20 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan Pasangan Usia Subur Tentang Program Kb di Rw 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to determine the knowledge pair age fertile about family planning in the RW 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Pekanbaru city. The problem was how high the knowledge of ferltile couple about family planning program in the RW 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Pekanbaru city? .This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach which aims to describe the result with figures. The sampling technique using a quota sampling technique, which is a technique for determining a sample of the population that have certain characteristics until the expectations of the amount of quota. Data collection techniques in this study is by using a test, which was 46 objective question that was distributed to 72 mothers fertile age in the RW 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah. The result show that knowledge of fertile couple about family planning program in the indicator purpose and knowledge on family planning is highest with the value of mean 0,675 and Standard Deviation (SD) 0,533 compared 2 others indicators. It\u27s mean Fertile couple more knowing about the purpose and knowledge on family planning generally but not for detailed

    Karakter Kewirausahaan Masyarakat dalam USAha Ladudi Kecamatan Pariaman Tengah Kota Pariaman Sumatera Barat

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    This study was motivated by curiosity about the character of the community in an effort Ladu in Kota Pariaman Central Pariaman District of West Sumatra. The research problems are lack of kreaativitas community towards making Ladu. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of Character Enterprise Business Community In Ladu in Central City Pariaman Pariaman District of West Sumatra. The population in this study were 35 trials with a sample of 20 people and sample 35 in accordance with the technique of saturated samples. Data collection instrument is a questionnaire with 149 statements and after testing 131 valid statement. Data analysis through quantitative descriptive. Presentation of the calculation of the answers obtained by the findings that the entrepreneurial character of communities in Ladu businesses in Central Pariaman District of West Sumatra Pariaman City is very high in conducting entrepreneurial activity

    Kontribusi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan dan Interaksi Sosial terhadap Karakter Kewirausahaan Peserta Didik Man 1 Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of the implementation ofentrepreneurial learning and social interaction, either individually or jointly to theentrepreneurial character of learners. This study was conducted in MAN 1Pekanbaru. The population in this study were students of class XI and XII IPS IIS asmany as 139 respondents with prior test instrument by 30 respondents. Testing thevalidity of the correlation performed using SPSS software and instrument reliabilityseen in Alpha Croncbach. This research was conducted with a descriptiveexamination of data, testing hypotheses and seek contributions. The result ofresearch shows that 1) Contributions implementation of entrepreneurial learningentrepreneurial character by 20%. 2) The contribution of social interaction with theentrepreneurial character of 11.5%. 3) Contributions implementation ofentrepreneurial learning and social interaction with the entrepreneurial character ofstudents was 22.1,%. The conclusion that the implementation of entrepreneuriallearning and social interaction with the entrepreneurial character of learners MAN 1Pekanbaru ties and contributions

    Kebutuhan Belajar Ibu Rumah Tangga Usia Subur di Desa Sipungguk Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar

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    Research it is based on needs learn housewives fertile in village Sipungguk Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar. Needs learn housewives is the or enterprise undertaken for research and find things needed in learning that can be seen from; (a) needs learning pertaining to a work assignment; (b) needs learn that deals with fondness and recreation; (c) needs learn pertaining to religious; (d) needs learn that deals with a mastery of language and general knowledge; (e) needs learn pertaining to a tanggaan; (f) needs learn pertaining to penamilan self; (g) needs learn that deals with knowledge tourism; (h) needs learning related to the efforts in agriculture; (i) needs learn pertaining to services. Formulation problems research is whether needs learn housewives fertile in the village Sipungguk Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar?. The purpose of this research is to find the study housewives fertile in the village Sipungguk Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar. Population in this study as many as 75 people .Then the researcher take intended to the sample 43 people to research and 20 people to test on using a technique simple random sampling. An instrument data collection namely poll with 62 a statement and if the trial live 60 a statement that valid to make instrument in research. Through data analysis of the quantitative descriptive analysis. So, a conclusion can be drawn, needs learn housewives fertile in the village Sipungguk Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar sub indicators to 9 sub indicators in know its mean value and primary schools high

    Pengorganisasian Gugus Depan Pramuka Universitas Riau

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    This research is backgrounded by the scout organization under the University environment, due to unnecessary and irregular student schedule which where the student yag has become a member rarely participate in the activity. The formulation of this research problem is how the process of organizing the Riau University scout front group? Know how the process of organizing Scout University of Riau in the world of Organizations that take refuge under Higher Education. This organizing indicator is a function of organizing, organizing process, organizing principles, and organizing principles. This data collection uses documentation, observation, and interview techniques. The results will be presented and described in the form of sentences, explanations, or statements meaningful to organize the front group of Scouts of Riau University

    Studi Pelaksanaan Diklat Jurnalistik Mahasiswa Tingkat Dasar Unit Kerja Mahasiswa Bahana Mahasiswa Universitas Riau

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    This study aims to determine how to provide education and training for students of journalism in Taja by the Student Work Unit (UKM) Bahana Riau University Students. The main focus of this study was to determine the activity of journalism education and training of students. On the basis of this primary focus, then there are 15 sub focus into concentration. This type of research is descriptive qualitative case study approach. Data collection techniques in this research is by interview, observation and documentation on the informant, The results have been summarized in the 15 activities of an education and journalism training for students by SMEs Bahana Students at the University of Riau. From this process the participants have writing skills, through the process of a guardian or trustee Bahana SMEs through direct guidance and learn directly, task or assignment, by way of training and practice

    Analisis Pelaksanaan 10 Program Pokok Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (Pkk) di Desa Sukadamai Kecamatan Ujungbatu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Based on the observations done by researcher in the field then researcher get the phenomena faced by activator team of family welfare empowerment (PKK) sukadamai village at the time of implementation that is: there is still any some PKK members who don't understand and don't even know about 10 main program of PKK which must be done by PKK. The implementation of other community activities and maternal & child health centre (Posyandu) is still lack of support from the RT and RW, the lack of public participation on community activities. The purpose of this research is to know the execution of 10 main program of PKK in sukadamai village ujungbatu subdistrict of Rokan Hulu regency. This research used qualitative methods by using a descriptive approach. The results of this research showed that 1. Comprehension and implementing pancasila in practice is very good, 2. Implementation of mutual aid (gotong royong) is very good, 3. Food was implemented well enough, 4. Clothing has done very good 5. Housing and the implementation of households, have been implemented with good, 6. Education and skills is already done good, 7. Health is already done good, 8. development of cooperative life have been implemented with good 9. Environmental Sustainability was done good, 10. healthy Planning has been implemented with good

    The Effect of School Principal Supervision on Teacher Professionalism in SMA Pekanbaru

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    There are a number of the phenomenon among high school teachers in Pekanbaru. Some of them are in low spirit of work in performing tasks, fewer rewards for teachers, lack of teaching preparation, lack of attention from school principals in running the school vision and mission, low performance of the deputy principal, and absence of regular supervision of the principal. Based on the above description, this paper is aimed at investigating the following research question: Does the principal supervision affect the professionalism of high school teachers in Pekanbaru?. The population of this quantitative research type is 137 people. 104 people were selected as the sample using proportional random sampling. Data were collected through distributing a questionnaire to the respondents after testing its validity and reliability. This study revealed that there is a positive influence of principal supervision (X) on teacher professionalism (Y) in SMA Pekanbaru. This means that the better and more effective the principal supervision (X), then, the higher the teacher professionalism (Y) will be. Therefore, Principal Supervision (X) is an important variable for improving Teacher Professionalism (Y)