5 research outputs found

    Upaya Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to find out information abaut the efforts of primary schools and the role of leaders in developing teacher professionalism. Using a qualitative approach, this study involved principals, teachers, and staffs of Education Department. The data were collected through observation, documentary study, in-depth interviews, and focused-group discussions, which were then analized by means of reduction, classification, and verification. The study found that primary schools carried out training and workshop, teacher group work, and classroom supervision for teacher professional development and that leaders played important roles in such activities

    Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Bermutu

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    In this article the principles of Quality Education have been stated. Only by implementing these principles can quality education be achieved. That is what every educational institution, both public and private must aim for and strive for. The thougts presented by the athor are based mainly on the author’s experiences as a teacher/lecturer for approximately 35 years. In addition, the thoughts of experts and various literatures, especially about the philosophy of quality, are also used by the author to strengthen those thoughts. Hopefuly the contents of this article are useful especially for the glory of society, especially for the benefit of qualified teachers or lectures in the future. &nbsp

    Pendidikan karakter : membangun watak & kepribadian anak

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