19 research outputs found

    A Spitzer Five-Band Analysis of the Jupiter-Sized Planet TrES-1

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    With an equilibrium temperature of 1200 K, TrES-1 is one of the coolest hot Jupiters observed by {\Spitzer}. It was also the first planet discovered by any transit survey and one of the first exoplanets from which thermal emission was directly observed. We analyzed all {\Spitzer} eclipse and transit data for TrES-1 and obtained its eclipse depths and brightness temperatures in the 3.6 {\micron} (0.083 % {\pm} 0.024 %, 1270 {\pm} 110 K), 4.5 {\micron} (0.094 % {\pm} 0.024 %, 1126 {\pm} 90 K), 5.8 {\micron} (0.162 % {\pm} 0.042 %, 1205 {\pm} 130 K), 8.0 {\micron} (0.213 % {\pm} 0.042 %, 1190 {\pm} 130 K), and 16 {\micron} (0.33 % {\pm} 0.12 %, 1270 {\pm} 310 K) bands. The eclipse depths can be explained, within 1σ\sigma errors, by a standard atmospheric model with solar abundance composition in chemical equilibrium, with or without a thermal inversion. The combined analysis of the transit, eclipse, and radial-velocity ephemerides gives an eccentricity e=0.0330.031+0.015e = 0.033^{+0.015}_{-0.031}, consistent with a circular orbit. Since TrES-1's eclipses have low signal-to-noise ratios, we implemented optimal photometry and differential-evolution Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms in our Photometry for Orbits, Eclipses, and Transits (POET) pipeline. Benefits include higher photometric precision and \sim10 times faster MCMC convergence, with better exploration of the phase space and no manual parameter tuning.Comment: 17 pages, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Tidal Features at 0.05<z<0.45 in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program: Properties and Formation Channels

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    We present 1,201 galaxies at 0.05<z<0.450.05<z<0.45 that host tidal features, detected from the first  ⁣200\sim\! 200 deg2^2 of imaging from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP). All galaxies in the present sample have spectroscopic observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic campaigns, generating a sample of 21208 galaxies. Of these galaxies, we identify 214 shell systems and 987 stream systems. For 575 of these systems, we are additionally able to measure the (gi)(g-i) colors of the tidal features. We find evidence for star formation in a subset of the streams, with the exception of streams around massive ellipticals, and find that stream host galaxies span the full range of stellar masses in our sample. Galaxies which host shells are predominantly red and massive: we find that observable shells form more frequently around ellipticals than around disc galaxies of the same stellar mass. Although the majority of the shells in our sample are consistent with being formed by minor mergers, 15%±4.4%15\% \pm 4.4\% of shell host galaxies have (gi)(g-i) colors as red as their host galaxy, consistent with being formed by major mergers. These "red shells" are additionally preferentially aligned with the major axis of the host galaxy, as previously predicted from simulations. We suggest that although the bulk of the observable shell population originates from fairly minor mergers, which preferentially form shells that are not aligned with the major axis of the galaxy, major mergers produce a significant number of observable shells.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Possible thermochemical disequilibrium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet GJ 436b

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    The nearby extrasolar planet GJ 436b--which has been labelled as a 'hot Neptune'--reveals itself by the dimming of light as it crosses in front of and behind its parent star as seen from Earth. Respectively known as the primary transit and secondary eclipse, the former constrains the planet's radius and mass, and the latter constrains the planet's temperature and, with measurements at multiple wavelengths, its atmospheric composition. Previous work using transmission spectroscopy failed to detect the 1.4-\mu m water vapour band, leaving the planet's atmospheric composition poorly constrained. Here we report the detection of planetary thermal emission from the dayside of GJ 436b at multiple infrared wavelengths during the secondary eclipse. The best-fit compositional models contain a high CO abundance and a substantial methane (CH4) deficiency relative to thermochemical equilibrium models for the predicted hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Moreover, we report the presence of some H2O and traces of CO2. Because CH4 is expected to be the dominant carbon-bearing species, disequilibrium processes such as vertical mixing and polymerization of methane into substances such as ethylene may be required to explain the hot Neptune's small CH4-to-CO ratio, which is at least 10^5 times smaller than predicted

