131 research outputs found

    Planktic foraminifera analyses of surface sediments and satellite data in the Canary Islands region

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    The Canary Islands region occupies a key position with respect to biogeochemical cycles, with the zonal transition from oligotrophic to nutrient-rich waters and the contribution of Saharan dust to the particle flux. We present the distribution of geochemical proxies (TOC, carbonate, d15N, d13Corg, C/N-ratio) and micropaleontological parameters (diatoms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, pteropods), in 80 surface-sediment samples in order to characterise the influence of coastally upwelled water on the domain of the subtropical gyre. Results of the surface-sediment analyses confirmed the high biomass gradient from the coast to the open ocean inferred from satellite data of surface chlorophyll or SST. The distribution of total dinoflagellate cysts, the planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides, the diatom resting spore Chaetoceros spp., and TOC concentration coincided well with the areas of strong filament production off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi. The warm-water planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white), the diatom Nitzschia spp., and the d15N-values showed the opposite trend with high values in the open ocean. Factor analyses on the planktic foraminifera species distribution indicated three major assemblages in the Canary Islands region that represent the present surface-water conditions from the upwelling influenced region via a mixing area towards the subtropical gyre

    Glacial-interglacial sediment record from the North Atlantic

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    Studies from the subtropical western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, using the 231Pa/230Th ratio as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of meridional overturning circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. In this study, we present a compilation of existing and new sedimentary 231Pa/230Th records from North Atlantic cores between 1710 and 4550 m water depth. Comparing sedimentary 231Pa/230Th from different depths provides new insights into the evolution of the geometry and rate of deep water formation in the North Atlantic during the last 20,000 years. The 231Pa/230Th ratio measured in upper Holocene sediments indicates slow water renewal above ~2500 m and rapid flushing below, consistent with our understanding of modern circulation. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) drove a rapid overturning circulation to a depth of at least ~3000 m depth. Below ~4000 m, water renewal was much slower than today. At the onset of Heinrich event 1, transport by the overturning circulation declined at all depths. GNAIW shoaled above 3000 m and significantly weakened but did not totally shut down. During the Bølling-Allerød (BA) that followed, water renewal rates further decreased above 2000 m but increased below. Our results suggest for the first time that ocean circulation during that period was quite distinct from the modern circulation mode, with a comparatively higher renewal rate above 3000 m and a lower renewal rate below in a pattern similar to the LGM but less accentuated. MOC during the Younger Dryas appears very similar to BA down to 2000 m and slightly slower below

    (Table S1) 230Th normalized diatom fluxes through HE1 in sediment core MD95-2027

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    he last glacial was punctuated by several massive ice sheet surges into the North Atlantic that impacted surface water hydrology especially where icebergs melted. However, the links between variations in surface water hydrology and surface water productivity during these Heinrich events (HEs) remain uncertain. To address this issue, diatoms and organic carbon were examined across Heinrich event 1 (HE 1) and Heinrich event 4 (HE 4) in seven sediment cores spanning 40°N to 63°N latitude. Our results show low diatom abundances during HEs, consistent with decreased surface water productivity. Diatom dilution by increased sediment flux was tested by normalizing diatom abundance to a constant 230Th flux. Although the particle rain rate was enhanced during HEs, this does not explain the sharp drop in diatoms. During HE 4, surface productivity decreased at all latitudes examined, probably because of strong, year-round stratification. The same inferred changes occurred during HE 1 within the area of maximum iceberg melting. However, at northern latitudes (above 50°N) the summer insolation increase of the glacial termination drove increased surface productivity during the whole period, including HE 1. Marine organic carbon, taken as independent proxy for export production, supports the diatom data. Trends shown by the productivity proxies evolve generally in parallel with the hydrographic proxies, with an increase in productivity when sea surface temperature increases

    (Appendix) Th, U and Pa chemistry of North Atlantic deep-sea sediments

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    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a key feature of the climate system. However, its role during climate change is still poorly constrained particularly during an Interglacial to Glacial climate transition and the associated global cooling. We present here the first reconstruction of the evolution of the vertical structure of the rate of the AMOC from the Last Interglaciation to the subsequent glaciation (128,000-60,000 years ago) based on sedimentary (231Pa/230Th) records. We show a deep AMOC during the interglacial warmth Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.5 and a shallower glacial one during glacial MIS 4. The change between these two patterns occurred mostly during the glacial inception, i.e. the transition from MIS 5.5 to MIS 5.4. Our data show that AMOC was enhanced during this latter transition as a consequence of a large increase of the overturning rate of the Intermediate Waters, above 2500 m. We suggest that this AMOC pattern required a reinforced Gulf Stream-North Atlantic Current system that ultimately supported ice-sheet growth by providing heat and moisture to the Northern high latitudes. From MIS 5.4 to MIS 5.1, the AMOC was broadly continuous below 2000 m and supported periods of ice-sheet growth. As a result, a glacial AMOC is triggered at the beginning of MIS 4 due to the extension of ice-sheet and the subsequent reorganization of deep-water formation. This study highlights the role of intermediate waters as a major player during climate change