11 research outputs found

    Первичный серологический статус и иммунологическая эффективность вакцинации против Streptococcus pneumoniae и Haemophilus influenzae типа b у детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией: когортное исследование

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    Background. The primary serological status of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) with respect to respiratory significant pathogens remains unstudied. Wherein, the efficacy of vaccination of children with BPD against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) has been studied in a small number of studies which results are contradictory.Objective. Our aim was to study the pre-vaccinal serological status with regard to S. pneumoniae and Hib and the immunological efficacy of vaccination against these infections in children with BPD.Methods. The study included children with BPD without exacerbation. The immunological efficacy of conjugate vaccines — pneumococcal 13-valent and against Haemophilus influenza type b — was assessed by the level of IgG against S. pneumoniae and Hib using the ELISA method. The level of antibodies was determined before vaccination and 1 or 3–6 months afterwards.Results. The study included 32 children with BPD, mean age at the time of determining primary serological status was 13.3±1.3 months, at the time of vaccination — 15.2±1.5 months. The mean gestational age was 28.7±0.8 weeks, the body weight at birth was 1225±180 g. Before vaccination, all children with BPD had no protective antibody titre against S. pneumoniae and Hib averaging 0.2±0.034 and 0.13±0.0106 mg/L, respectively. One month after vaccination, the level of antibodies to S. pneumoniae reached 12.9±2.34 mg/L to Hib — 3.34±0.769 mg/L.Conclusion. After immunization with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine and a conjugate vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b, the concentration of IgG against S. pneumoniae exceeded the protective level in all examined patients (100%), the concentration to Hib — in 29 (90.6%).Обоснование. Первичный серологический статус детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией (БЛД) в отношении респираторно значимых патогенов остается неизученным. При этом эффективность вакцинации детей с БЛД против Streptococcus pneumoniae и Haemophilus influenzae типа b (Hib) изучалась в небольшом числе исследований, результаты которых противоречивы. Цель исследования — изучить довакцинальный серологический статус в отношении S. pneumoniae и Hib и иммунологическую эффективность вакцинации против этих инфекций у детей с БЛД.Методы. В исследование включали детей с БЛД, вне обострения. Иммунологическую эффективность конъюгированных вакцин — 13-валентной пневмококковой и против гемофильной инфекции типа b — оценивали по уровню IgG к S. pneumoniae и Hib методом ELISA. Уровень антител определяли до вакцинации и спустя 1 и 3–6 мес.Результаты. Включено 32 ребенка с БЛД средний возраст которых на момент определения первичного серологического статуса составил 13,3±1,3 мес, на момент вакцинации — 15,2±1,5 мес. Средний гестационный возраст — 28,7±0,8 нед, масса тела при рождении — 1225±180 г. У всех детей с БЛД до вакцинации отсутствовал защитный титр антител к S. pneumoniae и Hib, составив в среднем 0,2±0,034 и 0,13±0,0106 мг/л соответственно. Через 1 мес после вакцинации уровень антител к S. pneumoniae достигал 12,9±2,34 мг/л, к Hib — 3,34±0,769 мг/л.Заключение. После иммунизации 13-валентной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакциной и конъюгированной вакциной против гемофильной инфекции типа b концентрация IgG к S. pneumoniae превышала защитный уровень у всех обследованных пациентов (100%), концентрация к Hib — у 29 (90,6%).Конфликт интересовЛ.С. Намазова-Баранова — получение исследовательских грантов от фармацевтических компаний Пьер Фабр, Genzyme Europe B.V., ООО «Астра зенека Фармасьютикалз», Gilead / PRA «Фармасьютикал Рисерч Ассошиэйтс СиАйЭс», Teva Branded Pharma ceuti cal products R&D, Inc. / ООО «ППД Девелопмент (Смоленск)», «Сталлержен С.А.» / «Квинтайлс ГезмбХ» (Австрия). М.В. Федосеенко — получение гонораров от компании Sanofi, Pfizer за чтение лекций

