825 research outputs found

    Do Information and Communication Technologies Empower Female Workers? Firm-Level Evidence from Viet Nam

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    This paper studies the effects of firms’ investments in information and communication technologies (ICT) on their demand for female and skilled workers. Using the gradual liberalization of the broadband Internet sector across provinces from 2006 to 2009 as a source of exogenous variation to identify the causal impacts of ICT, we find evidence from the country’s comprehensive enterprise survey data that firms’ adoption of broadband Internet and other related ICT increased their relative demand for female and college-educated workers. The effect of ICT on firms’ female employment is particularly strong among the college-educated workers, and is stronger in industries that are more dependent on highly manual and physical tasks. These results suggest that ICT can lower gender inequality in the labor market by shifting the labor demand from highly manual, routine tasks in which men have a comparative advantage toward more nonroutine, interactive tasks in which women hold a comparative advantage. However, the effect of ICT is weaker in industries relying more on complex and interactive tasks, suggesting that gender differences in education may have limited female labor supply for the most innovative industries that require highly technical skills to complement ICT

    Do Markets Respond to Quality Information? The Case of Fertility Clinics

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    Although policymakers have increasingly turned to provider report cards as a tool to improve health care quality, existing studies provide mixed evidence that they influence consumer choices. We examine the effects of providing consumers with quality information in the context of fertility clinics providing Assisted Reproductive Therapies (ART). We report three main findings. First, clinics with higher birthrates had larger market shares after relative to before the adoption of report cards. Second, clinics with a disproportionate share of young, relatively easy-to-treat patients had lower market shares after adoption versus before. This suggests that consumers take into account information on patient mix when evaluating clinic outcomes. Third, report cards had larger effects on consumers and clinics from states with ART insurance coverage mandates. We conclude that quality report cards have potential to influence provider behavior in this setting.

    Piperacillin/tazobactam Induced Myelosuppression

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    Neutropenia, secondary to immune destruction or maturation arrest, is the most commonly described adverse haematological effect of beta-lactam antibiotics. We describe a case of reversible pancytopenia, with evidence of hypocellular marrow, after a prolonged course of piperacillin/tazobactam for 26 days

    Assessment of multiple stable isotopes for tracking regional and organic authenticity of plant products in Hesse, Germany

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    As demand for regional and organically produced foodstuff has increased in Europe, the need has arisen to verify the products’ origin and production method. For food authenticity tracking (production method and origin), we examined 286 samples of wheat (Triticum aestivum), potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), and apples (Malus domestica) from different regions in Germany for their stable isotope compositions of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Single-variate authentication methods were used. Suitable isotope tracers to determine wheat's regional origin were δ 18O and δ 34S. δ 13C helped to distinguish between organic and conventional wheat samples. For the separation of the production regions of potatoes, several isotope tracers were suitable (e.g. δ 18O, δ 2H, δ 15N, δ 13C and δ 34S isotopes in potato protein), but only protein δ 15N was suitable to differentiate between organic and conventional potato samples. For the apple samples, 2H and 18O isotopes helped to identify production regions, but no significant statistical differences could be found between organically and conventionally farmed apples. For food authenticity tracking, our study showed the need to take the various isotopes into account. There is an urgent need for a broad reference database if isotope measurements are to become a main tool for determining product's origin

    Stratification of PD-1 blockade response in melanoma using pre- and post-treatment immunophenotyping of peripheral blood

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    Efficacy of checkpoint inhibitor therapies in cancer varies greatly, with some patients showing complete responses while others do not respond and experience progressive disease. We aimed to identify correlates of response and progression following PD-1-directed therapy by immunophenotyping peripheral blood samples from 20 patients with advanced malignant melanoma before and after treatment with the PD-1 blocking antibody pembrolizumab. Our data reveal that individuals responding to PD-1 blockade were characterised by increased CD8 T cell proliferation following treatment, while progression was associated with an increase in CTLA-4-expressing Treg. Remarkably, unsupervised clustering analysis of pre-treatment T cell subsets revealed differences in individuals that went on to respond to PD-1 blockade compared to individuals that did not. These differences mapped to expression of the proliferation marker Ki67 and the costimulatory receptor CD28 as well as the inhibitory molecules 2B4 and KLRG1. While these results require validation in larger patient cohorts, they suggest that flow cytometric analysis of a relatively small number of T cell markers in peripheral blood could potentially allow stratification of PD-1 blockade treatment response prior to therapy initiation

