14 research outputs found

    The Assessment of the Socio-Economic Role of Forest-Steppe West Siberian Medieval Fortified Settlements by Remains of Metallurgical Production

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    По материалам Усть-Терсюкского городища авторы установили, что в IV–IX вв. на городищах бакальской культуры под укрытием мощных фортификаций стояли срубные дома с обширными подпольями, чередующиеся с ремесленными мастерскими: с печами, кузнечными горнами, углежогными ямами и хранилищами припасов. Имела место специализация части населения на металлопроизводстве. Из железа производился орудийный минимум: тесла, шилья, ножи, наконечники стрел, медный лом переплавлялся в новые изделия. Расширение ассортимента, запасы топлива, трудоемкие производства, в том числе оружейное, судя по находкам орудий и остаткам производственной деятельности, говорят о скачке в развитии черной металлургии и цветной металлообработки в X–XIII вв. у населения юдинской культуры. Недостаток сырья обусловил широкое использование лома и доставку импортной продукции. Длительность обитания юдинских мастеров в укрепленном поселении и их статус требуют дальнейшего обоснования, предположительно, это были богатыри-кузнецы и их семьи с пленниками. По следам пожарищ и разнообразию датировок вещей, асинхронности остатков сооружений можно предполагать сезонность металлургических занятий или неоднократную гибель построек в ходе конфликтов населения, что продолжение раскопок позволит более обстоятельно проанализироватьThe article reconstructs the residential and economic development of the layout of the Ust-Tersyuk fortified settlement. It has been established that in the IV–IX centuries, within the framework of the Bakal culture, behind the walls of the fortress there were houses made of timber frames with a deep underground part. There were craft workshops with furnaces, forges and anvils, with pits for producing coal and storing supplies close to the houses. Part of the population specialized in metal production. Iron was used to produce tools: adzes, awls, knives, arrowheads. The copper scrap was melted down into new products. The expansion of the assortment, coal reserves, labor–intensive industries, including weapons, based on the finds of tools and remnants of production activities, indicate a leap in the development of ferrous metallurgy and non-ferrous metalworking in the X–XIII centuries among the population of the Yudino culture. The lack of raw materials led to the widespread use of scrap and the delivery of imported products. The duration of habitat of the masters of the Yudino culture in the fortified settlement and their status require further justification. We assume that these were bogatyrs and blacksmiths and their families with prisoners. The traces of fires, the variety of dates of things, the asynchrony of the remains of structures allow us to assume the seasonality of metallurgical activities or repeated military conflicts among the West Siberian population. Further excavations will allow us to conduct a more detailed analysi

    Dimebon Does Not Ameliorate Pathological Changes Caused by Expression of Truncated (1–120) Human Alpha-Synuclein in Dopaminergic Neurons of Transgenic Mice

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    Background: Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that dimebon, a drug originally designed and used as a non-selective antihistamine, ameliorates symptoms and delays progress of mild to moderate forms of Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases. Although the mechanism of dimebon action on pathological processes in degenerating brain is elusive, results of studies carried out in cell cultures and animal models suggested that this drug might affect the process of pathological accumulation and aggregation of various proteins involved in the pathogenesis of proteinopathies. However, the effect of this drug on the pathology caused by overexpression and aggregation of alpha-synuclein, including Parkinson’s disease (PD), has not been assessed. Objective: To test if dimebon affected alpha-synuclein-induced pathology using a transgenic animal model. Methods: We studied the effects of chronic dimebon treatment on transgenic mice expressing the C-terminally truncated (1–120) form of human alpha-synuclein in dopaminergic neurons, a mouse model that recapitulates several biochemical, histopathological and behavioral characteristics of the early stage of PD. Results: Dimebon did not improve balance and coordination of aging transgenic animals or increase the level of striatal dopamine, nor did it prevent accumulation of alpha-synuclein in cell bodies of dopaminergic neurons. Conclusion: Our observations suggest that in the studied model of alpha-synucleinopathy dimebon has very limited effect on certain pathological alterations typical of PD and related diseases

    Archaeologic research in 2014 to spot the site of the battle and winter stay of Ermak’s squad at the vicinity of lake karachinsk

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    В статье изложены дискуссионные проблемы изучения похода Ермака с точки зрения археологической науки. Приведены результаты полевых исследований Карачинского острова, в том числе раскопок землянки первых русских первопроходцев, и информация об обнаружении поля сражения дружины Ермака с татарским войском по рассеянию картечи от пищальных ружей XVI . This article presents the study of controversial issues of Ermak’s campaign in terms of archeology. The results of field studies at Karachinsky island, including the excavation of first Russian explorers’ dugout, and the information on the discovery of the battlefield of Ermak’s troop and Tatar army by scattered buckshot of gun tools of the XVI-th century, are revealed in the article