    Опыт вакцинации 13-валентной конъюгированной пневмококковой вакциной пациентки с ювенильным идиопатическим артритом с частыми респираторными инфекциями на фоне терапии метотрексатом

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    The article presents the experience of vaccination with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV13) of a patient aged 5 years with oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) receiving methotrexate at a dose of 15 mg/m2 per week subcutaneously. Treatment with methotrexate provided a remission of JIA, but was accompanied by frequent respiratory infections — up to 8 times a year. During infection progression, methotrexate injections were omitted. Gaps in the treatment with methotrexate were accompanied by an exacerbation of the underlying condition. Vaccination of the patient with PCV13 reduced the frequency of respiratory infections to 2 times a year, which was accompanied by the development of persistent remission of the disease. Adverse events and exacerbation of JIA in a child after vaccination with PCV13 were not registered.Представлен опыт вакцинации 13-валентной конъюгированной пневмококковой вакциной (13ПКВ) пациентки в возрасте 5 лет с олигоартикулярным ювенильным идиопатическим артритом (ЮИА), получавшей метотрексат в дозе 15 мг/м2 в неделю подкожно. Лечение метотрексатом обеспечило ремиссию ЮИА, но сопровождалось частыми респираторными инфекциями — до 8 раз в год. При развитии инфекций инъекции метотрексата пропускались. Перерывы в лечении метотрексатом сопровождались обострением основного заболевания. Вакцинация пациентки 13ПКВ обеспечила снижение частоты респираторных инфекций до 2 раз в год, что сопровождалось развитием стойкой ремиссии заболевания. Нежелательных явлений и обострения ЮИА у ребенка на фоне вакцинации 13ПКВ не зарегистрировано

    Primary Serological Status and Immunological Efficacy of Vaccination against Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b in Children with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: a Cohort Study

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    Background. The primary serological status of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) with respect to respiratory significant pathogens remains unstudied. Wherein, the efficacy of vaccination of children with BPD against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) has been studied in a small number of studies which results are contradictory.Objective. Our aim was to study the pre-vaccinal serological status with regard to S. pneumoniae and Hib and the immunological efficacy of vaccination against these infections in children with BPD.Methods. The study included children with BPD without exacerbation. The immunological efficacy of conjugate vaccines — pneumococcal 13-valent and against Haemophilus influenza type b — was assessed by the level of IgG against S. pneumoniae and Hib using the ELISA method. The level of antibodies was determined before vaccination and 1 or 3–6 months afterwards.Results. The study included 32 children with BPD, mean age at the time of determining primary serological status was 13.3±1.3 months, at the time of vaccination — 15.2±1.5 months. The mean gestational age was 28.7±0.8 weeks, the body weight at birth was 1225±180 g. Before vaccination, all children with BPD had no protective antibody titre against S. pneumoniae and Hib averaging 0.2±0.034 and 0.13±0.0106 mg/L, respectively. One month after vaccination, the level of antibodies to S. pneumoniae reached 12.9±2.34 mg/L to Hib — 3.34±0.769 mg/L.Conclusion. After immunization with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine and a conjugate vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b, the concentration of IgG against S. pneumoniae exceeded the protective level in all examined patients (100%), the concentration to Hib — in 29 (90.6%)

    Pneumococcal Vaccine in Patients with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Receiving Biologic Therapy: International Practice Review

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    International practice of immunization against pneumococcus in patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) receiving biological therapy is generalized in this review. High efficiency and safety of pneumococcal vaccines in children with SJIA is presented. Numerous researches show the adequate immune response after vaccination as well as alongside with genetically engineered biologic drugs therapy. Prevention of pneumococcal disease in patients with SJIA reduces the risk of development of pneumococcal diseases severe complications

    Community-acquired pneumonia in children in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. What has changed?

