92 research outputs found

    Linearized non-minimal higher curvature supergravity

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    In the framework of linearized non-minimal supergravity (20/20), we present the embedding of the R+R2 model and we analyze its field spectrum. As usual, the auxiliary fields of the Einstein theory now become propagating, giving rise to additional degrees of freedom, which organize themselves into on-shell irreducible supermultiplets. By performing the analysis both in component and superspace formulations we identify the new supermultiplets. On top of the two massive chiral superfields reminiscent of the old-minimal supergravity embedding, the spectrum contains also a consistent physical, massive, vector supermultiplet and a tachyonic ghost, massive, vector supermultiplet

    On the holographic width of flux tubes

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    We investigate the width of the flux tube between heavy static quark charges. Using the gauge/gravity duality, we find the properties of the minimal connected surface related to the width of the bound state. We show that in the confining phase, the logarithmic broadening predicted by the effective string description and observed in lattice simulations is a generic property of all confining backgrounds. We also study the transverse fluctuations of the string connecting two static quarks in curved backgrounds. Our formalism is applied to AdS space where we compute the expectation value of the square of transverse deviations of the string, a quantity related to the width

    Formation of Fermi surfaces and the appearance of liquid phases in holographic theories with hyperscaling violation

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    We consider a holographic fermionic system in which the fermions are interacting with a U(1) gauge field in the presence of a dilaton field in a gravity bulk of a charged black hole with hyperscaling violation. Using both analytical and numerical methods, we investigate the properties of the infrared and ultaviolet Green’s functions of the holographic fermionic system. Studying the spectral functions of the system, we find that as the hyperscaling violation exponent is varied, the fermionic system possesses Fermi, non-Fermi, marginal-Fermi and log-oscillating liquid phases. Various liquid phases of the fermionic system with hyperscaling violation are also generated with the variation of the fermionic mass. We also explore the properties of the flat band and the Fermi surface of the non-relativistic fermionic fixed point dual to the hyperscaling violation gravity

    Entanglement entropy and duality in AdS 4

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    Small variations of the entanglement entropy δS and the expectation value of the modular Hamiltonian δE are computed holographically for circular entangling curves in the boundary of AdS4 , using gravitational perturbations with general boundary conditions in spherical coordinates. Agreement with the first law of thermodynamics, δS=δE , requires that the line element of the entangling curve remains constant. In this context, we also find a manifestation of electric–magnetic duality for the entanglement entropy and the corresponding modular Hamiltonian, following from the holographic energy–momentum/Cotton tensor duality

    Charged Rényi entropies in CFTs with Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet holographic duals

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    We calculate the Rényi entropy S q ( μ, λ ), for spherical entangling surfaces in CFT’s with Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell holographic duals. Rényi entropies must obey some interesting inequalities by definition. However, for Gauss-Bonnet couplings λ , larger than specific value, but still allowed by causality, we observe a violation of the inequality ∂ ∂ q q − 1 q S q μ λ ≥ 0 ∂∂q(q−1qSq(μ,λ))≥ 0 \frac{\partial }{\partial q}\left(\frac{q-1}{q}{S}_q\left(\mu, \lambda \right)\right)\ge\ 0 , which is related to the existence of negative entropy black holes, providing interesting restrictions in the bulk theory. Moreover, we find an interesting distinction of the behaviour of the analytic continuation of S q ( μ, λ ) for imaginary chemical potential, between negative and non-negative λ

    Dynamically generated gap from holography in the charged black brane with hyperscaling violation

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    We holographically investigate the effects of a dipole coupling between a fermion field and a U(1) gauge field on the dual fermionic sector in the charged gravity bulk with hyperscaling violation. We analytically study the features of the ultraviolet and infrared Green’s functions of the dual fermionic system and we show that as the dipole coupling and the hyperscaling violation exponent are varied, the fluid possess Fermi, marginal Fermi, non-Fermi liquid phases and also an additional Mott insulating phase. We find that the increase of the hyperscaling violation exponent which effectively reduces the dimensionality of the system makes it harder for the Mott gap to be formed. We also show that the observed duality between zeros and poles in the presence of a dipole moment coupling still persists in theories with hyperscaling violation

    Supersymmetry breaking by higher dimension operators

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    We discuss a supersymmetry breaking mechanism for <math altimg="si1.gif" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mi mathvariant="script">N</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math> theories triggered by higher dimensional operators. We consider such operators for real linear and chiral spinor superfields that break supersymmetry and reduce to the Volkov–Akulov action. We also consider supersymmetry breaking induced by a higher dimensional operator of a nonminimal scalar (complex linear) multiplet. The latter differs from the standard chiral multiplet in its auxiliary sector, which contains, in addition to the complex scalar auxiliary of a chiral superfield, a complex vector and two spinors auxiliaries. By adding an appropriate higher dimension operator, the scalar auxiliary may acquire a nonzero vev triggering spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We find that the spectrum of the theory in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum consists of a free chiral multiplet and a constraint chiral superfield describing the goldstino. Interestingly, the latter turns out to be one of the auxiliary fermions, which becomes dynamical in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. In all cases we are considering here, there is no sgoldstino mode and thus the goldstino does not have a superpartner. The sgoldstino is decoupled since the goldstino is one of the auxiliaries, which is propagating only in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. We also point out how higher dimension operators introduce a potential for the propagating scalar of the theory

    On marginal deformations and non-integrability

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    We study the interplay between a particular marginal deformation of N \mathcal{N} = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, the β deformation, and integrability in the holographic setting. Using modern methods of analytic non-integrability of Hamiltonian systems, we find that, when the β parameter takes imaginary values, classical string trajectories on the dual background become non-integrable. We expect the same to be true for generic complex β parameter. By exhibiting the Poincaré sections and phase space trajectories for the generic complex β case, we provide numerical evidence of strong sensitivity to initial conditions. Our findings agree with expectations from weak coupling that the complex β deformation is non-integrable and provide a rigorous argument beyond the trial and error approach to non-integrability

    Supersymmetry breaking and inflation from higher curvature supergravity

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    The generic embedding of the R + R 2 higher curvature theory into old-minimal supergravity leads to models with rich vacuum structure in addition to its well-known inflationary properties. When the model enjoys an exact R-symmetry, there is an inflationary phase with a single supersymmetric Minkowski vacuum. This appears to be a special case of a more generic set-up, which in principle may include R-symmetry violating terms which are still of pure supergravity origin. By including the latter terms, we find new supersymmetry breaking vacua compatible with single-field inflationary trajectories. We discuss explicitly two such models and we illustrate how the inflaton is driven towards the supersymmetry breaking vacuum after the inflationary phase. In these models the gravitino mass is of the same order as the inflaton mass. Therefore, pure higher curvature supergravity may not only accommodate the proper inflaton field, but it may also provide the appropriate hidden sector for supersymmetry breaking after inflation has ended

    The cosmology of interacting spin-2 fields

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    We investigate the cosmology of interacting spin-2 particles, formulating the multi-gravitational theory in terms of vierbeins and without imposing any Deser-van Nieuwen-huizen-like constraint. The resulting multi-vierbein theory represents a wider class of gravitational theories if compared to the corresponding multi-metric models. Moreover, as opposed to its metric counterpart which in general seems to contain ghosts, it has already been proved to be ghost-free. We outline a discussion about the possible matter couplings and we focus on the study of cosmological scenarios in the case of three and four interacting vierbeins. We find rich behavior, including de Sitter solutions with an effective cosmological constant arising from the multi-vierbein interaction, dark-energy solutions and nonsingular bouncing behavior
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