218 research outputs found

    The Investigation of the Risk Perception Effects and the Impact of Seasonal Factors on it in Tehran Stock Exchange

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    One of the aspects of behavioral finance is risk behavior that is also known as mental risk or perceived risk that in fact is the investors` subjective judgment of the risk that may be estimated more or less than the actual risk. Risk sentiment Index is more influenced by non-economic factors. Several factors are indicators of RSI such as the days of the week, months and seasons, to name a few. In this paper, after examining the effects of risk perception in Tehran Stock Exchange index, using time series regression models and eviews8 software, it became clear that the perceived risk of the investor has the effect of non-random, which demonstrates a perception of risk. However, after seasonal effects influencing the perceived risk was found, that Tehran Stock Exchange has a maximum sense of risk investors on the final day Transactions. This means that during last week, Tehran Stock Exchange’s investors feel more risks. Likewise, especially in early April RSI is minimum. Then, the return of this month is in maximum

    Examining the Influence of Job Satisfaction on Individual Innovation and Its Components: Considering the Moderating Role of Technostress

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    Background: Employee innovation is a crucial aspect of organizations in the current era. Therefore, studying the factors influencing individual innovation is vital and unavoidable. Undoubtedly, job satisfaction is a significant variable in management sciences. Nowadays, all organizations are interconnected with technology. Objective: This research explores the relationship between job satisfaction and individual innovation, including its components, and the moderating role of technostress. Research Method: This study, in terms of purpose, is applied, and in terms of data collection method, it is a descriptive survey. Data collection tools included the Technostress Inventory by Tarafdar and colleagues (2007), Janssen's Individual Innovation Questionnaire (2000), and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector (1994). The validity and reliability of these questionnaires were confirmed. The sample size for this study was 215, and data analysis was performed using SPSS and SMART-PLS software. Findings: Job satisfaction has a significant and positive relationship with individual innovation, idea generation, idea promotion, and idea implementation. Technostress moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and individual innovation, as well as idea generation and idea promotion. However, technostress does not play a moderating role in the relationship between job satisfaction and idea implementation. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, organizations should take necessary measures to increase job satisfaction and reduce technostress among their employees.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Automatic counting of mounds on UAV images using computer vision and machine learning

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    Site preparation by mounding is a commonly used silvicultural treatment that improves tree growth conditions by mechanically creating planting microsites called mounds. Following site preparation, an important planning step is to count the number of mounds, which provides forest managers with an estimate of the number of seedlings required for a given plantation block. In the forest industry, counting the number of mounds is generally conducted through manual field surveys by forestry workers, which is costly and prone to errors, especially for large areas. To address this issue, we present a novel framework exploiting advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imaging and computer vision to estimate the number of mounds on a planting block accurately. The proposed framework comprises two main components. First, we exploit a visual recognition method based on a deep learning algorithm for multiple object detection by pixel-based segmentation. This enables a preliminary count of visible mounds and other frequently seen objects on the forest floor (e.g., trees, debris, accumulation of water) to be used to characterize the planting block. Second, since visual recognition could be limited by several perturbation factors (e.g., mound erosion, occlusion), we employ a machine learning estimation function that predicts the final number of mounds based on the local block properties extracted in the first stage. We evaluate the proposed framework on a new UAV dataset representing numerous planting blocks with varying features. The proposed method outperformed manual counting methods in terms of relative counting precision, indicating that it has the potential to be advantageous and efficient under challenging situations

    Effectiveness of retraining courses for physicians in the participant's point of view in these courses in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provic I.R. Iran, 2011

