68 research outputs found

    A Framework for city leadership in multilevel governance settings: the comparative contexts of Italy and the UK

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    This paper discusses the role of city leadership in the current multilevel governance settings and provides a conceptual framework for understanding the main elements of city leadership. Forms of political, managerial and civic leadership have been distinguished within city leadership and the main actors, structures, processes and followership patterns are examined using Italy and the UK as starting points of comparison. This comparative framework sheds a light on some common and different features in the city leadership patterns in Italy and the UK, such as the cross-cutting and multilayered administrative context for public service delivery; the common trend towards strengthening the executive side of political leadership rather than the representative one; the growing relevance of forms of civic leadership as a trigger for creating public and social value and for enhancing the resilience of the territories. Main differences deal instead with the role of central government in defining the role of city leaders, where Italy seems to experience a return towards greater centralization and controls, and the UK is experiencing an opposite trend towards the empowerment of local communities. Finally, the paper sets out some future directions for the research agenda on city leadership we are seeking to pursue

    Patients in long-term maintenance therapy for drug use in Italy: analysis of some parameters of social integration and serological status for infectious diseases in a cohort of 1091 patients

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    BACKGROUND: Heroin addiction often severely disrupts normal social functioning. The aims of this multi-centre study of heroin users in long-term replacement treatment were: i) to provide information on aspects of social condition such as employment, educational background, living status, partner status and any history of drug addiction for partners, comparing these data with that of the general population; ii) to assess the prevalence of hepatitis, syphilis and HIV, because serological status could be a reflection of the social conditions of patients undergoing replacement treatment for drug addiction; iii) to analyse possible relationships between social conditions and serological status. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in sixteen National Health Service Drug Addiction Units in northern Italy. The data were collected from February 1, 2002 to August 31, 2002. Recruitment eligibility was: maintenance treatment with methadone or buprenorphine, treatment for the previous six months, and at least 18 years of age. In the centres involved in the study no specific criteria or regulations were established concerning the duration of replacement therapy. Participants underwent a face-to-face interview. RESULTS: The conditions of 1091 drug treatment patients were evaluated. The mean duration of drug use was 14.5 years. Duration was shorter in females, in subjects with a higher educational background, and in stable relationships. Most (68%) had completed middle school (11–14 years of age). Seventy-nine percent were employed and 16% were unemployed. Fifty percent lived with their parents, 34% with a partner and 14% alone. Males lived more frequently with their parents (55%), and females more frequently with a partner (60%). Sixty-seven percent of male patients with a stable relationship had a partner who had never used heroin. HCV prevalence was 72%, HBV antibodies were detected in 42% of patients, while 30% had been vaccinated; 12.5% of subjects were HIV positive and 1.5% were positive for TPHA. CONCLUSION: A significant percentage of heroin users in treatment for opiate addiction in the cohort study have characteristics which indicate reasonable integration within broader society. We posit that the combination of effective treatment and a setting of economic prosperity may enhance the social integration of patients with a history of heroin use

    The genetic study of three population microisolates in South Tyrol (MICROS): study design and epidemiological perspectives

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is increasing evidence of the important role that small, isolated populations could play in finding genes involved in the etiology of diseases. For historical and political reasons, South Tyrol, the northern most Italian region, includes several villages of small dimensions which remained isolated over the centuries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The MICROS study is a population-based survey on three small, isolated villages, characterized by: old settlement; small number of founders; high endogamy rates; slow/null population expansion. During the stage-1 (2002/03) genealogical data, screening questionnaires, clinical measurements, blood and urine samples, and DNA were collected for 1175 adult volunteers. Stage-2, concerning trait diagnoses, linkage analysis and association studies, is ongoing. The selection of the traits is being driven by expert clinicians. Preliminary, descriptive statistics were obtained. Power simulations for finding linkage on a quantitative trait locus (QTL) were undertaken.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Starting from participants, genealogies were reconstructed for 50,037 subjects, going back to the early 1600s. Within the last five generations, subjects were clustered in one pedigree of 7049 subjects plus 178 smaller pedigrees (3 to 85 subjects each). A significant probability of familial clustering was assessed for many traits, especially among the cardiovascular, neurological and respiratory traits. Simulations showed that the MICROS pedigree has a substantial power to detect a LOD score ≥ 3 when the QTL specific heritability is ≥ 20%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The MICROS study is an extensive, ongoing, two-stage survey aimed at characterizing the genetic epidemiology of Mendelian and complex diseases. Our approach, involving different scientific disciplines, is an advantageous strategy to define and to study population isolates. The isolation of the Alpine populations, together with the extensive data collected so far, make the MICROS study a powerful resource for the study of diseases in many fields of medicine. Recent successes and simulation studies give us confidence that our pedigrees can be valuable both in finding new candidates loci and to confirm existing candidate genes.</p

    Education and union formation as simultaneous processes in Italy and Spain

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    'In recent times, both the time spent on education and the age at first union formation have significantly increased in Italy and Spain. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence of the endogeneity of the two processes. We use panel data (European Community Household Panel), which provide detailed standardised information for both countries about education and training processes as a well as household formation. The effect of unobservable characteristics affecting the two processes at the same time has been controlled for, using simultaneous hazard modelling. On the one hand, the exit from the educational system increases the risk of entering the first union. On the other hand, there exist individual unobserved characteristics that influence the occurrence of the two processes simultaneously. If these characteristics are not controlled for, the effect of a completed education on union formation becomes biased upward.' (author's abstract)In den letzten Jahren sind sowohl die Zahl der im Bildungssystem verbrachten Jahre als auch das Alter bei der ersten Heirat in Italien und Spanien signifikant angestiegen. Beide Prozesse, so zeigt die Verfasserin, sind endogen. Auf der Basis des European Community Household Panel werden fuer beide Laender detaillierte Daten zu Bildungs- und Ausbildungsprozessen sowie Familiengruendung vorgelegt. Effekte nicht zu beobachtender Merkmale auf beide Prozesse werden kontrolliert. Einerseits erhoeht der Austritt aus dem Bildungssystem die Wahrscheinlichkeit, die erste Ehe einzugehen. Andererseits existieren nicht beobachtete Merkmale auf individueller Ebene, die beide Prozesse gleichzeitig beeinflussen. Werden diese Merkmale nicht kontrolliert, wird der Effekt des Ausbildungsabschlusses auf eine Heirat nach oben verzerrt. (ICEUebers)German title: Bildung und Heirat als simultane Prozesse in Italien und SpanienAvailable from Max-Planck-Institut fuer demografische Forschung, Rostock (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
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