19 research outputs found

    Cross-Polarization OCT for In Vivo Diagnostics and Prediction of Bladder Cancer

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    This chapter contains three parts covering recent efforts to increase the accuracy of optical coherence tomography (OCT) differential diagnostics of bladder pathologies. The first part compares the diagnostic efficacy of traditional OCT and cross-polarization OCT (CP OCT); CP OCT and fluorescence cystoscopy (FC) for detecting flat lesions in the bladder at the early stages of cancer. The second part contains a report on achievements in application of CP OCT for detection of recurrent carcinoma in the scar area that is a hardly distinguishable form of bladder cancer using an optimized CP OCT image analysis. The third part of the chapter reviews the results on CP OCT usage for in vivo diagnosis of the bladder cancer after radiation therapy of cervical cancer

    Towards targeted colorectal cancer biopsy based on tissue morphology assessment by compression optical coherence elastography

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    Identifying the precise topography of cancer for targeted biopsy in colonoscopic examination is a challenge in current diagnostic practice. For the first time we demonstrate the use of compression optical coherence elastography (C-OCE) technology as a new functional OCT modality for differentiating between cancerous and non-cancerous tissues in colon and detecting their morphological features on the basis of measurement of tissue elastic properties. The method uses pre-determined stiffness values (Young’s modulus) to distinguish between different morphological structures of normal (mucosa and submucosa), benign tumor (adenoma) and malignant tumor tissue (including cancer cells, gland-like structures, cribriform gland-like structures, stromal fibers, extracellular mucin). After analyzing in excess of fifty tissue samples, a threshold stiffness value of 520 kPa was suggested above which areas of colorectal cancer were detected invariably. A high Pearson correlation (r =0.98; p <0.05), and a negligible bias (0.22) by good agreement of the segmentation results of C-OCE and histological (reference standard) images was demonstrated, indicating the efficiency of C-OCE to identify the precise localization of colorectal cancer and the possibility to perform targeted biopsy. Furthermore, we demonstrated the ability of C-OCE to differentiate morphological subtypes of colorectal cancer – low-grade and high-grade colorectal adenocarcinomas, mucinous adenocarcinoma, and cribriform patterns. The obtained ex vivo results highlight prospects of C-OCE for high-level colon malignancy detection. The future endoscopic use of C-OCE will allow targeted biopsy sampling and simultaneous rapid analysis of the heterogeneous morphology of colon tumors

    Публічне управління та адміністрування в забезпеченні реалізації цілей сталого розвитку: монографія. [Електронний ресурс] / Н.С. Іванова, Н.С. Приймак, І.А. Карабаза, В.В. Барабанова та ін.; ред. Н.С. Іванова. – Кривий Ріг : ДонНУЕТ, 2021. – 162 с.

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    <p>У монографії висвітлюються теоретичні та практичні аспекти забезпечення цілей сталого розвитку шляхом реалізації принципів публічного управління та адміністрування, а саме: подолання корупції; управління персоналом в контексті досягнення цілей сталого розвитку; імідж держслужбовця та його формування; відповідальність за якість життя населення; дослідження існуючих практик співпраці держави, освіти та бізнесу для формування ефективної моделі соціального партнерства; стратегія модернізації соціального діалогу. Монографія розрахована на науковців, спеціалістів, які задіяні в реалізації стратегії сталого розвитку, державних службовців, громадських діячів, здобувачів вищої освіти.</p><p>The monograph highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the goals of sustainable development by implementing the principles of public management and administration, namely: overcoming corruption; personnel management in the context of achieving the goals of sustainable development; the image of a civil servant and its formation; responsibility for the quality of life of the population; research of existing practices of cooperation between the state, education and business for the formation of an effective model of social partnership; strategy of modernization of social dialogue. The monograph is intended for scientists, specialists who are involved in the implementation of the sustainable development strategy, civil servants, public figures, and higher education students.</p><p>ПЕРЕДМОВА (Наталя ІВАНОВА) </p><p> РОЗДІЛ 1. Публічне управління та адміністрування в умовах сталого розвитку (Наталя ІВАНОВА)</p><p> РОЗДІЛ 2. Подолання корупції як основа ефективного державного управління та сталого розвитку країни (Ірина КАРАБАЗА) </p><p> РОЗДІЛ 3. Імідж держслужбовця та його формування як основа сталого розвитку публічної влади (Наталія ПРИЙМАК)</p><p> РОЗДІЛ 4. Публічне управління персоналом у сфері охорони здоров'я в контексті досягнення цілей сталого розвитку (Віталій ЗВІРИЧ)</p><p> РОЗДІЛ 5. Влада-бізнес-суспільство у контексті відповідальності за якість життя населення (Ірина ГЛАДКОВА) </p><p> РОЗДІЛ 6. Ефективна модель соціального партнерства для забезпечення сталого розвитку (Валентина БАРАБАНОВА) </p><p> РОЗДІЛ 7. Стратегія модернізації соціального діалогу як інструменту забезпечення сталого розвитку (Володимир КОТКОВСЬКИЙ, Інесса ШАПОВАЛОВА)</p><p> РОЗДІЛ 8. Авторегресійне моделювання як інструмент публічного управління для сталого розвитку (Юлія ЛИЖНИК)</p><p> ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ПРО АВТОРІВ</p><p>ДОДАТКИ</p&gt

