197 research outputs found
Effect of chemical vis-a-vis non-chemical pest management on predatory spiders in paddy-ecosystem
Spiders act as one of the most important defenders in paddy ecosystem and there are several families of those with different habits. The question on the effect of chemical application in comparison to the non chemical option on different spider families in the zone under study was attempted for getting answer. For that purpose, the field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2014 for studying spider abundance in chemical versus non-chemical treatments. Chemical based treatment consisted of the application of Phorate 10G at 10 days after transplanting (DAT), followed by spraying with Imidacloprid 17.8 SL at 45 DAT, and dusting of Methyl Parathion 2D at 80 DAT. Transplanting of rice following skip row technique, sowing of okra, cowpea, sesame & balsam on the surrounding bunds, retention of weeds on the bunds, single inoculative release of Trichogramma chilonis @ 1,00,000 at 35 DAT, and use of pheromone (Scirpophaga incertulus lure)-cum -light trap @ 10 traps ha-1 were integrated together in nonchemical based treatment. The results revealed that the population of wolf spiders and long jawed spiders were statistically higher during all the seven dates of observation in non-chemical based approach. Amongst Araneid spiders, non-chemical based approach recorded significantly higher population at 60, 75 and 90 DAT. On the basis of overall mean, the non-chemical treatment had significantly higher population of spiders belonging to most of the families except Thomisidae. The mean population of spiders across the families varied from 1.06 to 12.0 and 0.54 to 6.66 per double sweep per sub plot in non-chemical based and chemical based treatment, respectively. Thus, the study confirms the safety of the non-chemical based approach in maintaining significantly higher level of spider population
Study of knowledge, attitude and practice of copper T as a method of contraception among antenatal women
Background: Family planning is defined by WHO as a way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily, upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsible decisions by individuals and couples, in order to promote the health and welfare of family groups and thus contribute effectively to the social development of a country. The main objective was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding family planning and the practice of contraceptives among the antenatal women.Methods: A hospital based, cross sectional study was conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology department of SGT medical college, hospital and research institute over a period of 6 months. Convenient sampling was used to identify and interview 500 pregnant women, using a semi structured questionnaire. Data was entered and analysed with SPSSv21.Results: In our study, 74.2% participants have the knowledge about Cu-T as a method of contraception and 39% participants considered it a safe and economical method of contraception, 16.2% participants used PPIUCD and 40.2% considered it as unsafe method. Uses of PPIUCD was significantly associated with increasing age, illiteracy and non-working participants. Around one third participants were having uncertain attitude towards use of PPIUCD.Conclusions: In our study we observed that uses of PPIUCD is still lower side and there is a need to be motivate the people for effective and appropriate use of contraceptives when required and arrest the trend towards unwanted pregnancy.
Metallic monoclinic phase in VO induced by electrochemical gating: in-situ Raman study
We report in-situ Raman scattering studies of electrochemically top gated
VO thin film to address metal-insulator transition (MIT) under gating. The
room temperature monoclinic insulating phase goes to metallic state at a gate
voltage of 2.6 V. However, the number of Raman modes do not change with
electrolyte gating showing that the metallic phase is still monoclinic. The
high frequency Raman mode A(7) near 616 cm ascribed to V-O vibration
of bond length 2.06 \AA~ in VO octahedra hardens with increasing gate
voltage and the B(3) mode near 654 cm softens. This shows that the
distortion of the VO octahedra in the monoclinic phase decreases with
gating. The time dependent Raman data at fixed gate voltages of 1 V (for 50
minute, showing enhancement of conductivity by a factor of 50) and 2 V (for 130
minute, showing further increase in conductivity by a factor of 5) show similar
changes in high frequency Raman modes A(7) and B(3) as observed in
gating. This slow change in conductance together with Raman frequency changes
show that the governing mechanism for metalization is more likely to the
diffusion controlled oxygen vacancy formation due to the applied electric
field.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Awareness and Attitude of Physicians in Academia towards Human Stem Cell Research (HSCR) and Related Policies in Rajasthan, India
Introduction: In India, several science agencies are promoting Stem Cell Research (SCR). There is paucity of studies which document the perception of doctors about SCR, especially physicians in academia. This study was carried out to assess perception of physicians in academia towards Human Stem Cell Research (HSCR) and related policies in India. Methods: We interviewed 200 doctors from three different government medical colleges of Rajasthan. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to discern their awareness, attitudes towards utilization of SCR and their knowledge of related international and ethical policy issues. Results: Though mostly 177 (96.2%) physicians acknowledged the public health benefits of promoting stem cell research in India, but 166 (66.2%) were not aware of the stem cell research policy of the Government of India and 111 (60.3%) were not aware of the ICMR guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research in India. There was a strong desire among academic physicians 152 (82.6%) to incorporate a course on SCR to the students in the near future. Discussion: Physicians in academia have views that SCR should be encouraged to treat clinical diseases and this technology should be brought into India in a big way. They seem to believe that one of the ways to promote the benefits of SCR would be to raise awareness by publishing success stories in widely read Indian Medical Journals, giving updated information regarding its uses in clinical practices and its inclusion as a part of the curricula for health professionals
The morphological and phenological performance of different cotton genotypes under different plant density
