14 research outputs found

    Skeletal Adaptation to Intramedullary Pressure-Induced Interstitial Fluid Flow Is Enhanced in Mice Subjected to Targeted Osteocyte Ablation

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    Interstitial fluid flow (IFF) is a potent regulatory signal in bone. During mechanical loading, IFF is generated through two distinct mechanisms that result in spatially distinct flow profiles: poroelastic interactions within the lacunar-canalicular system, and intramedullary pressurization. While the former generates IFF primarily within the lacunar-canalicular network, the latter generates significant flow at the endosteal surface as well as within the tissue. This gives rise to the intriguing possibility that loading-induced IFF may differentially activate osteocytes or surface-residing cells depending on the generating mechanism, and that sensation of IFF generated via intramedullary pressurization may be mediated by a non-osteocytic bone cell population. To begin to explore this possibility, we used the Dmp1-HBEGF inducible osteocyte ablation mouse model and a microfluidic system for modulating intramedullary pressure (ImP) to assess whether structural adaptation to ImP-driven IFF is altered by partial osteocyte depletion. Canalicular convective velocities during pressurization were estimated through the use of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and computational modeling. Following osteocyte ablation, transgenic mice exhibited severe losses in bone structure and altered responses to hindlimb suspension in a compartment-specific manner. In pressure-loaded limbs, transgenic mice displayed similar or significantly enhanced structural adaptation to Imp-driven IFF, particularly in the trabecular compartment, despite up to ∼50% of trabecular lacunae being uninhabited following ablation. Interestingly, regression analysis revealed relative gains in bone structure in pressure-loaded limbs were correlated with reductions in bone structure in unpressurized control limbs, suggesting that adaptation to ImP-driven IFF was potentiated by increases in osteoclastic activity and/or reductions in osteoblastic activity incurred independently of pressure loading. Collectively, these studies indicate that structural adaptation to ImP-driven IFF can proceed unimpeded following a significant depletion in osteocytes, consistent with the potential existence of a non-osteocytic bone cell population that senses ImP-driven IFF independently and potentially parallel to osteocytic sensation of poroelasticity-derived IFF

    Murine Dishevelled 3 Functions in Redundant Pathways with Dishevelled 1 and 2 in Normal Cardiac Outflow Tract, Cochlea, and Neural Tube Development

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    Dishevelled (Dvl) proteins are important signaling components of both the canonical Ξ²-catenin/Wnt pathway, which controls cell proliferation and patterning, and the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, which coordinates cell polarity within a sheet of cells and also directs convergent extension cell (CE) movements that produce narrowing and elongation of the tissue. Three mammalian Dvl genes have been identified and the developmental roles of Dvl1 and Dvl2 were previously determined. Here, we identify the functions of Dvl3 in development and provide evidence of functional redundancy among the three murine Dvls. Dvl3βˆ’/βˆ’ mice died perinatally with cardiac outflow tract abnormalities, including double outlet right ventricle and persistent truncus arteriosis. These mutants also displayed a misorientated stereocilia in the organ of Corti, a phenotype that was enhanced with the additional loss of a single allele of the PCP component Vangl2/Ltap (LtapLp/+). Although neurulation appeared normal in both Dvl3βˆ’/βˆ’ and LtapLp/+ mutants, Dvl3+/βˆ’;LtapLp/+ combined mutants displayed incomplete neural tube closure. Importantly, we show that many of the roles of Dvl3 are also shared by Dvl1 and Dvl2. More severe phenotypes were observed in Dvl3 mutants with the deficiency of another Dvl, and increasing Dvl dosage genetically with Dvl transgenes demonstrated the ability of Dvls to compensate for each other to enable normal development. Interestingly, global canonical Wnt signaling appeared largely unaffected in the double Dvl mutants, suggesting that low Dvl levels are sufficient for functional canonical Wnt signals. In summary, we demonstrate that Dvl3 is required for cardiac outflow tract development and describe its importance in the PCP pathway during neurulation and cochlea development. Finally, we establish several developmental processes in which the three Dvls are functionally redundant

    Schematic demonstrating two potential mechanisms by which osteocyte ablation may give rise to loss of trabecular bone mass in unpressurized limbs while enhancing pressure loading-induced adaptation.

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    <p>In the first case (A), osteocyte ablation gives rise to an increase in the number of active osteoclasts, resulting in heightened bone loss in unpressurized limbs. In limbs subjected to pressure loading, the resorptive activity of these active osteoclasts is halted, preserving bone mass. In the second case (B), osteocyte ablation shifts the osteoblastic population to a more quiescent state, resulting in decreased bone mass in unpressurized limbs. However, in pressure-loaded limbs, an enhanced anabolic response occurs due to the newly available pool of quiescent cells activated following exposure to pressure loading-induced IFF.</p

    Bone structure in control limb predicts inter- and intra-group variability in adaptation to pressure loading.

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    <p>Bone structure in control limb is plotted in the x-coordinate, and is indicative of baseline cellular activity in the absence of pressure loading. Relative adaptation is plotted in the y-coordinate, and was found to be negatively correlated with control limb structure independently of genotype and DT dose. Results are shown for (A) trabecular volume fraction, (B) trabecular number, (C) trabecular spacing, (D) cortical thickness, and (E) bone mineral density. Each point represents a single animal (red: WT; blue: Tg; circle: 10 Β΅g/kg DT; square: 50 Β΅g/kg DT; fill: HLS; no fill: Amb). Pearson correlation coefficients and corresponding p-values are shown in the top right of each plot.</p

    Experimental setup for pressure loading experiments and measurements of ImP.

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    <p>(A) Image of a hindlimb suspended mouse subjected to microfluidic pressure loading. The syringe pump consists of a Hamilton syringe (hs) mounted in a computer-controlled loading frame (lf) that actuates the syringe plunger (p). A saline-filled catheter (c) couples the pump to the cannulated mouse (hindlimb suspended via a tail suspension apparatus (tsa)). The catheter is protected from mouse chewing/pulling by an infusion harness (ih). (B) Composite average (± standard error) of intramedullary pressure measurements obtained from four animals in the absence (empty circles) and presence (filled circles) of microfluidic pressure loading. Pressure loading resulted in a 5.1 Hz waveform with a mean peak pressure of ∼70 mmHg.</p

    Pressure loading-induced adaptation is enhanced in transgenic mice.

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    <p>Results are shown for relative changes (defined as the difference between pressure-loaded limb and contralateral limb values) in (A) trabecular volume fraction, (B) trabecular number, (C) trabecular spacing, (D) cortical thickness, and (E) bone mineral density.</p

    Quantification of canalicular convective velocity from <i>ex vivo</i> measurements of lacunar fluorescence recovery after photobleaching.

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    <p>(A) Single lacuna immediately prior to (Pre-Bleach) and following photobleaching (Bleach), and the subsequent recovery of fluorescence in the absence (top) and presence (bottom) of pressure loading. Faster recovery can be observed in the presence of pressure loading, indicating convective transport. Color bar on bottom indicates image intensity. (B) Plot of Eq. 1 demonstrating the relationship between convective velocity <i>v<sub>c</sub></i> and recovery rates <i>k</i> and <i>k</i><sub>0</sub>. The red dot corresponds to the canalicular fluid velocity (∼80 ¡m/s) calculated using the values of <i>k</i> and <i>k</i><sub>0</sub> obtained in this study.</p