    Snake’s Imagery in Indoor Sculpture of the Eneolithic Period in the Trans-Urals

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    Настоящая работа посвящена змеиному образу в мелкой пластике Зауралья, рассматриваемому в контексте зооморфной скульптуры энеолита. В рамках статьи вводится новый источник — глиняное грузило с изображением головы змеи, обнаруженное во время раскопок на памятнике Гилево-2 в Заводоуковском районе Тюменской области в 2017 г. Для символической трактовки образа используются данные из этнографических исследований и древнего финского эпоса, приводятся сведения об аналогичных артефактах из Средней Азии, севера Западной Сибири, Прибалтики и Финляндии. Авторы статьи предлагают связывать культовое восприятие змеи с носителями андреевской культуры, о чем свидетельствуют присутствующие на территории обнаружения скульптур остатки соответствующей керамики и глиняные сигаровидные грузила. Выдвигается идея о применении змеиного образа в промысловой магии, связанной с рыбной . This article describes the snake imagery in the indoor sculpture of the Trans-Urals in the context of the zoomorphic sculpture of the Eneolithic period. The authors introduce a new source — a clay weight with the image of a snake’s head, discovered during excavations at the Gilyovo-2 monument in the Zavodoukovsky District of the Tyumen Region in 2017. For a symbolic interpretation of the image, this study employs the data from ethnographic studies and from the ancient Finnish epic, with reference to similar artifacts from Central Asia, the north of Western Siberia, the Baltics, and Finland. The authors suggest connecting the cult perception of the snake with the carriers of the Andreev culture, as evidenced by the remains of the corresponding ceramics and clay cigar-shaped weights, present on the territory of the sculpture detection. The proposed idea is that a snake imagery was used in commercial magic associated with fishing

    Reconstruction of the warrior costume from the burial Sidorovka (west Siberia)

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    В статье по данным раскопок элитарного кургана гипотетически реконструированы: одежда знатного воина из шелковой рубахи, штанов, шерстяного кафтана, обуви — мягких кожаных сапожек на ремешках, высокого головного убора цилиндрической формы с покрывалом из золотного шитья. Все это дает дополнительную информацию о быте и социальных различиях населения в период расцвета саргатской культуры. Результаты проведенного исследования могут быть использованы в оформлении экспозиции краеведческого музея по теме жизнедеятельности саргатского населения, проживающего на территории юга Тюменской области на протяжении всего раннего железного века. Выяснилось, что на состав и декор костюма саргатского населения наиболее могли повлиять сарматы и кангюйцы. Расположение находок на теле погребенного отражает бытование представлений о том, что одежда выполняла защитную функцию, потому включала в себя систему оберегов для охраны наиболее уязвимых и важных частей тела. Космогоническая символика в изображении пояса и вышивок, вероятно, выражала сюжеты древних . In the article according to the data of the excavation of the elitist mound were theoretically reconstructed: the clothes of a noble warrior of a silk shirt, pants, woolen kaftan, shoes — soft leather boots with straps, a high headwear of a cylindrical shape with a veil with golden embroidery; giving an extra information on the mode of life and social differences of the society in the period of the flourishment of the Sargat culture. The results of the investigation may be used in the design of expositions of the Museum of the Local Lore on the topic of the Lifestyle of the Sargat population, as having lived on the territory of the south of the Tyumen region for the whole early Iron Age. It was found out, that the biggest influence on the composition and the decoration of the costumes could have made the Sarmats and the Kangyuts. The location of the things on the body of the buried reflects the presence of the conception that the clothing served a protective function, as included the system of amulets to protect the most vulnerable and important parts of the body. The cosmogonic symbolism in the image of the belt and embroidery, probably, reflected the plots of the ancient myths

    Russian-Hungarian Archaeologic School

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    Освещен опыт работы Российско-венгерской археологической школы, основанной на базе экспедиции Лаборатории археологии и этнографии Института социально-гуманитарных наук совместно с Католическим университетом им. Петера Пазманя, Академией наук Венгрии, Тюменским научным центром ИПОС СО РАН

    Nomadic Burial Mednyi Borok (a Preliminary Report)