    OCT-Guided Surgery for Gliomas: Current Concept and Future Perspectives

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been recently suggested as a promising method to obtain in vivo and real-time high-resolution images of tissue structure in brain tumor surgery. This review focuses on the basics of OCT imaging, types of OCT images and currently suggested OCT scanner devices and the results of their application in neurosurgery. OCT can assist in achieving intraoperative precision identification of tumor infiltration within surrounding brain parenchyma by using qualitative or quantitative OCT image analysis of scanned tissue. OCT is able to identify tumorous tissue and blood vessels detection during stereotactic biopsy procedures. The combination of OCT with traditional imaging such as MRI, ultrasound and 5-ALA fluorescence has the potential to increase the safety and accuracy of the resection. OCT can improve the extent of resection by offering the direct visualization of tumor with cellular resolution when using microscopic OCT contact probes. The theranostic implementation of OCT as a part of intelligent optical diagnosis and automated lesion localization and ablation could achieve high precision, automation and intelligence in brain tumor surgery. We present this review for the increase of knowledge and formation of critical opinion in the field of OCT implementation in brain tumor surgery

    Intraoperative Assessment of Breast Cancer Tissues after Breast-Conserving Surgery Based on Mapping the Attenuation Coefficients in 3D Cross-Polarization Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Intraoperative differentiation of tumorous from non-tumorous tissue can help in the assessment of resection margins in breast cancer and its response to therapy and, potentially, reduce the incidence of tumor recurrence. In this study, the calculation of the attenuation coefficient and its color-coded 2D distribution was performed for different breast cancer subtypes using spectral-domain CP OCT. A total of 68 freshly excised human breast specimens containing tumorous and surrounding non-tumorous tissues after BCS was studied. Immediately after obtaining structural 3D CP OCT images, en face color-coded attenuation coefficient maps were built in co-(Att(co)) and cross-(Att(cross)) polarization channels using a depth-resolved approach to calculating the values in each A-scan. We determined spatially localized signal attenuation in both channels and reported ranges of attenuation coefficients to five selected breast tissue regions (adipose tissue, non-tumorous fibrous connective tissue, hyalinized tumor stroma, low-density tumor cells in the fibrotic tumor stroma and high-density clusters of tumor cells). The Att(cross) coefficient exhibited a stronger gain contrast of studied tissues compared to the Att(co) coefficient (i.e., conventional attenuation coefficient) and, therefore, allowed improved differentiation of all breast tissue types. It has been shown that color-coded attenuation coefficient maps may be used to detect inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity of various breast cancer subtypes as well as to assess the effectiveness of therapy. For the first time, the optimal threshold values of the attenuation coefficients to differentiate tumorous from non-tumorous breast tissues were determined. Diagnostic testing values for Att(cross) coefficient were higher for differentiation of tumor cell areas and tumor stroma from non-tumorous fibrous connective tissue: diagnostic accuracy was 91–99%, sensitivity—96–98%, and specificity—87–99%. Att(co) coefficient is more suitable for the differentiation of tumor cell areas from adipose tissue: diagnostic accuracy was 83%, sensitivity—84%, and specificity—84%. Therefore, the present study provides a new diagnostic approach to the differentiation of breast cancer tissue types based on the assessment of the attenuation coefficient from real-time CP OCT data and has the potential to be used for further rapid and accurate intraoperative assessment of the resection margins during BCS

    Multimodal OCT Control for Early Histological Signs of Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus Recurrence after Systemic PDT: Pilot Study

