21 research outputs found
Silver compounds and nature fibres influence on antibacterial activity
Šio darbo tikslas yra įvertinti įvairios sudėties mezginių prigimties ir sidabro junginių antibakterinį poveikį Escherichia coli ir Staphylococcus aureus bakterijoms. Tirti grynapluoščių ir mišriapluosčių įvairių ilginių tankių mezginių bandiniai apdoroti pagal tekstilės pramonėje naudojamą technologiją naudojant komercinę sidabro suspensiją iSys Ag, neorganinės – organinės kilmės rišiklį iSys MTX ir apdoroti sidabro nitrato tirpalu. Antibakterinio aktyvumo tyrimai buvo atliekami pagal AATC1999:100 ir LST ISO 20645:2004 standartus. Atliktais tyrimais įvertinome sintetinių ir gamtinių pluoštų, kurie buvo apdoroti įvairiais sidabro junginiais įtaką E.coli ir S.aureus gyvybingumui. Tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad medvilninių, bambuko ir poliesterio mezginių, apdorotų sidabro suspensija ir sidabro jonais, antibakterinis poveikis E.coli ir S.aureus bakterijų kultūroms nepriklauso nuo siūlo ilginio tankio. Palyginamieji antibakterinio aktyvumo tyrimų rezultatai ir sidabro junginių koncentracijų nustatymo rezultatai rodo, kad mezginių, apdorotų sidabro nitratu antibakterinis aktyvumas yra didesnis, nei mezginių, apdorotų sidabro suspensija nuplovus vieną, ar tris kartus.The goal of this work is to assess the impact of the treatment with silver compounds and the nature treated knits on the antibacterial activity of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. In the studies used variety of blended knitwear and virgin fiber with different linear density that are treated by technology used commercial silver suspension iSys Ag and inorganic and organic binder iSys MTX and silver nitrate solution. Antibacterial activity studies have been carried out in accordance with LST ISO 20645 and AATC1999:100: 2004 standarts. Studies have evaluated synthetic and natural fibers that have been treated with a variety of silver compounds in E. coli and S. aureus influence viability. The results show that the cotton, bamboo and polyester knit treated with a suspension of silver and silver ions, the antibacterial effect of E. coli and S. aureus bacterial cultures is independent of the yarn linear density. Comparative studies of antibacterial activity of silver compounds and determining the levels of the results shows that the ovary treated with silver nitrate in the antibacterial activity is higher than the ovary treated with a suspension of silver washing one or three times.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Phytochemical analysis of Bidens tripartita L. using spectrophotometric and liquid chromatographic methods
In medicinal plants are found biologically active chemical compounds: alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, saponins, phenols, essential oils etc. These compounds are known as secondary metabolites. that plants accumulate mainly phenolic. Bidens tripartita L. was selected as phytochemical investigation object. It belongs to the family of Asteraceae, Bidens L. genus. It accumulates mainly essential oils and phenoloc compounds. In this research work phenolic compounds present in Bidens tripartita L. were analysed spectrophotometrically and using HPLC. Radical scavenging activity of rhe extracts of this plant were evaluated. Bidens tripartita L. was grown in VMU Kaunas Botanical Garden. The raw material was collected at different vegetation phases, bud formation, flowering, massive flowering and in the end of flowering. The raw material is dried at 20 – 25 ° C in a well–ventilated and direct sunlight protected place. Loss of weight was determined according to requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (2006). Phenolic compounds (2012 year plant material) was analysed spectrophotometrically using the Folin – Ciocalteu reagent. The highest amounts of phenolic compounds were determined during the intensive plant growth phenological phase (162.5 mgRE/g) and the lowest – at the end of flowering (32.3 mgRE/g). The bigest amounts of flavonoids in the plant was also in phase of intensive growth (94.5 mgRE/g) and the lowest – in the end of flowering (20.9 mgRE/g). The highest free radical scavenging activity was in the end of flowering (145.5 mgRE/g) and the lowest activity in intensive growth phase (93.7 mgRE/g). Plant material, collected in 2014 year was also analyzed. The content of phenolic compounds was highest during the intensive growth period (123.1mgRE/g) and the lowest during the intensive flowering (62.7 mgRE/g). Flavonoid contents in all periods of growth were similar (ca. 34.2 mgRE/g). [...]Biologijos katedraBotanikos sodasGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
The evaluation of interaction of several antioxidants by spectrophotometric methods
Nowadays, the demand of natural antioxidants has increased, because antioxidants can reduce or even stop the progression of many chronic diseases and can restore damaged structures of the human body. Antioxidants are found in various plants and are used for production of food supplements or can be used as natural food additives. People often use different plant extracts in order to get a stronger effect, considering only biological characteristics of a single plant. However, the question do biologically active substances of plants inhibit or promote each other is not answered yet. The general purpose of this work was to evaluate the interaction between several potential antioxidants by spectrophotometric methods. Four flavonoids (kaempherol, rutin, naringenin, myricetin) and three phenolic acids (ferulic, caffeic and salicylic acids) were selected for the analysis. The total amount of phenolic compounds was evaluated by the Folin–Ciocalteu method; the total content of flavonoids was determined by aluminium trichloride assay. There were used different combinations of methanolic (75%) solutions of flavonoids or phenolic acids, including 2 or 3 components. The mixture of two components was mixed in three different ratios (1:1, 1:2, 2:1), mixture of three components in 1:1:1 ratio. The absorbance of all mixtures were compared with standard solutions absorbancesBiochemijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Phytochemical analysis diploid and polyploid forms of ribes using spectrophotometric, liquid and gas chromatographic methods
