8 research outputs found

    Los mass-media en las disputas sobre la naturaleza. Diseño teórico-metodológico para el estudio de la conflictividad socio-ambiental en fuentes hemerográficas digitales

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    Communication is an important aspect in the definition of debates on socio-environmental conflict, since it has political implications in the construction of the terms of its understanding and approach. Even though there are different visions of the problem, causes and consequences in dispute, the terms of these debates depend on the capacity of agency to position certain actors and languages of evaluation on the nature in question. Considering that conflicts are presented as scenarios of disputes over access, use, and control of nature, where there are clashes between diverse interests and material and symbolic valuations of nature and, recognizing the role of the media in defining these debates on public opinion; this article proposes a methodology for the study of socio-environmental conflict in Venezuela in digital newspaper sources. Firstly, the importance of the definition and the method of analysis of the conflict in the frameworks of interpretation is approached and we present brief reflections on it; next, the conceptual design of the database and the procedure of monitoring the conflict in mass media is explained (observe, follow and make visible) and finally it reflects on the methodology.La comunicación es un aspecto importante en la definición de los debates sobre la conflictividad socio-ambiental, pues la misma tiene implicaciones políticas en la construcción  de los términos de su comprensión y abordaje. Aun cuando existen diversas visiones de problema, causas y consecuencias en disputa, los términos de estos debates dependen de la capacidad de agencia para posicionar determinados actores y lenguajes de valoración sobre la naturaleza en cuestión. Considerando que los conflictos se presentan como escenarios de disputas por el acceso, uso, y control de la naturaleza, donde existen choques entre los diversos intereses y valoraciones materiales y simbólicas sobre la misma y, reconociendo el rol de los medios de comunicación en la definición de estos debates sobre la opinión pública; este artículo propone una metodología para el estudio de la conflictividad socio-ambiental en fuentes hemerográficas digitales. En primer lugar, se aborda la importancia de la definición  y el método de análisis de la conflictividad  en los marcos de interpretación y exponemos breves reflexiones sobre ello; seguidamente, se explica el diseño conceptual de la base de datos y el procedimiento de monitoreo de la conflictividad en medios de comunicación (observar, seguir y visibilizar)  y finalmente  reflexiona sobre la metodología

    Efecto del medio de enraizamiento, número de hojas por estaca y lesionado de las estacas de Ixora Enana (Ixora coccinea L.) con Hormojardín Nro 4

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    Las plantas de ixora poseen flores muy vistosas y son muy comunes en avenidas, edificios y casas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del medio de enraizamiento, número de hojas por estaca y lesionado de las estacas sobre el enraizamiento de estacas de Ixora Enana tratadas con Hormojardín Nro 4. Se utilizaron estacas provenientes de plantas de ixoras aparentemente sanas, las estacas se tomaron del ápice de las plantas y tenían un tamaño aproximado de 20 cm de largo y 4 a 5 mm de diámetro. El diseño estadístico utilizado fue el de parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones, la parcela principal estuvo constituida por el medio de enraizamiento (agua y suelo), la subparcela por la longitud de la lesión en la base de la estaca (0, 2 y 4 cm) y la subsubparcela por el número de hojas en las estacas a enraizar (0, 8 16 hojas). A todas las estacas se les aplicó el producto comercial en polvo Hormojardín Nro 4 (ácido-a-naftalenacético), la aplicación se realizó en los primeros 4 cm de la base de las estacas. Se determinó el número de raíces producidas por estaca a los 49 días después de la siembra. En general, los mejores tratamientos fueron en agua con estacas con una lesión de 2 cm y con 8 hojas y estacas sin lesiones con 16 hojas, mientras que para el suelo los resultados no fueron satisfactorios, observándose un pobre enraizamiento

    Effect of rooting media, leaves by cuttings and cutting wounding on the cutting rooting of Ixora coccinea L. treated with Hormojardin Nro 4