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    During COVID-19 pandemic the issue of diagnosis and rational therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in children became acute. This is caused by difficulties in verification of the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in the outpatient department, peculiarities of interpretation of the respiratory system lesions. The article presents clinical cases of communityacquired pneumonia in children admitted to the pulmonology department of a pediatric hospital.Clinical case 1. 5-year-old child, medical history: acutely fell ill, on 28.11.20, had a sore throat and fever up to 39.0 C. Received Kagocel, Miramistin, Nurofen. PCR for COVID-19 on 08.12.20 was positive, on 18.12.2020, 22.12.2020, 20.01.2021 - negative. Immunoassay (ELISA) on 12.23.20: IgM - 4.47, IgG - 255.25. Lung and pleural cavity ultrasound: echo signs of sharply pronounced interstitial syndrome, massive fibrinothorax on both sides, indirect signs of bronchopleural fistulas; lung radiography: bilateral polysegmental pneumonia, bilateral hydrothorax, bilateral fibrinothorax, with no marked progression; CT scan with IV contrast: CT picture of hydrothorax on the left, hydropneumothorax on the right, pleurisy on both sides, compression atelectasis of lower lobe segments of both lungs. With no marked progression. Treatment. Thoracentesis; antibiotic therapy, antimycotics, infusion therapy, immunotherapy, partial parenteral nutrition. Against the background of the therapy, positive dynamics was obtained. Clinical examples are also given: an 8-year-old child with suspected new coronavirus infection and a 5-year-old child with bilateral polysegmental pneumonia

    Can physiological sleepiness underlie consciously perceived sleepiness assessed with the Epworth sleepiness scale?

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    Methods of evaluation of substates of sleep and sleepiness differ in, at least, two respects. Although sleepiness has not been separated from other wake and sleep substates using yes-or-no criteria for sleep scoring, it would be consciously perceived and, therefore, assessed with a questionary. However, such subjective method was challenged by the finding suggesting a disconnect between two most widely used subjective and objective indicators of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), a score on the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) > 10 and a reduced latency to sleep onset (SOL), respectively. We examined whether these two EDS indicators differ in their association with physiological sleepiness, i.e., the polysomnographic indexes of elevated sleep pressure. In the afternoon hours, polysomnographic recordings were obtained throughout 54 50-min and 56 90-min napping attempts of 27 and 28 university students, respectively. Within some but not all 10-min intervals of the 50- or 90-min naps, each EDS indicator was validated against different objective polysomnographic indexes suggesting an association of EDS with elevated sleep pressure. Significant differences in sleep indexes were found between participants with short and longer SOL, but they disappeared right before the appearance of such differences between participants with higher and lower ESS score (usually at the 4th 10-min interval). This mismatch in timing of appearance of significant differences might be a plausible explanation for the lack of significant association between the ESS and SOL. Therefore, the physiologic underpinnings of the ESS can be uncovered despite such a disconnect between these two EDS indicators

    13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Haemophilus Influenzae-Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine in Patient with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Receiving Tocilizumab: Clinical Case

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    Background. Vaccination coverage in patients with rheumatic diseases remains extremely low. Moreover, infections are the leading cause of death in such patients. Respiratory infections mortality is 2–5 times higher in adults with rheumatoid arthritis than in overall population. The most frequent infectious complications in patients receiving Tocilizumab (first-line drug for treatment of patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA)) are pneumonia and acute sinusitis. Their clinical course differs: slight clinical presentation, reference ranges of laboratory tests of disease activity (ESR, C-reactive protein), significant changes in lungs and paranasal sinuses according to the computer tomography. Infectious complications development can cause aggravation of prior disease itself or due to temporary immunosuppressive therapy cessation. Clinical Case Description. The experience of immunization with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) and haemophilus influenzae-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in the 1,5 years old boy with SJIA receiving interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody Tocilizumab is presented. The result of such vaccination was increase of pneumococcal and haemophilus influenzae antibodies levels by more than two times. Meanwhile vaccination had no negative impact on the prior disease course: the levels of predictors of prior disease aggravation such as protein S100 and highly sensitive C-reactive protein did not increase significantly in comparison with the period before vaccination. Conclusion. The efficiency and safety of immunization with PCV13 and haemophilus influenzae-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in the child with SJIA receiving Tocilizumab is presented

    Can physiological sleepiness underlie consciously perceived sleepiness assessed with the Epworth sleepiness scale?

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    Abstract Methods of evaluation of substates of sleep and sleepiness differ in, at least, two respects. Although sleepiness has not been separated from other wake and sleep substates using yes-or-no criteria for sleep scoring, it would be consciously perceived and, therefore, assessed with a questionary. However, such subjective method was challenged by the finding suggesting a disconnect between two most widely used subjective and objective indicators of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), a score on the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) > 10 and a reduced latency to sleep onset (SOL), respectively. We examined whether these two EDS indicators differ in their association with physiological sleepiness, i.e., the polysomnographic indexes of elevated sleep pressure. In the afternoon hours, polysomnographic recordings were obtained throughout 54 50-min and 56 90-min napping attempts of 27 and 28 university students, respectively. Within some but not all 10-min intervals of the 50- or 90-min naps, each EDS indicator was validated against different objective polysomnographic indexes suggesting an association of EDS with elevated sleep pressure. Significant differences in sleep indexes were found between participants with short and longer SOL, but they disappeared right before the appearance of such differences between participants with higher and lower ESS score (usually at the 4th 10-min interval). This mismatch in timing of appearance of significant differences might be a plausible explanation for the lack of significant association between the ESS and SOL. Therefore, the physiologic underpinnings of the ESS can be uncovered despite such a disconnect between these two EDS indicators. Graphical abstrac

    The Experience of Vaccination of a Patient With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis With Frequent Respiratory Infections With a Pneumococcal 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine During Methotrexate Therapy

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    The article presents the experience of vaccination with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV13) of a patient aged 5 years with oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) receiving methotrexate at a dose of 15 mg/m2 per week subcutaneously. Treatment with methotrexate provided a remission of JIA, but was accompanied by frequent respiratory infections — up to 8 times a year. During infection progression, methotrexate injections were omitted. Gaps in the treatment with methotrexate were accompanied by an exacerbation of the underlying condition. Vaccination of the patient with PCV13 reduced the frequency of respiratory infections to 2 times a year, which was accompanied by the development of persistent remission of the disease. Adverse events and exacerbation of JIA in a child after vaccination with PCV13 were not registered

    “Struggle” between three switching mechanisms as the underpinning of sleep stages and the pattern of transition between them

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    Complex systems are occasionally switching between several qualitatively different modes of behavior, even in the absence of external influences. An example of such mode-switching behavior of a complex system is a sequence of changes in sleep stages observed on approximately 90-min interval of sleep cycle. We examined whether relatively stable stages and relatively rapid transitions between them can be linked to the observed markers of underlying processes of sleep–wake regulation. Using data on two napping attempts of each of 28 university students, we described how scores on principal components of the EEG spectrum and rates of transitions between stages can serve as objective markers of interaction between three underlying on–off switching mechanisms that, in turn, can reflect strengths of the mutually inhibiting drives for sleep, wake, and REM sleep. A sequence of transitions between five stages over sleep cycle can be viewed as representing a sequence of episodes of the “struggle” between these three permanently competing mechanisms. Each of typical stage transitions in sleep cycle can be interpreted as a relatively rapid change in state of one or two of these three on–off switchers. It seems that only one of them is capable to maintain the switch on state during a stage with the exception of transient stage 1 sleep during which all switches remain in switch off state. An aim of future research of stages and their transitions during normal and disturbed sleep can be aimed on identification of a switching mechanism involved into a certain disturbance of sleep