    Fruit intake and abdominal aortic calcification in elderly women: A prospective cohort study

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    © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. There is a consistent inverse relationship between fruit intake with CVD events and mortality in cross-sectional and prospective observational studies, but the relationship of fruit intake with measurements of atherosclerosis in humans is less clear. Nutritional effects on abdominal aortic calcification (AAC), a marker for subclinical intimal and medial atherosclerotic vascular disease, have not been studied previously. The aim of this study was to examine the cross-sectional relationship of total and individual fruit (apple, pear, orange and other citrus, and banana) intake with AAC, scored between 0 and 24. The current study assessed baseline data for a cohort of 1052 women over 70 years of age who completed both a food frequency questionnaire assessing fruit intake, and underwent AAC measurement using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. AAC scores were significantly negatively correlated with total fruit and apple intakes (p 0.25). In multivariable-adjusted logistic regression, each standard deviation (SD; 50 g/day) increase in apple intake was associated with a 24% lower odds of having severe AAC (AAC score >5) (odd ratio OR): 0.76 (0.62, 0.93), p = 0.009). Total and other individual fruit intake were not associated with increased odds of having severe AAC. Apple but not total or other fruit intake is independently negatively associated with AAC in older women

    The Future of Indiana’s Water Resources: A Report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment

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    This report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA) applies climate change projections for the state to explore how continued changes in Indiana’s climate are going to affect all aspects of water resources, including soil water, evaporation, runoff, snow cover, streamflow, drought, and flooding. As local temperatures continue to rise and rainfall patterns shift, managing the multiple water needs of communities, natural systems, recreation, industry, and agriculture will become increasingly difficult. Ensuring that enough water is available in the right places and at the right times will require awareness of Indiana’s changing water resources and planning at regional and state levels

    IL-21 shapes germinal center polarization via light zone B cell selection and cyclin D3 upregulation

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    Germinal center (GC) dysregulation has been widely reported in the context of autoimmunity. Here, we show that interleukin 21 (IL-21), the archetypal follicular helper T cell (Tfh) cytokine, shapes the scale and polarization of spontaneous chronic autoimmune as well as transient immunization-induced GC. We find that IL-21 receptor deficiency results in smaller GC that are profoundly skewed toward a light zone GC B cell phenotype and that IL-21 plays a key role in selection of light zone GC B cells for entry to the dark zone. Light zone skewing has been previously reported in mice lacking the cell cycle regulator cyclin D3. We demonstrate that IL-21 triggers cyclin D3 upregulation in GC B cells, thereby tuning dark zone inertial cell cycling. Lastly, we identify Foxo1 regulation as a link between IL-21 signaling and GC dark zone formation. These findings reveal new biological roles for IL-21 within GC and have implications for autoimmune settings where IL-21 is overproduced

    Decreased Survival of B Cells of HIV-viremic Patients Mediated by Altered Expression of Receptors of the TNF Superfamily

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection leads to numerous perturbations of B cells through mechanisms that remain elusive. We performed DNA microarray, phenotypic, and functional analyses in an effort to elucidate mechanisms of B cell perturbation associated with ongoing HIV replication. 42 genes were up-regulated in B cells of HIV-viremic patients when compared with HIV-aviremic and HIV-negative patients, the majority of which were interferon (IFN)-stimulated or associated with terminal differentiation. Flow cytometry confirmed these increases and indicated that CD21low B cells, enhanced in HIV-viremic patients, were largely responsible for the changes. Increased expression of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily (TNFSF) receptor CD95 correlated with increased susceptibility to CD95-mediated apoptosis of CD21low B cells, which, in turn, correlated with HIV plasma viremia. Increased expression of BCMA, a weak TNFSF receptor for B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS), on CD21low B cells was associated with a concomitant reduction in the expression of the more potent BLyS receptor, BAFF-R, that resulted in reduced BLyS binding and BLyS-mediated survival. These findings demonstrate that altered expression of genes associated with IFN stimulation and terminal differentiation in B cells of HIV-viremic patients lead to an increased propensity to cell death, which may have substantial deleterious effects on B cell responsiveness to antigenic stimulation
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