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    The plants of Ixora coccinea L. have beautiful flowers and they are very common in roads, buildings and houses. The objective of the present work was evaluate the effect of rooting media, number of leaves/cutting and cutting injury on cutting rooting of dwarf Ixora treated with Hormojardin Nro 4. A cuttings from apparently healthy plants were used, the cuttings were taken from the plant tips and were approximately 20 cm long and have a diameter of 4 or 5 mm. A split-split-plot design was used with three replications. The main plot was constituted for the rooting media (water and soil), the subplot was lesion longitude at the cutting end (0, 2 and 4 cm) and the sub subplot was the number of leaves/cutting. All cuttings were treated with Hormojardin Nro 4 (acid-α-naftalenacetic), the application was made in the first 4 cm at the cutting end. The number of roots/cutting at 49 days after sowing was counted. The best results were obtained for water as media with 2 cm-cutting lesion and 8 leaves/cutting and for cutting without a lesion and 16 leaves/cutting, while for the soil as a media, the results were not successful, producing a poor rooting

    Propuesta para la creación del Departamento de Extensión Agropecuaria del Núcleo Monagas de la Universidad de Oriente (Proposal for the creation of the Departamento de Extensión Agropecuaria (Agricultural Extension Department) of Núcleo Monagas of The Universidad de Oriente)

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    The agricultural extension service plays an important role in the attainment of desirable changes in the rural environment, guiding the family capacities and making them participants of its own social, economic and technological development for improving its life quality in the context of a sustainable agriculture. It is for this reason that the requirement of the creation of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service of the Universidad de Oriente arises, which will allow to link science and technology to the real context of the agricultural production, in the search of integral solutions, in agreement with the necessities and priorities of farmers of the area, promoting changes in its knowledge, attitudes, skills and wishes, for improving its welfare and of the population in general. Among the principal objectives of the Department they will be: to carry out diagnoses of the principal agriculture-social-economic problems of the inhabitants of the rural communities of the Monagas state and to develop action strategies that, by means of integral and sustainable solutions and with the community participation, to have a worthy of life for the farmers of the region. The area of influence of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service will be framed initially in the 13 Municipalities of the Monagas state and in the bordering communities with other neighboring states, but later on, the action range will be able to go toward communities belonging to all the states of the Venezuelan East where Universidad de Oriente has influence. Among the benefits that the creation of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service will give to Universidad de Oriente they are: diffusion and popularization of the research carried out by the educational and research personnel staff members of University; regain of the presence of the Universidad de Oriente in the agricultural environment of the Oriental area of Venezuela; training and formation of the educational personnel staff in programs of agricultural extension; to achieve an increment of the in situ practical activities; to carry out activities that allow to improve the life quality of farmers of the area of influence of the Universidad de Oriente and to advise agricultural extension works at level of higher education. The personnel staff of this Department will be integrated for: A Head of Department of Agricultural Extension Service; a Coordinator of Agricultural Extension Service for each School (three in total); an Agent of Agricultural Extension for each School (three in total); responsible for programs or projects (the professors of the three Schools) and a secretary. Besides the Universidad de Oriente, in the Department of Agricultural Extension Service could be wrapped other Institutions of public character as private (Polar Foundation, CIARA, IICA, Government and Municipalities of Monagas State; INIA, MAT, CVG, EUDOCA, FONACIT, FAO, Associations of Farmers, etc.). The financing to cover the costs of opening of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service, personnel staff payment and operational costs will be mainly in charge of the Universidad de Oriente, but other Institutions like the Governments and Municipalities of the Oriental States, Associations of Farmers and enterprise like: PDVSA, Polar Foundation, Bigott Foundation, Foninpal, FONDAFA, etc., and International Organisms as: the World Bank, IICA, SIHCA, FAO, BID, UNICEF, ONGs, Embassies, etc, they could help financially to the Department of Agricultural Extension Service of Universidad de Oriente through the execution of projects

    Os impasses à democracia participativa nos governos de esquerda: os casos do Brasil, do Chile e da Venezuela