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    Формирование средневековых культур Западной Сибири происходило под влиянием тюркских кочевнических государственных объединений I тыс. н. э., однако конкретные сюжеты социально-экономических и миграционных процессов остаются неизученными. В статье публикуются новые материалы средневекового могильника Медный борок, открытого при раскопках многослойного селища Старо-Лыбаевское-1б. Данный некрополь расположен рядом с одноименной деревней в Заводоуковском районе Тюменской области на левом берегу р. Тобол. В ходе работы исследовано 21 погребение, большая часть которых нарушена грабителями. По расположению непотревоженных костей людей, останков скелетов лошади, сопроводительного инвентаря и керамики реконструированы элементы погребальной практики средневекового населения Западной Сибири. Выделены как одиночные, так и парные захоронения взрослых людей, а также отдельные детские погребения. Имеются ингумации в позе вытянутого на спине головой на северо-запад или юго-запад, а также вторичные погребения. Десять захоронений сопровождались останками головы и четырех конечностей лошади (шкура?), а одно — цельной тушей взнузданного жеребца, уложенного в яму. Находки представлены серьгами, бубенчиками, элементами конской упряжи, наконечниками стрел, ножами, подвесками и пронизями из оловянис-той бронзы. Керамика относится к бакальской, юдинской и усть-ишимской культурам. Аналогии захоронениям с конем и инвентарем видим в культуре кимако-кипчакских групп и предварительно датируем некрополь IX-XII вв. н. э. Памятник позволяет расширить корпус источников по вопросам взаимодействия тюркских кочевников с лесостепным населением Западной . The cultural genesis of the West-Siberian population was influenced by Turkic Khaganates during the I millennium AD. Yet, concrete themes of migration processes and social-economic factors have not been studied. The description of the new materials of the medieval ground burial Mednyi Borok, that was found in the excavation process at a multi-layer settlement Staro-Lybaevo-1b, is published in this article. This burial complex is located near Staro-Lybaevo village in the Zavodoukovsk district of the Tyumen Region on the left bank of the Tobol River. 21 graves were investigated during the last two years. However, their wholeness was destroyed by robbers and erosion of sandy soils. It was possible to reconstruct some burial practices of the medieval West-Siberian population by the places of undisturbed bones of people, remains of horses’ skeletons, goods and pots. Separate children’s and single and paired adults’ graves were identified. The corpses were in poses elongated on the back, oriented to the North-West or the South-West. There were some secondary burials as well. 10 graves contained remains of horses’ heads, skin and legs, and 1 grave had a carcass of a bridled horse put in the grave. Artifacts are presented by earrings, bells, elements of horse trappings, arrow’s tips, knives, glass beads and bronze figural pendants. The pottery, discovered in the graves, belongs to Bakalsk, Yudino and Ust’-Ishim archaeological cultures. We find analogies to the graves with a horse and funeral equipment in Kimek culture. They are presumably identified as IX-XII AD necropolis. New materials from the site expand the corpus on the issues of Turkic nomads’ interaction with forest-steppe population of West-Siberia

    Comparison of methanol to gasoline conversion in one-step, two-step, and cascade mode in the presence of H-ZSM-5 zeolite

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    In this report, three technological modes for methanol-to-gasoline reaction in the presence of H-ZSM-5 catalyst are compared: (i) direct methanol transformation to hydrocarbons; (ii) two-step (methanol-dimethyl ether-hydrocarbons); and (iii) cascade pathway. Light hydrocarbon gases (methane, ethylene, propylene, and isobutene) and liquid aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene, cresol, durol, naphthalene, methylnaphthalene, ethyl naphthalene, isopropyl naphthalene, methyl isopropyl naphthalene, etc.) were found to be the main reaction products. The experimental results showed that the classical two-step methanol to gasoline (MTG) process nowadays remains the most effective for gasoline-range hydrocarbons production, while one-step and cascade schemes require further investigation and the development of reactor systems as well as the operating conditions. The product distribution of MTG synthesis after 120 h on stream in the case of two-step mode was found to be the following: liquid C6–C8 hydrocarbons – 23%; C1–C5 gaseous products – 65%; heavy C9–C12 hydrocarbons – 10%

    Prophylactic thyroidectomy results among RET germline mutation bearers in families with hereditary forms of medullary thyroid cancer

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    Genetically caused medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is associated with unfavorable survival prognosis, so it makes necessary to develop new diagnostic techniques to reveal pre-clinical stage of disease as well as to introduce into clinical practice the effective method of tumor prevention. The article represents first in Russia summary clinical experience of prophylactic thyroidectomy have been executed in the period 1998 – 2015 yeas among ten bearers of RET gene germlinemutation in families with hereditary disease including syndrome MEN2A and familial MTC. Aim: to evaluate the results of surgical treatment of asymptomatic carriers of germinal mutations in the RET gene. Materials and methods. In the period from 1998 to 2015, in two centers: N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow and A. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Centre – branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Centre, Obninsk was conducted prophylactic surgical treatment in 10 patients – asymptomatic carriers of germinal mutations in RET. Age of patients – from 2 to 23 years old. 9 patients – from families with the syndrome of multiple endocrineneoplasia type 2A (MEN2A), one – with the family of MTC. According to genealogy in 9 families of patients there have been cases of death from MTC or pheochromocytoma (PC). In all cases, surgical treatment was performed in a volume of TE, two patients additionally performed lymph node dissection VI level. The observation period after surgery ranged from 6 months to 16 years. Results. DNA diagnostics in 8 patients identified a mutation in exon 11, in one case – in exon 10 and one patient had revealed two mutations in exons 13 and 14. The age of patients ranged from 2 to 23 years. Basal calcitonin level was elevated in 7 of 10 patients. Such prophylactic TE in 2 patients was supplemented by selective lymph node dissection. Histological examination of the removal of the thyroid gland (TG) revealed foci of medullary cancer in 6 of 10. At 2 patients revealed a C-cell hyperplasia and at 2 patients were found signs of the well expressed and weakly expressed sclerosis in thyroid tissue. The earliest age to identify MTC was a child 3 years old, mutations in codon 634, from a family where relatives observed for aggressive MTC. In the course of follow-recurrence was detected in one patient, a child of 15 years, a similar mutation carrier. Conclusion. In view of the risk of MTC developing identifying a mutation in RET gene and preventive TE should be carried out as soon as possible. The high risk of MTC developing in RET-gene positive subjects was confirmed in this study (6 cases of cancer from 10 patients)