1,617 research outputs found

    Photo: Observer recording safety information

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    Photo: Observer measuring a sea robi

    Aversive Conditioning and Monk Seal–Human Interactions in the Main Hawaiian Islands

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    The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is to understand and predict changes in the Earth=s environment and to conserve and manage coastal and oceanic marine resources and habitats to help meet our Nation=s economic, social, and environmental needs. As a branch of NOAA, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) conducts or sponsors research and monitoring programs to improve the scientific basis for conservation and management decisions. NMFS strives to make information about the purpose, methods, and results of its scientific studies widely available. NMFS = Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) uses the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS series to achieve timely dissemination of scientific and technical information that is of high quality but inappropriate for publication in the formal peerreviewed literature. The contents are of broad scope, including technical workshop proceedings, large data compilations, status reports and reviews, lengthy scientific or statistical monographs, and more. NOAA Technical Memoranda published by the PIFSC, although informal, are subjected to extensive review and editing and reflect sound professional work. Accordingly, they may be referenced in the formal scientific and technical literature. A NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS issued by the PIFSC may be cited using the following format

    Marine Fishes of the California Current

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    Regional Administrator Northwest Regional Office

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    Abstract: This Environmental Assessment (EA) analyzes the effects of establishing recordkeeping, reporting, catch sorting, and weighing requirements for persons who receive, buy, or accept Pacific whiting from vessels participating in the primary season for the shorebased sector. The Pacific whiting shoreside fishery has been managed under Exempted Fisheries Permit (EFPs) since 1992. However, EFPs are intended to be a temporary and an exploratory response to issues that potentially could be addressed by permanent regulations. The alternative action analyzed in this EA would be the first step towards replacing the EFP with permanent regulations. Although the Pacific whiting shoreside vessels will continue to operate under EFPs in 2007, the alternative action considered in this EA would supplement EFP activities with requirements that mainly affect the processors or other first receivers of EFP catch. The requirements analyzed under the alternative action mirror or enhance existing state regulations and associated paper-based fish ticket systems or provisions associated with current EFP management. The alternative action is expected to provide more timely reporting and improved estimates of the catch of Pacific whiting, ESA listed salmon species, and overfished groundfish species