Polyploid plants can be created using biotechnological modification methods. New plant can differ from the primary form: anatomical features of the plant, different quality and quantity of secondary metabolites and different size fruits. Blackcurrants are cultivated as industrial applications and mainly used of berries. In folk medicine the leaves and buds of blackcurrant are used for tea. The tea can be used for treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and gastric disorders [1]. Blackcurrants diploid and polyploid forms that were grown in Lithuanian institute of horticulture were used for phytochemical research [2]. Volatile aroma compounds of diploid and polyploid forms of Ribes buds and stalks were analysed by gas chromotography. The qualitative analysis of total content of phenolic compounds was completed using spectrofotometric methods with Folin – Ciocalteu reagent. Flavonoid content was determined using reaction with aluminum chloride. Radical scavenging activity was measured using DPPH radical. With liquid chromatography were identified phenol compounds and their contents of blackcurrants methanol extract. Liquid chromatography was used with reversed – phase column with reaction detectorInstrumentinės analizės APCLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Effect of oryzalin concentrations on in vitro growth of explants of medicinal plants
Plant biotechnology provides a possibility to create new varieties of plants that are of improved resistance for diseases and higher productivity. Medicinal plants currently gain high attention in biomedical and biotechnological research fields. Mainly they occur in nature as diploids. Using biotechnological modification polyploidal forms of medicinal plants can be created. The task of such modification is better plant properties, such as thicker plant stalk, higher green mass production, accumulation of higher amounts of secondary metabolites. Created polyploidal plants can be of high importance in pharmaceutical industry and agriculture. For induction of ploidity of medicinal plants in vitro oryzalin was used. Oryzalin is a herbicide used to induce ploidity as an alternative to colchicine. Using this substance plant root growth is suspended. In this research for biotechnological modification some medicinal plant species were selected: Portulaca oleracea L., Anthyllis vulneraria L., Trigonella foenum - graecum L. and Achillea millefolium L. Primary biotechnological modification experiments revealed lethal dose of oryzalin concentrations in the nutrition medium which is harmful to the development of plants. The plants were grown at malt extract 4% medium using different concentration of oryzalin: 0 mg/ml, 0.0056 mg/ml, 0.0168 mg/ml, 0.028 mg/ml, 0.056 mg/ml. 0.07 mg/ml, 0,096 mg/ml. After incubation for 21 days lethal dose of oryzalin in the medium was determined for medicinal plants. It was found that oryzalin maximum concentration, which the plant can stand is for Portulaca oleracea L. of 0.07 mg/ml Anthyllis vulneraria L. 0.056 mg/ml, Trigonella foenum - graecum L. 0.07 mg/ml, Achillea millefolium L. 0.07 mg/mlInstrumentinės analizės APCLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Separation of free amino acids in ribes nigrum l. Extract using capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detector
Capillary electrophoresis has been used for nearly half of the century in the separation science. Recognition of this separation methodology (especially coupled with contactless conductivity detection) has grown in the past few decades. The standardization of commercial and custom instrumentation is imminent. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) was selected as the plant of interest. It is a shrub commonly grown in various parts of the world in temperate climate. Tasteful fruits of blackcurrant are a rich source of vitamin C and other health beneficial substances such as phenolic compounds, organic acids, pectins, micro and macronutrients and essential oils. Amino acids (arginine, cysteine, glutamine, leucine, proline, and tryptophan), which are rarely investigated in this plant, can act as cell signaling molecules and regulators of gene expression. They regulate metabolic pathways that are responsible for maintenance, growth, reproduction and immunity. Literature reports that bioactive compounds in the buds of wild R. nigrum L. are constituted from approximately 50% of organic acids, 30% of polyphenols, 14% of monoterpenes and 6% of vitamins and bioactive compounds in the cultivated varieties of blackcurrant buds are constituted from approximately 70% of polyphenols, 27% of organic acids and 2% of vitamins. In this research work capillary electrophoresis instrument coupled with contactless conductivity detector was used for separation and identification of amino acids. Amino acids (L-cystine, L-hydroxyproline, L-phenylalanine) were identified in the extracts of R. nigrum LInstrumentinės analizės APCLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and radical scavenging activity of tetraploid and diploid forms of leaves, berries and stalks of blackcurrant (Ribes Nigrum L.)