    The Hyper Suprime-Cam Software Pipeline

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    In this paper, we describe the optical imaging data processing pipeline developed for the Subaru Telescope's Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) instrument. The HSC Pipeline builds on the prototype pipeline being developed by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope's Data Management system, adding customizations for HSC, large-scale processing capabilities, and novel algorithms that have since been reincorporated into the LSST codebase. While designed primarily to reduce HSC Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) data, it is also the recommended pipeline for reducing general-observer HSC data. The HSC pipeline includes high level processing steps that generate coadded images and science-ready catalogs as well as low-level detrending and image characterizations.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    Two nearby sub-Earth-sized exoplanet candidates in the GJ 436 system

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    We report the detection of UCF-1.01, a strong exoplanet candidate with a radius 0.66 +/- 0.04 times that of Earth (R_{\oplus}). This sub-Earth-sized planet transits the nearby M-dwarf star GJ 436 with a period of 1.365862 +/- 8x10^{-6} days. We also report evidence of a 0.65 +/- 0.06 R_{\oplus} exoplanet candidate (labeled UCF-1.02) orbiting the same star with an undetermined period. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, we measure the dimming of light as the planets pass in front of their parent star to assess their sizes and orbital parameters. If confirmed, UCF-1.01 and UCF-1.02 would be called GJ 436c and GJ 436d, respectively, and would be part of the first multiple-transiting-planet system outside of the Kepler field. Assuming Earth-like densities of 5.515 g/cm^3, we predict both candidates to have similar masses (~0.28 Earth-masses, M_{\oplus}, 2.6 Mars-masses) and surface gravities of ~0.65 g (where g is the gravity on Earth). UCF-1.01's equilibrium temperature (T_{eq}, where emitted and absorbed radiation balance for an equivalent blackbody) is 860 K, making the planet unlikely to harbor life as on Earth. Its weak gravitational field and close proximity to its host star imply that UCF-1.01 is unlikely to have retained its original atmosphere; however, a transient atmosphere is possible if recent impacts or tidal heating were to supply volatiles to the surface. We also present additional observations of GJ 436b during secondary eclipse. The 3.6-micron light curve shows indications of stellar activity, making a reliable secondary eclipse measurement impossible. A second non-detection at 4.5 microns supports our previous work in which we find a methane-deficient and carbon monoxide-rich dayside atmosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication with Ap

    High C/O Chemistry and Weak Thermal Inversion in the Extremely Irradiated Atmosphere of Exoplanet WASP-12b

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    The carbon-to-oxygen ratio (C/O) in a planet provides critical information about its primordial origins and subsequent evolution. A primordial C/O greater than 0.8 causes a carbide-dominated interior as opposed to the silicate-dominated composition as found on Earth; the solar C/O is 0.54. Theory, shows that high C/O leads to a diversity of carbon-rich planets that can have very different interiors and atmospheres from those in the solar system. Here we report the detection of C/O greater than or equal to 1 in a planetary atmosphere. The transiting hot Jupiter WASP-12b has a dayside atmosphere depleted in water vapour and enhanced in methane by over two orders of magnitude compared to a solar-abundance chemical equilibrium model at the expected temperatures. The observed concentrations of the prominent molecules CO, CH4, and H2O are consistent with theoretical expectations for an atmosphere with the observed C/O = 1. The C/O ratios are not known for giant planets in the solar system, although they are expected to equal the solar value. If high C/O ratios are common, then extrasolar planets are likely very different in interior composition, and formed very differently, from expectations based on solar composition, potentially explaining the large diversity in observed radii. We also find that the extremely irradiated atmosphere (greater than 2500 K) of WASP-12b lacks a prominent thermal inversion, or a stratosphere, and has very efficient day-night energy circulation. The absence of a strong thermal inversion is in stark contrast to theoretical predictions for the most highly irradiated hot-Jupiter atmospheres

    Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 Results: Cosmology from Cosmic Shear Two-point Correlation Functions

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    We perform a blinded cosmology analysis with cosmic shear two-point correlation functions (2PCFs) measured from more than 25 million galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam three-year shear catalog in four tomographic redshift bins ranging from 0.3 to 1.5. After conservative masking and galaxy selection, the survey covers 416 deg2^2 of the northern sky with an effective galaxy number density of 15 arcmin2^{-2} over the four redshift bins. The 2PCFs adopted for cosmology analysis are measured in the angular range: 7.1<θ/arcmin<56.67.1 < \theta/{\rm arcmin} < 56.6 for ξ+\xi_+ and 31.2<θ/arcmin<24831.2 <\theta/{\rm arcmin} < 248 for ξ\xi_-, with a total signal-to-noise ratio of 26.6. We apply a conservative, wide, flat prior on the photometric redshift errors on the last two tomographic bins, and the relative magnitudes of the cosmic shear amplitude across four redshift bins allow us to calibrate the photometric redshift errors. With this flat prior on redshift errors, we find Ωm=0.2560.044+0.056\Omega_{\rm m}=0.256_{-0.044}^{+0.056} and S8σ8Ωm/0.3=0.7690.034+0.031S_8\equiv \sigma_8 \sqrt{\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3}=0.769_{-0.034}^{+0.031} (both 68\% CI) for a flat Λ\Lambda cold dark matter cosmology. We find, after unblinding, that our constraint on S8S_8 is consistent with the Fourier space cosmic shear and the 3×\times2pt analyses on the same HSC dataset. We carefully study the potential systematics from astrophysical and systematic model uncertainties in our fiducial analysis using synthetic data, and report no biases (including projection bias in the posterior space) greater than 0.5σ0.5\sigma in the estimation of S8S_8. Our analysis hints that the mean redshifts of the two highest tomographic bins are higher than initially estimated. In addition, a number of consistency tests are conducted to assess the robustness of our analysis. Comparing our result with Planck-2018 cosmic microwave background observations, we find a ~2σ2\sigma tension for the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 38 pages, 32 figures, 4 tables (PRD in press.

    Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 results: cosmology from cosmic shear power spectra

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    We measure weak lensing cosmic shear power spectra from the 3-year galaxy shear catalog of the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program imaging survey. The shear catalog covers 416  deg2 of the northern sky, with a mean i-band seeing of 0.59 arcsec and an effective galaxy number density of 15  arcmin−2 within our adopted redshift range. With an i-band magnitude limit of 24.5 mag, and four tomographic redshift bins spanning 0.3≤zph≤1.5 based on photometric redshifts, we obtain a high-significance measurement of the cosmic shear power spectra, with a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 26.4 in the multipole range 300<ℓ<1800. The accuracy of our power spectrum measurement is tested against realistic mock shear catalogs, and we use these catalogs to get a reliable measurement of the covariance of the power spectrum measurements. We use a robust blinding procedure to avoid confirmation bias, and model various uncertainties and sources of bias in our analysis, including point spread function systematics, redshift distribution uncertainties, the intrinsic alignment of galaxies and the modeling of the matter power spectrum. For a flat ΛCDM model, we find S8≡σ8(Ωm/0.3)0.5=0.776+0.032−0.033, which is in excellent agreement with the constraints from the other HSC Year 3 cosmology analyses, as well as those from a number of other cosmic shear experiments. This result implies a ∼2σ-level tension with the Planck 2018 cosmology. We study the effect that various systematic errors and modeling choices could have on this value, and find that they can shift the best-fit value of S8 by no more than ∼0.5σ, indicating that our result is robust to such systematics