4 research outputs found

    EpCare: Prototipe Sistem Detektor Pre-Iktal Pasien Epilepsi Berbasis Fitur CSI dari Sinyal EKG 1 Kanal Menggunakan AD8232

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    Kejang epilepsi dapat terjadi di sembarang waktu dan tempat, dan dalam kondisi tertentu dapat menyebabkan cedera fatal. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan akan perangkat wearable yang dapat mengirimkan peringatan kepada pengguna akan kejang yang akan datang adalah penting. Perangkat ini harus dapat merasakan kelainan pada sinyal biomedis pengguna dan mengirimkan peringatan sebelum kejang. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem yang mendeteksi kondisi pre-iktal pasien epilepsi berdasarkan fitur Cardiac Sympathetic Index (CSI) dari sinyal Elektrokardiogram (EKG). Listrik jantung pasien diukur menggunakan 3 elektroda yang dihubungkan ke AD8232 untuk mewakili sinyal 1 kanal. Algoritma Pan-Tompkins diimplementasikan untuk mendapatkan interval RR dari sinyal EKG. Kemudian fitur CSI dihitung berdasarkan nilai RR-interval. Distribusi setiap 100 interval RR dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk menentukan nilai ambang batas CSI. Ketika nilai CSI melebihi ambang batas ini, sistem akan mengirimkan peringatan ke aplikasi seluler, yang disebut EpCare. Eksperimen dilakukan pada dua kelompok data, yaitu kelompok data primer dari non-penderita epilepsi dan kelompok data sekunder dari penderita epilepsi. F-measure dari eksperimen yang menggunakan ambang batas dari orang normal sebesar 0.64, sedangkan F-measures dari eksperimen yang menggunakan ambang batas individual penderita epilepsy sebesar 0.50. AbstractEpileptic seizures may occur at anytime and anywhere, and in certain conditions may lead to fatal injury. Therefore, the need for wearable device that can alert user to an impending seizure is important. This device should be able to sense abnormality in user’s biomedical signals and send alert prior to seizure. This research develops a system that detects pre-ictal condition of epilepsy patient based on Cardiac Sympathetic Index (CSI) feature from Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Patient’s heart electricity is measured using 3 electrodes which are connected to AD8232 to represent 1 channel signal. Pan-Tompkins algorithm is implemented to obtain RR intervals of ECG signals. Then, CSI feature is calculated based on the values of RR-intervals. A distribution of every 100 RR-intervals is made as basis to determine a threshold value of CSI. When CSI value exceeds this threshold, system will send alert to a mobile application, called EpCare. Experiments were conducted on two groups of data, which are primary one from non-epileptic persons, and secondary one from epileptic patients. F-measures of experiments used threshold of non-epileptic person is 0.64, while F-measures of experiments used individual threshold of epileptic person is 0.50.

    Deteksi Kondisi Preictal Pada Penderita Epilepsi Berdasarkan CSI Dari Sinyal ECG 1 Channel Menggunakan AD8232

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    Epilepsi merupakan kelainan pada sistem saraf dimana aktifitas otak menjadi terganggu. Kondisi otak yang tidak normal ini menyebabkan tubuh mengalami kejang-kejang dan gangguan fisik maupun psikis lainnya. Di dalam penyakit epilepsi, terdapat beberapa fase seperti preictal, ictal, postictal, dan interictal. Kondisi preictal adalah kondisi yang terjadi sebelum, sekaligus menandai akan terjadinya kejang utama (ictal). Kondisi preictal dialami oleh semua penderita epilepsi namun dengan jenis dan besar gejala yang bervariasi. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sistem alat yang berfungsi sebagai deteksi kondisi preictal. Deteksi dilakukan dengan mengambil, memproses sinyal electrocardiogram (ECG) dan menghitung nilai Cardiac Sympathetic Index (CSI). Sinyal ECG, jika dibandingkan dengan EEG, dapat digunakan untuk mendukung pengaplikasian sistem alat pada aktifitas sehari-hari. Tujuan dari sistem alat ini sendiri adalah untuk pengamanan diri pada pasien penderita epilepsi demi meminimalisir cedera akibat kejang. Ini dilakukan dengan peringatan tanda akan terjadinya kejang


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    Abstract.Economy Creative (Ekraf) is one of the expected sector that can be a new power of national economy in the future. Start-up business in Economy Creative Industry have to possess high creativity and can create uniqueness in their products or services like in event organizer Industry. However, as a start up business industry face similar problem commonly which is marketing problem. Majestic Organizer is still a start up business and still growing in Bandung. Majestic Organizer have a big market that never run out, because most of people will seventeenth years old which means new every year. But Majestic Organizer not yet maximizing their pontetial market and still stuck in sales. Since in event organizer industry is a free industry for everyone can join to this industry so Majestic Organizer should have a good marketing communication to compete and gain market share. From marketing mix, promotion is the part of marketing mix that can be used to raise awareness about the company. Moreover the purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of promotional mix with purchase intention for Majestic Organizer. The data for this research was collected using quatitative approach through online questionnaire to 201 respondents. The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression to see the relationship between promotional mix and purchase intention. The result shows that promotional mix do have a positive significant influence towards purchase intention.Keywords: Advertising, Majestic Event Organizer, Personal Selling, Promotional Mix, Purchase Intentio


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    Abstract.Economy Creative (Ekraf) is one of the expected sector that can be a new power of national economy in the future. Start-up business in Economy Creative Industry have to possess high creativity and can create uniqueness in their products or services like in event organizer Industry. However, as a start up business industry face similar problem commonly which is marketing problem. Majestic Organizer is still a start up business and still growing in Bandung. Majestic Organizer have a big market that never run out, because most of people will seventeenth years old which means new every year. But Majestic Organizer not yet maximizing their pontetial market and still stuck in sales. Since in event organizer industry is a free industry for everyone can join to this industry so Majestic Organizer should have a good marketing communication to compete and gain market share. From marketing mix, promotion is the part of marketing mix that can be used to raise awareness about the company. Moreover the purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of promotional mix with purchase intention for Majestic Organizer. The data for this research was collected using quatitative approach through online questionnaire to 201 respondents. The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression to see the relationship between promotional mix and purchase intention. The result shows that promotional mix do have a positive significant influence towards purchase intention.Keywords: Advertising, Majestic Event Organizer, Personal Selling, Promotional Mix, Purchase Intentio