4 research outputs found

    Dynamics of phosphorus in the body of sheep fed different levels of this mineral in the diets

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    Avaliou-se a dinâmica do fósforo no organismo de cordeiros Santa Inês alimentados com dietas com diversos níveis deste mineral, considerando as correlações entre os níveis de fósforo consumido e de fósforo no plasma; na saliva; no conteúdo ruminal; nas fezes; e na urina. Foram utilizados 18 cordeiros com 5 meses de idade e 27 kg de peso vivo. O experimento foi dividido em dois períodos de cinco semanas, cada um com nove animais. Os animais foram mantidos individualmente em gaiolas para estudo de metabolismo e receberam uma dieta basal constituída de feno de capim coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon, L. Pers.) e concentrado com diferentes níveis de fósforo (1,9; 2,6; 3,3 g/dia) provenientes de fosfato bicálcico. No 15º dia, iniciaram-se as coletas de saliva, plasma, conteúdo ruminal, fezes e urina para as análises de fósforo inorgânico. Observaram-se correlações positivas entre o aumento do consumo de fósforo e os teores desse mineral no plasma (r = 0,64), na saliva (r = 0,86), no conteúdo ruminal (r = 0,82), nas fezes (r = 0,92) e na urina (r = 0,37), comprovando que, quando absorvido, o fósforo é distribuído no corpo pelo plasma. Após a saturação no organismo, o excesso é secretado via saliva, segue para o rúmen e, ao chegar ao intestino, é reabsorvido em menor quantidade e excretado via fezes. À medida que se aumentaram os níveis de fósforo na dieta, verificou-se aumento expressivo dos teores desse mineral na saliva, no plasma, no conteúdo ruminal e nas fezes.The dynamics of phosphorus in the body of Santa Ines lambs fed diets with different levels of this mineral was evaluated, considering the correlations among the levels of phosphorus consumed, in plasma; in saliva, in rumen contents, in feces, and in urine. Eighteen lambs were used with five mo old and 27 kg BW. The experiment was divided into two periods of five weeks, each with nine animals. The animals were individually kept in cages of metabolism study and were fed a basal diet consists of coast-cross grass (Cynodon dactylon, L. Pers.) hay and concentrate with different phosphorus levels (1.9, 2.6, 3.3 g/day) from dicalcium phosphate. On the 15th day, it was initiated the collection of saliva, plasma, rumen contents, feces and urine for the analysis of inorganic phosphorus. Positive correlations were observed among the increase of phosphorus intake and the levels of this mineral in plasma, saliva, rumen contents, feces and urine, indicating that, when absorbed, the phosphorus is distributed throughout the body by the plasma. After saturation in the body, the excess is secreted through saliva, following for the rumen, and reaching the intestine; it is reabsorbed into smaller quantity and excreted via feces. As phosphorus levels increased in the diet, there was significant increase of these mineral levels in saliva, plasma, rumen contents and feces

    Zeólitas e Yucca schidigera em rações para cães: palatabilidade, digestibilidade e redução de odores fecais Zeolites and Yucca schidigera in commercial ration for dogs: palatability, digestibility and reduction of fecal odors

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a interferência dos aditivos extrato de Yucca schidigera e zeólitas (Clinoptilolita) na palatabilidade e digestibilidade de rações comerciais e avaliar sua capacidade de redução do odor das fezes e melhora da consistência fecal de cães. Utilizaram-se cães adultos da raça Beagle com peso médio de ±12,51 kg em três experimentos, todos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. No teste de palatabilidade, realizado nos dez dias iniciais, utilizaram-se 16 animais distribuídos em duas dietas (controle, com 1,00% de zeólita; e controle + 375 ppm de Yucca schidigera) e, no teste de redução de odor das fezes, realizado nos seis dias posteriores, utilizaram-se 14 animais distribuídos em sete dietas (uma controle e outras seis, formuladas a partir da dieta controle, porém contendo Yucca schidigera (125, 250 ou 375 ppm) ou zeólitas (0,50; 0,75; ou 1,00%). Essas dietas foram utilizadas também no teste de digestibilidade e escore fecal, realizado com 21 animais durante 20 dias. A inclusão desses aditivos na dieta não prejudica a palatabilidade nem a digestibilidade de matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e energia bruta do alimento fornecido. Os níveis de 0,75% e 1,0% de zeólitas reduz significativamente o odor das fezes e aumenta a consistência fecal quando adicionados a rações comerciais para cães.<br>The objective of this study was to determine the interference of extract additives of Yucca schidigera and zeolites (Clinoptilolita) on the palatability and digestibility of commercial rations and to evaluate their capacity for reducing fecal odor and improving of fecal consistency of dogs. It was used Beagle breed adult dogs with average weight of ±12.51 kg in 3 experiments, all of them in a completely randomized design. In the palatability test, performed on the first ten days, it was used 16 animals distributed in two diets (control diet, with 1.00% zeolite and control diet + 375 ppm Yucca schidigera) and, on reduction of fecal odor test, performed on the six following days, it was used 14 animals distributed in seven diets (one control and the other six formulated from control diet, containing Yucca schidigera (125, 250 or 375 ppm) or zeolites (0.50; 0.75 or 100%, however). These diets were also used in the digestibility and fecal score trials performed with 21 animals during 20 days. The inclusion of these aditivies in the diet does not harm the palatability neither digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and gross energy of the supplied food. Levels of 0.75% and 1.0% of zeolites significantly reduce odor of feces and increase fecal consistency when added to commercial rations for dogs

    Increasing levels of zeolite and Yucca schidigera in diets for adult cats

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    The effect of the additives Yucca schidigera (YSC) and zeolite (clinoptilolite) on digestibility, fecal texture and odor, blood parameters and urine pH of domesticated felines was evaluated. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, with twenty-one cats, in two periods, distributed in seven treatments: moist commercial feed (control); control + 125, 250 and 375 ppm YSC; and control + 0.5; 0.75 and 1.0 % zeolite. No differences were observed between the diets regarding apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrient, energy, urine pH or blood parameters. However, levels of 0.5 and 0.75% zeolite were effective both in reducing odor (R² = 96.39) and for fecal texture (R² = 99.63), showing a quadratic pattern for these variables. Levels of 125 and 375 ppm YSC were also efficient in reducing fecal odor; however they did not adjust to regression. Levels of 0.5% and 0.75% zeolite significantly reduce odor of feces and increase fecal texture when added to commercial feed for cats