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    Background and aims: Daily development of medical sciences, innovation the modern method, need in acquisitig the diagnosis and treatment skills and up to date the physicians information, leads to retraining program or continious program in this field. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicians' viewpoints of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province about efficiency of continuous medical education courses for providing an appropriate model. Methods: Two hundred ninty one physician occupied in public or non-public units in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province were selected randomly. The data were collected using a likert five options questionnaire and then they were analyzed using uni variant t test, independent t-test and ANOVA. Kronbakh Alpha was used for testing the reliability. (α=0.86) Results: The results indicated that continuous medical education courses influence the respondent's efficiency, change and innovation, familiarity of physicians with aims and strategies, increasing efficiency and phsicians' motivation (P<0.001). There was a significant relationship between the efficiency and respondent's training course, the respondant's age and the empiricism background of respondants (P<0.05). Conclusion: The finding shows that, in the respondants point of view, holding the continous medical training affects the efficiency, change and innovation, familiarity with aims and strategies, increasing efficiency and increasing the physicans motivatio

    L'influence de la Révolution française en Perse (XIXe et début du XXe siècle)

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    Pour que la révolution française puisse avoir une influence en Iran, il eut fallu que ce pays ait connu des phases économiques et politiques identiques à l'Occident ou qu'il pût être éclairé et guidé par les mêmes Lumières. Bien sûr, on ne peut pas affirmer que l'Iran resta toujours à l'écart de l'histoire européenne. Mais l'on peut dire qu'au XIXe siècle, l'impact de l'Occident retentit plus comme un écho que comme une véritable influence. La Perse parla de 1789 indirectement et tardivement, par le biais de la révolution russe de 1905 et de ses conséquences dans la révolution constitutionnelle persane de 1906-1909

    Human Papillomavirus Is Associated with Breast Cancer in the North Part of Iran

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    We have analyzed the possible relevance of HPV infection for breast cancer risk among Iranian women from north part of Iran. Among women with breast cancer, 25.9% had positive test results for HPV DNA in breast tumor samples in contrast to 2.4% of women with noncancer status (P = 0.002). The infection of HPV has increased the risk of breast cancer (OR 14.247; 95% CI 1.558–130.284, P = 0.019). The high-risk HPV genotypes (types 16 and 18) in samples of breast cancer patients were the predominant types (53.34%). Other genotypes detected in breast cancer were HPV-6, HPV-11, HPV-15, HPV-23, and HPV-124, and one isolate could not be genotyped compared to HPV reference sequences. While the sole detected HPV in control specimens was HPV-124. Our study reveals that HPV infection and age are the risk factors in breast cancer development in the north part of Iran

    Cone beam computed tomography functionalities in dentistry

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    The present article evaluates various clinical applications of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Among scientific articles, research was conducted by PubMed on the dental application of CBCT, containing many articles, in general, among which most of them were clinically about dentistry and its related analyses. Different functionalities of CBCT, including oral and maxillofacial surgery, root treatment, implantology, orthodontics, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, periodontics, and forensic dentistry have been indicated in the study. The aim of this review paper is to summarize the CBCT applications in various fields of dentistry. Also, this review article illustrates that diff erent CBCT indicators have been used concerning the need for the certain discipline of dentistry and the kind of conducted procedure

    Prevalence of anti-HCV antibody and related risk factors among bleeding disorder patients in Yazd province of Iran

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    زمینه و هدف: مصرف جایگزین درمانی خون و فرآورده های خونی غربال نشده یا فاکتورهای انعقادی تغلیظ شده ویروس زدایی نشده در بیماران اختلال انعقادی خطر ابتلا به هپاتیت C را در آنها ایجاد می کند. مطالعه حاضر به منظور بررسی فراوانی آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت C (anti-HCV Ab) و فاکتورهای خطر مربوطه در بیماران اختلال انعقادی استان یزد انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی که به روش سرشماری در تابستان 1385 انجام شد، پس از جمع آوری اطلاعات پرسشنامه ای، از 77 بیمار نمونه خون گرفته شد. نمونه های پلاسما با کیت الیزا از نظر آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت C و سپس نمونه های مثبت با روش تست RIBA (Recombinant Immonoblot Assay) تایید شدند. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو و آنالیز رگرسیون لجستیک مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: فراوانی آنتی بادی بر علیه ویروس هپاتیت ‍‍C معادل 4/49 (38 بیمار) بدست آمد. بین داشتن فرم شدید بیماری (از نظر نیاز به فرآورده های خونی) (01/0