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    ABSTRACT: Objective/Context: This article aims to analyze the progress made by left-wing governments, specifically the Lula da Silva government in Brazil (2003-2010), Hugo Chavez in Venezuela (1999-2013) and Michelle Bachelet in Chile (2006-2010) in the conformation of participatory democracy. Methodology: The research was oriented by a comparative analysis from two dimensions: a) correlation of political and economic forces (with partisan opposition, economic, media and church sectors) and b) political resources (from the institutional legacies, the political system, the pacts and the social support base). The analysis of the process of implementing participatory mechanisms and deepening democracy is based on three analytical axes: i) mechanisms for participation and inclusion, ii) conditions conducive to participation, and iii) citizen participation. Conclusions: The conclusions showed that Bachelet’s government (“government of continuities”) remained closer to the “democracy of balance” in which popular sovereignty is restricted to the electoral arena, while Chávez’s government (“government of ruptures”) approached more participatory democracy. However, the Lula government (“moderate government”) positioned at an intermediate point between the two cases. Originality: Most studies on left-wing governments and democracy focus on the hegemonic theory of democracy. However, this article sought to analyze left-wing governments based on the concept of participatory democracy proposed by Macpherson (1978) that includes participatory democracy as the perfection of liberal democracy.RESUMO: Objetivo/contexto: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar se houve avanços dos governos de esquerda, especificamente dos governos de Lula da Silva no Brasil (2003-2010), de Hugo Chávez na Venezuela (1999-2013) e de Michelle Bachelet no Chile (2006-2010), na conformação de uma democracia participativa. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi orientada por uma análise comparada a partir de duas dimensões: a) correlação de forças políticas e econômicas (com a oposição partidária, setores empresariais, midiáticos e da igreja) e b) recursos políticos (oriundos dos legados institucionais, do sistema político, dos pactos e da base de apoio social). A análise do processo de implementação de mecanismos participativos e de aprofundamento da democracia se faz a partir de três eixos analíticos: i) mecanismos de participação e inclusão, ii) condições favoráveis à participação e iii) participação cidadã. Conclusões: As conclusões mostram que o governo Bachelet -“governo de continuidades”- se manteve mais próximo da “democracia de equilíbrio” em que a soberania popular fica restrita à arena eleitoral, enquanto o governo Chávez -“governo de rupturas”- se aproximou mais da democracia participativa. Já o governo Lula -“governo moderado”- se posicionou em um ponto intermediário entre os dois casos. Originalidade: A maioria dos estudos sobre governos de esquerda e democracia focam na teoria hegemônica de democracia. Sem embargo, este artigo buscou analisar os governos de esquerda a partir do conceito de democracia participativa proposto por Macpherson (1978) que compreende a democracia participativa como o aperfeiçoamento da democracia liberal.RESUMEN: Objetivo/contexto: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar si hubo avances de los gobiernos de izquierda, específicamente, de los gobiernos de Lula da Silva en Brasil (2003-2010), de Hugo Chávez en Venezuela (1999-2013) y de Michelle Bachelet en Chile (2006-2010) en la conformación de una democracia participativa. Metodología: La investigación fue orientada por un análisis comparativo a partir de dos dimensiones: a) correlación de fuerzas políticas y económicas (con la oposición partidista, sectores empresariales, mediáticos y de la iglesia) y b) recursos políticos (oriundos de los legados institucionales, del sistema político, de los pactos y de la base de apoyo social). El análisis del proceso de implementación de mecanismos participativos y de profundización de la democracia se realiza a partir de tres ejes analíticos: i) mecanismos de participación e inclusión, ii) condiciones favorables a la participación y iii) participación ciudadana. Conclusiones: Las conclusiones muestran que el gobierno Bachelet -“gobierno de continuidades”- se mantuvo más cerca de la “democracia de equilibrio” en que la soberanía popular queda restringida a la arena electoral, mientras que el gobierno de Chávez -“gobierno de rupturas”- se acercó más de la democracia participativa. El gobierno de Lula -“gobierno moderado”- se posicionó en un punto intermedio entre los dos casos. Originalidad: La mayoría de los estudios sobre gobiernos de izquierda y democracia se centran en la teoría hegemónica de democracia. Sin embargo, este artículo buscó analizar los gobiernos de izquierda a partir del concepto de democracia participativa propuesto por Macpherson (1978) que comprende la democracia participativa como el perfeccionamiento de la democracia liberal