50 research outputs found

    A Fundamental Human Right: Expanding Access to Affordable Housing for Latin America\u27s Low and Middle-Income Families

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    Најчесто болката од заб е предизвикана од проблем поврзан со забите и гингивата, но постојат и други здравствени состојби, чија што болка рефлектира и исто така може да предизвикаат симптоми на забоболка. Погрешното дијагностицирање на изворот на болка го става на ризик вашето целокупно здравје.Ако болката по ендодонтскиот третман е интензивна, ова би можело да биде знак на компликации во текот на третманот а во мал процент од случаите може да е потребно и екстракција на забот за да се ослободи болката во коренскиот канал.Најчесто пациентите се прашуваат како е можно да појави болка на забот откако ќе се отстрани пулпата (нервот), но треба да знаат дека обично се пародонталните ткива кои предизвикуваат болка во каналот, а не третираниот заб. Пародонталните ткива се зафатени кога пациентите го пролонгираат одењето на стоматолог и тогаш инфекцијата од пулпата се проширува на пародонталните ткива.Најчестите причини за болка во каналите после коренот се: Иритација на пародонталните ткива. Постоечкото воспаление на пародонталните лигаменти околу коренските канали на зафатениот заб е најчестата причина за болката на забите по третманот на каналот на коренот. Бруксизам - Пациенти со проблеми на бруксизам може да се соочат со болки во коренските канали после терапијата со коренскиот канал. Инфекција - периапикален апсцес (концентрација на гној и течност на врвот на коренот). Нов апсцес може да се формира како резултат на коскена инфекција поради бактерии кои биле надвор од врвот на коренот пред или за време на ендодонтската процедура која ја инфицира коската на вилицата. Притисокот врз ткивата околу коренот на коските се зголемува, предизвикувајќи болка и понекогаш оток. Стоматологот мора да биде сигурен дека инфекцијата е целосно елиминирана пред да се реставрира забот. Коренскиот канал не е целосно исчистен, истиот е перфориран во текот на третманот и дозволуваат бактерите да поминат во периодонталните ткива.Недоволно наполнети коренски канали или скршен инструмент во каналот.Неколку стоматолошки состојби, може да доведат до сериозни компликации. Потценувајќи ја забоболката предизвикана од инфекција на заби со верување дека ќе помине и одложување за посета на стоматолог може да дозволи инфекцијата да се шири. Резултатот ќе биде зголемување на болката, губење на забот и потреба од поскапи третмани

    The possibility of using ultrasound in endodontics: review

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    Over the past few decades, endodontic treatment has benefited from the development of new techniques using newer instruments like ultrasonics.Using ultrasonics in general dentistry practice, and particularly in endodontics, gives better predictability and outcome of endodontic root treatment. The purpose of this research is by reviewing the literature, show in detail the use of ultrasound in certain phases of endodontic treatment of root canals, and critically evaluate the benefits and possible unwanted consequences on the outcome of endodontic treatment. For the preparation of this paper, a literature search was used through the electronic database: MEDLINE® PubMed®, Science Direct® . Key words entered in the search field. The publications obtained from the search were reviewed on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria used in this review search are: published studies written in English and studies for which the full text is available for review, to be a review article. Exclusion criteria are: studies that are duplicates. In this way, the definition of considered studies was limited. Ultrasound has been proven to provide better visualization, access and considerably shortens the duration of endodontic treatment. During ultrasound work we will have better irrigation compared to traditional irrigation with a syringe, ultrasound removes more organic tissue, planktonic bacteria and dentin particles in the root canal. The ultrasonic method of placing the sealer in the root canal is more thorough than placing the sealer with manual instruments, and ultrasonically condensed gutta-percha is more homogeneous and has fewer cavities than gutta-percha condensed by classical lateral condensation.The audit of root canal filling is facilitated by ultrasound, and also instrumentation is more successful in removing broken instruments and intracanal extensions. The ultrasound device has the potential to become routinely incorporated into almost every step of endodontic treatment and retreatment.The evolution of dentistry is strongly correlated to the development of science and technology

    Etiology and prevalence of temporomandibular disorders among students of Dental Medicine at UGD Stip

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    Introduction: Temporomandibular disease is a term that include disorders of the normal function of the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles and surrounding structures. These diseases have multifactorial etiology, which prevalence varies from 20% to 50%. The main goal of this research was to determine the presence of etiological factors and prevalence of temporomandibular diseases among students of Dental medicine at the University „Goce Delcev‟ in Stip. Materials and method: The research was conducted by using a Fonseca questionnaire among 73 students aged from 19 to 27 at the Faculty of medical science at UGD, of which 39 female and 34 male. The respondents were divided into three groups: Group 1 - from 19 to 21 years; Group 2 - from 22 to 24 years and Group 3 - from 25 to 27 years. The data were statistically analyzed using statistical program Statistica 7.1; SPSS17.0. Results: Difficulty opening the mouth, the presence of fatigue or pain in the masticatory muscles, pain in the ear or surrounding area, difficulty moving the lower jaw from side to side, pain or stiffness in the neck, TMJ clicking sounds when chewing or opening, as well as clenching and gnashing of teeth, are symptoms that are predominant in the female population. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders is important to prevent major damage to the temporomandibular joints. The Fonseca questionnaire has its importance in the early diagnosis of these disorders in a young population, because many respondents have noticed the presence of symptoms and etiological factors but do not pay attention to them because they do not feel pain. Key words: etiology, Fonseca questionnaire, prevalence, temporomandibular disorders

