3 research outputs found

    Methods for Assessing the Credit Risk of Leasing Assets

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    This paper analyzes how to appeal to the securitization of leasing companies affect the possible appearance in Russia in the framework of Basel II and Basel III capital requirements in respect of credit risk operations, securitization of leasing assets. It also discusses the possible implications for lessors, planned to carry out securitization during the implementation of the project in the Russian document “Updates to the framework agreement of the Basel Committee approach to securitization” in its current wording. Keywords: credit risk, assessment methodology, leasing assets JEL Classifications: D80, G3

    Public Administration and Municipal Governance and Its Significance for a Modern Democratic Society

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    This paper aims to review the state of public administration and municipal governance today. The condition of state and municipal administration is considered on the example of modern democratic society. As the highest type of administration activities, social management is the effect of the subject on the public relations with the purpose of their improvement, development and streamlining, preservation of their qualitative specificity. The main feature of social control is that the object is the activities the subjects of knowledge. That is, the subjects of knowledge, and the real actors are the people themselves. In addition, the interaction between subject and object of knowledge is the object of knowledge. Management “is the property of any society arising from its systemic nature, the public nature of labor, the need of communication between people in work and life, the exchange of products, their material and spiritual activities.” Depending on the nature of the subject of management, there is control of the state (subject of control - state) and municipal administration (the subject of administration - the population of the municipality). Keywords: public administration, municipal governance, democratic society, economic growth, economic development JEL Classifications: H1, H11, H7, H7

    Public service corporate culture development: main problems and trends

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    In this article, they analyze the main stages of public service corporate culture development in Russian Federation: the determination of the mission and basic values; the development of traditions and corporate identity; the determination of employee behavior standards; the improvement of the favorable socialpsychological climate. The main problem of public service corporate culture development in modern Russian conditions is the contradiction between its declared content and the internal values of its employees. The analysis of public service corporate culture state in Russia showed a regular tendency: the higher the level of management, the stronger the corporate culture.En este artículo, se analizan las principales etapas del desarrollo de la cultura corporativa del servicio público en la Federación de Rusia: la determinación de la misión y los valores básicos; el desarrollo de tradiciones e identidad corporativa; la determinación de los estándares de comportamiento de los empleados; La mejora del clima social y psicológico favorable. El principal problema del desarrollo de la cultura corporativa del servicio público en las condiciones modernas de Rusia es la contradicción entre su contenido declarado y los valores internos de sus empleados. El análisis del estado de la cultura corporativa del servicio público en Rusia mostró una tendencia regular: cuanto mayor es el nivel de gestión, más fuerte es la cultura corporativa