The blackcurrant berries is known to have high nutritional value, with a high level of polyphenols, namely antocianins, phenolic acids, flavanols and proanthocyanidins. Spectrophotometry was used to characterize total phonolics, flavonoids and radical scavenging capacity in leaves samples collected at different vegetation phases of blackcurrant as well as berries and stalks. Blackcurrant was cultivated in Institute of Horticulture of Lithuanian Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry. The level of ploidy of analysed blackcurrants was diploid and tetraploid. Using phytochemical analysis of tetraploid blackcurrant was determined that this form has a tendency to accumulate higher amounts of phenolic compounds rather than diploid form. Higher radical scavenging activity was determined of the leaves of tetraploid blackcurrant comparing to the leaves of diploid form of blackcurrantGamtos mokslų fakultetasInstrumentinės analizės APCLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and radical scavenging activity of tetraploid and diploid forms of leaves, berries and stalks of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.)
The blackcurrant berries are known to have high nutritional value, with a high level of polyphenols, namely anthocyanins, phenolic acids, flavanols and proanthocyanidins. Spectrophotometry was used to characterize total phenolics, flavonoids and radical scavenging capacity in leaves samples collected at different vegetation phases of blackcurrant as well as berries and stalks. Blackcurrant was cultivated in Institute of Horticulture of Lithuanian Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry. The level of ploidy of analysed blackcurrants was diploid or tetraploid. Using phytochemical analysis of tetraploid blackcurrant was determined that this form accumulates higher amounts of phenolic compounds than diploid form. Higher radical scavenging activity was determined of the leaves of tetraploid blackcurrant comparing to the leaves of diploid form of blackcurrantGamtos mokslų fakultetasInstrumentinės analizės APCLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
The investigation of the effect chitosan on the quality parameters of Ribes Nigrum L
Instrumental and material support from VMU research cluster F-08-03 is acknowledgedBlackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) is a shrub commonly grown in various parts of the world in temperate climate. The blackcurrant berries are known to have high nutritional value, high level of polyphenols, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, flavonols and proanthocyanidins. In previous studies of polyphenolic compounds in blackcurrant it was determined, that highest level of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and radical scavenging activity is found in berries of polyploid plants, which were collected at the end of fruit harvesting period. The shelf life of blackcurrant berries is short (two days), therefore extending the shelf life is investigated in this study. Blackcurrant berries were coated with different molecular weight chitosan, which is considered as a natural preservative for extending the shelf life of sensitive fruits. During the shelf-life period for determination of physico-chemical and nutritional parameters following methods were used: (i) titration for the content of vitamin C and for (ii) the anthocyanins, (iii) spectrophotometry for the phenolic compound content, (iv) refractometry for determination of total solids, (v) pH change of the juice, (vi) micro-dynamometry for the firmness of berry peel and (vii) weighting method for the mass loss during the shelf life period. The chitosan coating improved the quality of the blackcurrant berries with respect preservation of to vitamin C content, anthocyanins, polyphenols and user-acceptable firmness. Specific details and problematics will be discussed during the conference. The chitosan coating can be used to extend the shelf-life of the berries of blackcurrantInstrumentinės analizės APCLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Phenolic metabolites and antimicrobial activity of Angelica Archangelica L
P11Angelica archangelica L. is an important medicinal herb used in medicine of the Far East and certain Western countries. This plant accumulates phenolic compounds that are involved in many metabolic processes and are considered as biologically active. Additionally phenolic compounds possess antimicrobial activity and Angelica archangelica L. is classified as antimicrobial plant. The aim of this work was to investigate chemical composition of Angelica archangelica L. and evaluate antimicrobial activity. Angelica archangelica L. was grown in the section of medicinal plants of botanical garden Vytautas Magnus University. The plant was taken during the period of massive blooming and dried. Dried material was grinded and extracted using 75 % methanol – water mixture with the ratio of 1: 20. The extracts were filtered an analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography with radical scavengin reaction detection of DPPH. Antimicrobial activity was tested against following bacteria: Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris and Staphylococcus aureus with and without antibiotic resistances originating from livestock. In Angelica archangelica L. was identified following compounds: imperatorin, oxypeucedanin, byakangelicol, phellopterin provided highest radical scavenging activity. The extract of Angelica archangelica L. was found to be active against following bacteria: Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris and Staphylococcus aureus. Angelica archangelica L. contains high quantity of biologically active compounds and provide antimicrobial activity against certain bacteria. This study was supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship. Postdoctoral fellowship is being funded by European Union Structural Funds project ―Postdoctoral Fellowship Implementation in LithuaniaBotanikos sodasInstrumentinės analizės APCVytauto Didžiojo universiteta