The field experiment conducted with different plant density and different Genotypes showed significant differences in their morphological characters and phenological characters. Among the genotypes, AKA-7 possessed higher plant height (116.4 cm), No. of sympodia (19.27 plant-1) and leaf area index (3.628) compared to other geno-types but leaf area (33.02 dm-2) and dry matter weight (103.21g/plant) were recorded higher with genotype Balwan. However, Normal plant density (100%) was registered higher plant height (102.6 cm), no of sympodia (17.33 plant-1), leaf area (27.02 dm2) and dry matter weight (58.13 g/plant) but higher leaf area index (3.430) was recorded with higher plant density (200%). Among the genotypes, AKH-081 was comparatively earlier in phenological characters i.e. first square (47.9 days), first flower (67.9 days), first boll burst (116.1 days), first picking (128.7 days) and final picking (178 days). However, Higher planting density (200%) was recorded earlier in first square (49.3 day), first flower (67.8 days), first boll burst (116.9 days), first picking (130.6 day) and final picking (179.7 days). On the basis of this experiment, genotype Balwan and normal planting density level (100%) recorded higher morphological development wherever phenological development recorded earlier with the each respective phenophase in the Gen-otype AKH-081 and highest planting density level (200%)
Effect of sowing dates and varieties on soybean performance in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India
oybean production is widely fluctuating in response to agro-environmental conditions year to year in Vidarbha region. Weather variations are the major determinants of soybean growth and yield. It is also important to study the response of suitable soybean varieties to varying weather parameters. So a field investigation was carried out to study the crop weather relationship of soybean and to optimize the sowing date with different soybean varie-ties. The results revealed that soybean crop sown up to 27th MW accumulated higher growing degree days (1640.5 0C day), photothermal units (20498.1 0C day hour) and recorded significantly higher seed yield (839 kg ha-1) and biological yield (2773 kg ha-1) with maximum heat use efficiency (0.51 kg ha-1°C day-1) and water productivity (2.49 kg ha-mm-1). Later sowings i.e. 30th MW sowing caused decreased amount of rainfall and increased maximum temperature regime across the total growing period with consequently lower seed yield (530 kg ha-1), GDD (1539.2 0C day), PTU (18689.9 0C day hour), heat use efficiency (0.34kg ha-1 °Cday-1) and water productivity (2.05kg ha-mm-1). Soybean variety TAMS 98-21 recorded significantly higher seed yield (734 kg ha-1) and highest biological yield (2649 kg ha-1) with maximum heat use efficiency (0.44 kg ha-1 °C day-1), GDD (1650.5 0C day ) and water productivity (2.41 kg ha-mm-1). Thus, the results of this study illustrated the importance of early sowing with suitable variety of soybean and indicates that sowing upto 27th MW with variety TAMS 98-21 is optimum for maximizing the yield in the Akola region of Vidarbha
Droplet Spray Behavior of an Atomization-Based Cutting Fluid (ACF) System for Machining of Titanium Alloys
The aim of this research is to study droplet spray characteristics of an atomization-based cutting fluid (ACF) spray system including droplet entrainment angle and flow development regions with respect to three ACF spray parameters, viz., droplet and gas velocities, and spray distance. ACF spray experiments are performed by varying droplet and gas velocities. The flow development behavior is studied by modeling the droplets entrainment mechanism, and the density and distribution of the droplets across the jet flare. Machining experiments are also performed in order to understand the effect of the droplet spray behavior on the machining performances, viz., tool life/wear, and surface roughness during turning of a titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V. Experiments and the modeling of flow development behavior reveal that a higher droplet velocity and a smaller gas velocity result in smaller droplet entrainment angle leading to a gradual and early development of the co-flow with a smaller density and a better distribution of the droplet across the jet flare. Machining experiments also show that a higher droplet velocity, a lower gas velocity and a longer spray distance significantly improve the machining performances such as tool life and wear, and surface finish
Rapid detection of dermatophytes from skin and hair
Abstract Background Dermatophytes are a group of closely related keratinophilic fungi that can invade keratinized humans and animals tissues such as skin, hair and nails causing dermatophytosis. They are an important cause of superficial fungal infection. Findings Conventional methods like potassium hydroxide (KOH) microscopy and fungal culture lacks the ability to make an early and specific diagnosis. In this study we have evaluated nested Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers targeting dermatophyte specific sequence of chitin synthase 1 (CHS1) gene and compared with conventional test. A total of 155 patients clinically suspected with dermatophytosis were included in the study. Of which 105 specimens were skin scrapings and 50 were hair. KOH microscopy, fungal culture and first round and nested PCR were done on clinical specimens, and results compared. Nested PCR for dermatophytes was positive in 83.8% specimens, followed by KOH microscopy (70%), first round PCR (50.8) and fungal culture (25.8). Conclusion Results indicate that nested PCR may be considered as gold standard for the diagnosis of dermatophytosis and can aid the clinician in initiating prompt and appropriate antifungal therapy.</p
Assessment of triasulfuron on weed dynamics and yield of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.)
A field experiment was managed during kharif season of 2014 in G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) to assess the outcome of applying dissimilar rates of triasulfuron on the transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) associated weeds. Treatments composed of triasulfuron at three different rates, metsulfuron methyl, ethoxysulfuron, 2, 4-D with 2 checks (weed free and untreated). Experiment was carried out in Randomised block Design with 8 treatments and 3 replications. Grassy weeds, broad leaf weeds and sedges were observed during the crop growth period. Triasulfuron at 12 g ha-1 proved most efficient in controlling weeds at 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) with 44.4 % and 59.6 % WCE respectively. Minimum weed dry matter (65.1 g m2) was observed with triasulfuron at 12 g ha-1. Out of all the herbicidal treatments, triasulfuron at 12 g ha-1 gave the paramount grain yield of rice (5786 kg ha-1) which was significantly surpassing all other herbicidal treatments, while it was minimum in metsulfuron methyl at 4 g ha-1 (4417 kg ha-1)
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