH was associated with increased SATB1 mRNA expression in bronchial biopsies from COPD patients. SATB1 expression was induced during differentiation of primary human bronchial epithelial cells in culture. Conclusions: Our findings, that SNP rs6577641 is associated with CMH in multiple cohorts and is a cis-eQTL for SATB1, together with our additional observation that SATB1 expression increases during epithelial differentiation provide suggestive evidence that SATB1 is a gene that affects CMH