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a modern treatment for severe or treatment-resistant vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS). The chronic and recurrent nature of VLS requires control of recurrences at an early stage. In this paper, a non-invasive multimodal optical coherence tomography (OCT) method was used to control for early histological signs of VLS recurrence after systemic PDT using Photodithazine®. To interpret the OCT data, a histological examination was performed before PDT and 3 months after PDT. Two groups of patients were identified: with early histological signs of VLS recurrence (Group I, n = 5) and without histological signs of VLS recurrence (Group II, n = 6). We use structural OCT, OCT angiography, and OCT lymphangiography throughout 6 months after PDT to visually assess the skin components and to quantitatively assess the dermis by calculating the depth-resolved attenuation coefficient and the density of blood and lymphatic vessels. The OCT data assessment showed a statistically significant difference between the patient groups 3 months after PDT. In Group II, all the studied OCT parameters reached maximum values by the 3rd month after PDT, which indicated recovery of the skin structure. At the same time, in Group I, the values of OCT parameters did not approach the values those in Group II even after 6 months. The obtained results of multimodal OCT can be used for non-invasive control of early histological recurrence of VLS after systemic PDT and for adjusting treatment tactics in advance, without waiting for new clinical manifestations of the disease

    Compression Optical Coherence Elastography for Assessing Elasticity of the Vaginal Wall under Prolapse after Neodymium Laser Treatment

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    Early stages of pelvic organ prolapses are mainly associated with the pelvic floor disfunction as a result of elasticity changes in the connective tissues including the vaginal wall. In this study, for the first time we used a compression optical coherence elastography (C-OCE) method for assessing elasticity of the vaginal wall under prolapse conditions after intravaginal neodymium (Nd:YAG) laser treatment. C-OCE was used for a comparative ex vivo study of vaginal wall average values of stiffness (elastic Young’s modulus) in patients with age norm (n = 6), stage I–II prolapse (n = 5) without treatment and stage I–II prolapse post 1–2 months Nd:YAG laser treatment (n = 10). To verify the C-OCE data, the structural features of the submucosal connective tissue were identified morphometrically by Van Gieson staining using quantitative textural analysis of the state of collagen bundles. The results of a comparative evaluation of C-OCE and histological images demonstrate a statistically significant tissue stiffness decrease in vaginal wall prolapse compared to the age norm (73.5 ± 18.9 kPa vs. 233.5 ± 48.3 kPa; p p < 0.05), which was associated with an increase in the local thickness of the collagen bundles, a change in their orientation, and an increase in the uniformity of their arrangement. The obtained results indicate that the C-OCE can be a robust method for detecting the early stages of vaginal wall prolapse and assessing the elastic modulus increase in the vaginal wall after laser treatment

    Depth-Resolved Attenuation Mapping of the Vaginal Wall under Prolapse and after Laser Treatment Using Cross-Polarization Optical Coherence Tomography: A Pilot Study

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    Vaginal wall prolapse is the most common type of pelvic organ prolapse and is mainly associated with collagen bundle changes in the lamina propria. Neodymium (Nd:YAG) laser treatment was used as an innovative, minimally invasive and non-ablative procedure for the treatment of early-stage vaginal wall prolapse. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess connective tissue changes in the vaginal wall under prolapse without treatment and after Nd:YAG laser treatment using cross-polarization optical coherence tomography (CP OCT) with depth-resolved attenuation mapping. A total of 26 freshly excised samples of vaginal wall from 26 patients with age norm (n = 8), stage I–II prolapses without treatment (n = 8) and stage I–II prolapse 1–2 months after Nd:YAG laser treatment (n = 10) were assessed. As a result, for the first time, depth-resolved attenuation maps of the vaginal wall in the B-scan projection in the co- and cross-polarization channels were constructed. Two parameters within the lamina propria were target calculated: the median value and the percentages of high (≥4 mm−1) and low (−1) attenuation coefficient values. A significant (p p < 0.0001) increase in the parameters compared to the normal level was also observed. Notably, in the cross-channel, both parameters showed a greater difference between the groups than in the co-channel. Therefore, using the cross-channel achieved more reliable differentiation between the groups. To conclude, attenuation coefficient maps allow visualization and quantification of changes in the condition of the connective tissue of the vaginal wall. In the future, CP OCT could be used for in vivo detection of early-stage vaginal wall prolapse and for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment