17 research outputs found

    Short report: knowledge and perceptions of health workers that strengthen adherence for paediatric and adolescent clients on the intensive adherence counselling program in Kampala, Uganda: a qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: Health care workers (HWs) support HIV positive children and adolescents with detectable HIV viral loads on the intensive adherence counselling (IAC) program to achieve viral suppression through individual adherence counselling. Low re-suppression rates of 23% showed low program effectiveness in fifteen public health facilities. OBJECTIVES: We set out to determine the knowledge and perceptions of HWs that support this program to improve its effectiveness. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study where five HWs that oversee clinical care for children on ART were interviewed about the program. Data on their knowledge of the program, and perceptions on why it was not effective was collected. Thematic analysis using the inductive approach was used. Transcripts were read, coded and emergent themes determined. RESULTS: Five HWs participated and all were knowledgeable about the program. Two themes emerged as barriers to IAC program effectiveness, patient factors and health system factors. Patient factors were failure to attend appointments, failure to change adherence practices, and lack of consent. Health system factors were work overload, delay in getting results and drug stock outs. CONCLUSIONS: HWs are knowledgeable about the IAC program and client specific barriers should be addressed to improve viral suppression for children

    Short report: knowledge and perceptions of health workers that strengthen adherence for paediatric and adolescent clients on the intensive adherence counselling program in Kampala, Uganda: a qualitative study

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    Background: Health care workers (HWs) support HIV positive children and adolescents with detectable HIV viral loads on the intensive adherence counselling (IAC) program to achieve viral suppression through individual adherence counselling. Low re-suppression rates of 23% showed low program effectiveness in fifteen public health facilities. Objectives: We set out to determine the knowledge and perceptions of HWs that support this program to improve its effectiveness. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study where five HWs that oversee clinical care for children on ART were interviewed about the program. Data on their knowledge of the program, and perceptions on why it was not effective was collected. Thematic analysis using the inductive approach was used. Transcripts were read, coded and emergent themes determined. Results: Five HWs participated and all were knowledgeable about the program. Two themes emerged as barriers to IAC program effectiveness, patient factors and health system factors. Patient factors were failure to attend appointments, failure to change adherence practices, and lack of consent. Health system factors were work overload, delay in getting results and drug stock outs. Conclusions: HWs are knowledgeable about the IAC program and client specific barriers should be addressed to improve viral suppression for children

    Implementation and effect of intensified case finding on diagnosis of tuberculosis in a large urban HIV clinic in Uganda: a retrospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: Increased detection of tuberculosis (TB) using intensified or active case finding (ICF) is one of the cornerstones of the Stop TB Strategy, and contrasts with passive case finding (PCF) which relies on self-reported symptoms. There is no clear guidance on implementation strategies. We implemented ICF in addition to ongoing PCF in our large urban HIV clinic in July 2010 using a twice-daily announcement screen method by a trained peer educator, asking waiting patients to self-refer to a trained peer supporter for screening of TB symptoms. We sought to determine the associated effect on TB case detection. METHODS: Suspects were investigated by sputum smear, chest X-ray and ultrasound, if indicated. Routinely collected clinical and laboratory data were merged with the ICF register and TB clinic data for patients attending the clinic in 2010. We compared the yield of TB cases (defined as the prevalence of newly diagnosed TB cases in the screened population), the type of TB diagnosed and the total cost per TB case identified (in United States Dollars [USD]) for the period before and after ICF implementation. RESULTS: Of the 20,456 patients who visited the clinic in 2010, 614 were identified as TB suspects, 220 pre-ICF and 394 post-ICF (229 via PCF and 165 via ICF). The proportion diagnosed with TB dropped from 66% to 48% (60% in suspects identified through PCF and 31% through ICF). During the post-ICF period, TB suspects identified through ICF compared to PCF identification were more likely to be female, older, on ART and to have been enrolled in HIV care for a longer duration. The yield of combined PCF and ICF screening was 1.4% pre-ICF and 1.7% post-ICF with a cost per TB case identified of 12.29 USD and 21.80 USD, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of ICF in a large HIV clinic yielded more TB suspects and cases, but substantially increased costs and was unable to capture the majority of TB suspects who were referred for diagnosis by clinicians through PCF. The overall yield of TB cases in a mature HIV clinic was low, although targeted screening of those recently enrolled in care may increase the yield

    Low HIV viral suppression rates following the intensive adherence counseling (IAC) program for children and adolescents with viral failure in public health facilities in Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: The UNAIDS 90-90-90 strategy clearly stipulates that 90% of all people on antiretroviral therapy (ART) should have a suppressed viral load. Intensified adherence counselling (IAC) was recently recommended by WHO to improve viral suppression among ART-treated paediatric and adolescent clients with virological failure. This paper describes the implementation and outcomes of IAC in the first year of implementation in a public ART program, to inform strategic interventions to reach the "third 90" among children. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted for all children aged 9 months to 19 years with HIV viral loads (VL) ≥ 1000 copies/ml at 15 public health facilities from June 2015-December 2016. Data on initial VL test results, IAC sessions, repeat VL test results, and ART regimen switch were abstracted and analysed for completion of IAC and viral suppression after IAC. RESULTS: A total of 449 children had a detectable viral load above 1000 copies/ml, after an average of 3.5 years (SD 5.8) years of ART. 192 (43%) were 10-20 years of age, and 320 (71%) were receiving Nevirapine-based ART regimen. Out of 345 (77%) who completed the recommended three IAC sessions, 62 (23%) achieved viral suppression following IAC. The mean time from 1st to 3rd IAC session was 113 (SD 153) days and 172 (50%) of the children had completed the three sessions within 200 days. CONCLUSION: Suppression rates were low among ART-treated children with virological failure that completed the recommended three IAC sessions. As we move towards having 90% of ART-treated children and adolescents achieve and maintain viral suppression, there is need to re-evaluate the implementation of IAC among children and adolescents to consider both psychosocial and biological factors such as resistance testing for those with multiple detectable viral loads

    Early observations from the HIV self-testing program among key populations and sexual partners of pregnant mothers in Kampala, Uganda: A cross sectional study

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    Background HIV self-testing (HIVST) was adopted for key populations (KPs) and sexual partners of pregnant and lactating women (mothers) in Uganda in October 2018. We report early observations during HIVST implementation in Kampala, Uganda. Methods HIVST was rolled out to reach those with unknown HIV status at 38 public health facilities, using peer-to-peer community-based distribution for female sex workers (FSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) and secondary distribution for mothers, who gave HIVST kits to their partners. Self-testers were asked to report results within 2 days; those who did not report received a follow-up phone call from a trained health worker. Those with HIV-positive results were offered confirmatory testing at the facility using the standard HIV-testing algorithm. Data on kits distributed, testing yield, and linkage to care were analysed. Results We distributed 9,378 HIVST kits. Mothers received 5,212 (56%) for their sexual partners while KPs received 4,166 (44%) (MSM, 2192 [53%]; FSW1, 974, [47%]). Of all kits distributed, 252 (3%) individuals had HIV-positive results; 126 (6.5%) FSW, 52 (2.3%) MSM and 74 (1.4%) partners of mothers. Out of 252 individuals who had HIV-positive results, 170 (67%) were confirmed HIV-positive; 36 (2%) were partners of mothers, 99 (58%) were FSW, and 35 (21%) were MSM. Linkage to treatment (126) was 74%. Conclusions HIVST efficiently reached, tested, identified and modestly linked to care HIV positive FSW, MSM, and partners of mothers. However, further barriers to confirmatory testing and linkage to care for HIV-positive self-testers remain unexplored

    Challenges faced by caregivers of virally non-suppressed children on the intensive adherence counselling program in Uganda: a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Of the estimated 130,000 children living with HIV in Uganda, 47% are receiving ART. Only 39.3% have suppressed HIV-1 viral load to levels below 50 copies per ml. Caregivers are key drivers of adherence to achieve viral suppression in children. We investigated the challenges and potential support required by caregivers of ART-treated children. METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted within the Infectious Diseases Institute paediatric ART program in Kampala and Hoima districts. Caregivers of children with viral loads above 1000 copies were purposively sampled and engaged in five focus group discussions (FGD). The FGD guide highlighted questions on challenges that caregivers face and the kind of support they required to improve children's ART adherence. Thematic analysis using the inductive approach was used. All the transcripts were read, coded and emergent themes determined. RESULTS: Overall, 37 caregivers participated in five FGD, of whom 29 (78%) were female, 28 (76%) were HIV-infected and 25 (68%) were biological parents of the children. The elicited challenges were either in failure to attend the counselling sessions or in supporting adherence to medication. Individual and health system challenges such as competing priorities, logistics, poor quality of counselling and lack of reminders prevented attendance at counselling sessions. Five themes emerged as challenges to supporting adherence: i) environmental (school activities, working away from home), ii) personal (non-disclosure, stigma), iii) psychological (guilt), iv) financial (lack of food and transport) and v) child-related (fatigue and peer influence). Three major themes emerged for the support that caregivers needed namely: a) health system reforms (clinic appointments outside school hours, minimize ART drug stock outs and improve quality of counselling), b) psychosocial support (support with disclosure of HIV status to children and their families, more frequent peer support groups and parenting classes) and c) economic empowerment (training in vocational skills, school fees support and opportunities to initiate income generating activities). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: To achieve viral suppression, ART programs require targeted efforts to provide specific health facility requirements, psychological and economic needs of ART-treated children and their caregivers. Integration of HIV treatment with programs for orphans and vulnerable children may improve viral suppression rates

    Low-level viraemia: An emerging concern among people living with HIV in Uganda and across sub-Saharan Africa.

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    Attaining viral load (VL) suppression for over 95% of the people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy is a fundamental step in enabling Uganda and other sub-Saharan African countries to achieve global Sustainable Development Goal targets to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030. In line with the 2013 World Health Organization recommendations, several sub-Saharan African countries, including Uganda, use a threshold of 1000 HIV viral RNA copies/mL to determine HIV viral non-suppression. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care deem this threshold very high, and hence recommend using 200 copies/mL to determine viral non-suppression. Using 1000 copies/mL as a threshold ignores people living with HIV who have low-level viraemia (LLV; HIV VL of at least 50 copies/mL but less than 1000 copies/mL). Despite the 2021 World Health Organization recommendations of using intensive adherence counselling for people living with HIV with LLV, several sub-Saharan African countries have no interventions to address LLV. However, recent studies have associated LLV with increased risks of HIV drug resistance, virologic failure and transmission. The purpose of this narrative review is to provide insights on the emerging concern of LLV among people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. The review also provides guidance for Uganda and other sub-Saharan African countries to implement immediate appropriate interventions like intensive adherence counselling, reducing VL thresholds for non-suppression and conducting more research to manage LLV which threatens progress towards ending HIV by 2030

    Experiential Learning and Mentorship in Global Health Leadership Programs: Capturing Lessons from Across the Globe.

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    OBJECTIVES: The changing global landscape of disease and public health crises, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, call for a new generation of global health leaders. As global health leadership programs evolve, many have incorporated experiential learning and mentoring (ELM) components into their structure. However, there has been incomplete consideration on how ELM activities are deployed, what challenges they face and how programs adapt to meet those challenges. This paper builds on the co-authors' experiences as trainees, trainers, organizers and evaluators of six global health leadership programs to reflect on lessons learned regarding ELM. We also consider ethics, technology, gender, age and framing that influence how ELM activities are developed and implemented. FINDINGS: Despite the diverse origins and funding of these programs, all six are focused on training participants from low- and middle-income countries drawing on a diversity of professions. Each program uses mixed didactic approaches, practice-based placements, competency and skills-driven curricula, and mentorship via various modalities. Main metrics for success include development of trainee networks, acquisition of skills and formation of relationships; programs that included research training had specific research metrics as well. Common challenges the programs face include ensuring clarity of expectations of all participants and mentors; maintaining connection among trainees; meeting the needs of trainee cohorts with different skill sets and starting points; and ensuring trainee cohorts capture age, gender and other forms of diversity. CONCLUSIONS: ELM activities for global health leadership are proving even more critical now as the importance of effective individual leaders in responding to crises becomes evident. Future efforts for ELM in global health leadership should emphasize local adaptation and sustainability. Practice-based learning and established mentoring relationships provide the building blocks for competent leaders to navigate complex dynamics with the flexibility and conscientiousness needed to improve the health of global populations. Key Takeaways: Experiential learning and mentorship activities within global health leadership programs provide the hands-on practice and support that the next generation of global health leaders need to address the health challenges of our times.Six global health leadership programs with experiential learning and mentorship components are showcased to highlight differences and similarities in their approaches and capture a broad picture of achievements that can help inform future programs.Emphasis on inter-professional training, mixed-learning approaches and mentorship modalities were common across programs. Both individual capacity building and development of trainees' professional networks were seen as critical, reflecting the value of inter-personal connections for long-term leadership success.During program design, future programs should recognize the "frame" within which the program will be incorporated and intentionally address diversity-in all its forms-during recruitment as well as consider North-South ethics, leadership roles, hierarchies and transition plans

    Examining the relationship between childhood health conditions and health service utilisation at school entry and subsequent academic performance in a large cohort of Australian children

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    AIM: Chronic health conditions are associated with poor academic outcomes. This study examines the relationship between health conditions, specialist health service utilisation and academic performance in Australian children. METHODS: This was a quasi-longitudinal study where School Entrant Health Questionnaire (a survey tool with parent report on children\u27s health) data for 24 678 children entering school in 2008 was matched with the 2011 National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Linear and logistic regressions were used to examine associations between health conditions, use of a specialist health service and reading and numeracy scores. RESULTS: The study comprised 24 678 children. Children with allergies, very low birth weight, developmental delay, diabetes, spina bifida, cystic fibrosis, birth abnormality, speech problems, intellectual disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder had lower numeracy scores than those without any of these conditions (P < 0.05). The same children had higher odds (1.2-5.8) of being at or below the national minimum standard for numeracy. Children with developmental delay, epilepsy, dental problems, speech, intellectual disabilities and low birth weight had lower reading scores than those without these conditions (P < 0.05) and had higher odds of being at (odds ratio: 1.3) or below (odds ratio: 3.7) the national minimum standard for reading. Children with health conditions who had ever accessed specialist health services did not differ in their academic performance from those that had not used specialist health services. CONCLUSIONS: Some health conditions put children at risk of poorer academic performance, and interventions to prevent this such as appropriate support services in schools should be considered

    Reduction in Baseline CD4 Count Testing Following Human Immunodeficiency Virus "Treat All" Adoption in Uganda.

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    Baseline CD4 testing rates declined from 73% to 21% between 2013 and 2018 with adoption of "Treat All" in Uganda. Advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (CD4 count < 200 cells/µL) remained common (24% of those tested in 2018, 83% of whom had World Health Organization stage I/II disease). Despite frequent presentation with advanced HIV disease, CD4 testing has declined dramatically