    Saliva antioxidant capacity and dental caries in children between the age 4 to 6

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    The saliva has various defence mechanisms such as the immune and enzyme systems, defence against bacteria, viruses, fungi and protection of the oral mucosa as it promotes its curative features. Our research is focused on the correlation of the DMF index and the antioxidant capacity of saliva. 100 children from both genders, aged between 4 and 6 from the local nurseries from the town Shtip were the examinees. The first group of 30 were children with DMF =0 divided in a control group and 70 children with DMF – experimental group. For the detection of the DMF we used the Klein – Palmer index, DMFT. We used prepared sets Total Antioxidant Capacity(PAO) Assay, Biomedica Company, USA and the method is due to the substance 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) or ABTS which we incubated with peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide whereupon radical cation, АВТЅ+ were formed with relatively stable blue-green colour and a measured intensity of 600 nm. The tested ration between the total antioxidants in the saliva of children with first dentition and the presence of dental caries is R= -0,44(p<0,05), whereupon a medium strong negative relevant correlation was determined in both tested groups. The increase of the total presence of antioxidants in the saliva of children is followed with a decreased presence of dental caries of children.The antioxidant activity of the saliva is related to the increase of the suspension of proteins and cariogenic activity, the total antioxidant capacity is increased in children with caries compared to the caries-free children it showed no statistical importance

    Fatigue failure mode of porcelain veneers with different preparation designs

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    Introduction: Due to high aesthetic qualities, proven biocompatibility and prognosis for long term durability, porcelain veneers have become a routine restorative procedure for treatment of frontal teeth. The aim of this in vitro study was to examine the influence of the preparation designs on the fatigue failure of porcelain veneers. Materials and method: In this in vitro study porcelain veneers with three different types of preparation design – feather, bevel and incisal overlap – palatal chamfer were analyzed. The veneers were made on maxillary central incisor by refractory die technique. The samples from all three groups were loaded to failure in a testing machine TRITECH WF 10056. The force was applied at angle of 45° to the long axis of the tooth, with constant speed of 0,5 mm/min. The mode of failure was determined as debonding or fracture. The data were statistically analyzed using statistical program Statistica 7.1; SPSS17.0. Results: In feather preparation as a consequence of mechanical strength, fracture is registered in 20.0% of samples and debonding at 80.0%. In bevel preparation fracture is register in 93.3% and debonding in 6.7%. In incisal overlap – palatal chamfer due to mechanical strength is registered fracture in 96.7% and debonding in 3.3%. The percentage difference between the registered mode of failure – fracture against debonding between the groups according to Difference test was statistically significant between group I against group II, and I against III group, for p<0.05 (p=0.0438). Conclusion: The most common fatigue failure in porcelain veneers with feather preparation is debonding, while in other preparation designs fracture dominates. Key words: fatigue failure, fracture resistance, porcelain veneers, preparation designs


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    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), also known as jaw joint or mandibular joint, is a bilateral synovial articulation between the temporal bone above and the mandible below. The TMJ is certainly one of the most complex joints in the body. The movements in both joints are synchronized and allow movement of the lower jaw. The term temporomandibular joint dysfunction is used for structural and functional disorders related to the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles, and surrounding structures. It is characteristic that all the signs and symptoms worsen with the movement of the lower jaw, which occurs: limited mobility of the lower jaw, increased sensitivity to palpation and pain in the masticatory muscles, increased sensitivity and pain in the joint, locking and squeaking when moving the lower jaw, pain during movement, improper movement of the lower jaw, headache, neck pain, possible hearing and balance problems. Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) can be classified into the following categories: Masticatory muscle disorders (muscle pain, muscle spasm, myositis and tendonitis); Derangements of the condyle-disc disorders (disk displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, disc perforation, structural changes in the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint and temporomandibular joint dislocation); Inflammatory and degenerative disorders (arthritis and osteoarthritis); Limited mobility of TMJ – hypomobility (forward disc displacement, ankylosis and trismus) and Congenital and developmental anomalies. In order to successfully manage the temporomandibular disorders, we must consider that here are numerous types of problems and variety of etiologies that cause them. Separating these disorders into common groups of symptoms and classifying them is a process called diagnosis. This is very important because for each diagnosis there is an appropriate treatment. There is no treatment that is universal and appropriate for all temporomandibular disorders. In many situations, the success of therapy depends less on how the treatment is performed than on whether the therapy is appropriate and correct for the disorder. Therefore, making a correct diagnosis is extremely important for proper treatment. Keywords: classification, temporomandibular disorders, temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Dental caries and salivary bacteria in school children at age of 12 with present and absent dental caries

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    A group of phenotypically similar bacteria, collectively known as mutant streptococci, are considered as the main bacterial components responsible for the onset and development of cavities. The aim of our study is to identify the salivary bacteria (Lactobacillus spp., Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus mitis) and analyze their interdependence with the dental status. The study included 71 children (26 female and 45 male) at the age of 12 years. According to their dental health status, they were divided into: control group - 31 examinees without caries, missing teeth (extractions) and dental fillings (DMF = 0); and experimental group - 40 examinees with caries, missing teeth (extractions) and dental fillings. In all examinees clinical and microbiological examinations were carried out. The lactobacilli in the saliva were determined with a diagnostic test CRT-bacteria (Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenstein). Undivided sputum samples with sterile swabs were planted on Mitis Salivarius Agar (Fluka, a substrate with sucrose, glucose, trypan blue and crystal violet) which is recommended for the isolation of mixed cultures of streptococci, in particular: Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, Enterococcus faecalis, etc. Between the detected bacteria in the saliva - Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus mitis and the existence of dental caries there is a significant correlation (p < 0.001). Between the presences of Lactobacillus spp. in the saliva and the existence of dental caries there is a significant correlation (p < 0.01). The salivary bacterial parameters can be used as serious screening factors and can seriously participate as an instrument in the assessment of the dental caries risk. Key words: Dental caries, Salivary bacterial, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus mitis

    Knowledge and attitudes of the parents of 7-12 year old children regarding the need for interventions of the first permanent molar

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    In order to increase the use of preventive dental care, it is essential to improve the knowledge and the attitude of parents about such cares. The period of mixed dentition from 7 to 12 years of age is characteristic because parents do not know how to distinguish primary from permanent teeth, so often if a caries lesion occurs on the first permanent molar, it progresses very early on endodontic treatment.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of the parents of the school children for the first permanent molar, for which due to the age of the children they don’t pay attention, and it is a masticаtory center, and it is very important to keep it in the dental arch.For the realization of our goal, 30 school children with mixed dentition were selected,and on them we made a clinical examination and noticed the interventions that were made on the first permanent molar. A questionnaire was design for parents, their knowledge, attitudes and experiences on mixed dentition and the first permanent molar.The results we have received indicate that children in the beginning of period of mixed dentition are usually not informed about it, and therefore the first permanent molar is most often exposed to restoration or endodontic treatment. Parents are also not informed and especially at the beginning of this period don’t visit the dentist thinking they are primary teeth and they will change with durable ones.Based on the low level of knowledge of the parents regarding the mixed dentition, the emergence of the first permanent molar and the effectiveness of the knowledge gained through the dentists concluded that we should especially emphasize the professional preventive care and education of the school children and their parents.The education of children should be on systematic examinations, in schools and when visiting their dentist, in order to raise awareness of the control check at 6 months. Also, the annualIy dental check up should include the sealing of the first permanent molar. Parents should also be included in education as they have influence in the educational process during this period. Keywords: first permanent molar, endodontic treatment, mixed dentition

    The time duration of instrumentation with ProTaper Universal NiTi hand system, ProTaper Next NiTi rotary system and ProTaper Gold rotary system

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    Introduction: ProTaper systems are the most used in endodontic instrumentations. They have rotary and hand systems that create adequate cone form of mechanically treated root canal. Aim: The aim of this study was to calculate the incidence of time that we spent when we instrument the root canal of single rooted teeth with different systems. Material and metods: This study was conducted in September, in University Goce Delcev Stip, R. N. Macedonia. Thirty human extracted teeth were selected and kept in distilled water. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were used. Specimens with straight roots, single rooted and single canal were included in this study. Tooth with fracture lines, open apices, anatomic irregularities, calcified canal or multiple canals were discarded. The working length of the canals was determined by inserting a size #10 K file in the root canal, until the tip of the file was visible at the apical foramen and then we bring back 1 mm from the measurement. Also, the glide path was performed with the same size of this hand instrument. Then specimens preparation was made. The crowns were removed 2 mm above the proximal cemento-enamel junction. The irrigation was with 2% solution of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine gluconate 3% and 17% of EDTA. We spent same time to irrigate the specimens. The specimens were randomly divided into 3 equal groups (n=10) and were subsequently prepared using hand or rotary system. Results: When we instrumented with the hand system we spent 18 minuts in average, when we instrumented with Pro Taper Gold rotary system we spent 14 minutes and with the Pro Taper Next system 9 minutes. Discussion: About the time, we spent more time to instrument with Pro Taper Gold than Pro Taper Next NiTi rotary system. The longest time we spent was with NiTi ProTaper Universal hand system. Conclusion: There was no significant difference found, when we compared the instrumentation between NiTi ProTaper Universal hand system, NiTi Pro Taper Next rotary system group and NiTi ProTaper Gold rotary system group. We think that the time duration is related to number of instruments from the system that we use during instrumentation. For example, the system of ProTaper Gold has 6 different sizes od instrument in compared to system of ProTaper Next that has 3 sizes. Also, we spent more time for calibration on every instrument (on the endomotor) of the system. So, the time duration for instrumentation with ProTaper Gold is longer that ProTaper Next. There is a need for further research to complete the whole image for this problem. Conflict of interest: Non