595 research outputs found

    Model Advokasi Lsm Jkps Cahaya Terhadap Buruh Migran Asal Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    Tingginya jumlah Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) pada akhirnya berdampak kepada tingginya permasalahan yang timbul karena arus buruh migran ini. Penanganan kasus yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah terkadang terbentur dengan birokrasi hingga membuat penanganan menjadi lambat, sehingga muncullah banyak Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) yang bergerak dalam bidang pendampingan dan perlindungan TKI. Maka dari itu sangat menarik sekali jika melihat lebih jauh tentang pola pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh LSM ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan data dilapangan sebagai sumber primer dan referensi/literatur sebagai sumber sekunder. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pola advokasi yang dilakukan oleh LSM JKPS CAHAYA yang berupa “pendampingan berjenjang” dengan pendekatan personal terbukti lebih efektif jika dibandingkan dengan pola advokasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan model birokrasi institusinya


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    Mesin pemisah daging buah kelapa muda adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk proses  pemisahan daging buah kelapa muda untuk mengambil daging buah nya dengan menggunakan pisau carving knife yang bergerak berlawanan arah jarum jam.Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kapasitas,kualitas,daya yang dibutuhkan,dan efisiensi mesin.Bahan baku digunakan adalah kelapa muda dengan ukuran panjang 25 cm.Dikupas dengan jumlah mata pisau sebanyak 3 unit. Dari hasil pengujian yang diperoleh kapasitas maximum sebesar 24 buah/jam pada putaran pertama, dengan putaran 350 rpm,daya yang dibutuhkan 580 watt.Pada putaran kedua dengan variasi putaran 250 rpm diperoleh kapasitas 23 buah/jam,daya yang dibutuhkan 516 watt.Pada putaran ketiga dengan variasi putaran 150 rpm diperoleh kapasitas 22 buah/jam,daya yang dibutuhkan 513 watt. Sedangkan dari hasil kualitas yang didapat dari pengujian ini yaitu kondisi kelapa muda yang baik pada putaran pertama sebesar 75 %. Kondisi kelapa muda yang baik pada putaran kedua sebesar 69 %. Kondisi kelapa muda yang baik pada putaran ketiga sebesar 59 %. Dari pengujian mesin ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas hasil kelapa muda yang baik terjadi pada percobaan pertama

    Penentuan Ph dan Suhu Optimum untuk Aktivitas Ekstrak Kasar Enzim Lipase dari Kecambah Biji Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) terhadap Hidrolisis Pko (Palm Kernel Oil)

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    Determination of optimum pH and temperature for crude lipase enzyme activity from rubber seeds germination had been conducted. Rubber seed germination made by soaking time process, seed separation with shell\u27s and seed germination in temperature 27-30oC during 6 days. Crude lipase enzyme was obtained by two times centrifugations with the speed of rotation at 5000 rpm and 10000 rpm during 30 minutes by additing aceton 70%. The crude enzyme is diluted with phosfat buffer pH 7,0. The activity test of crude lipase enzyme is done by measurement of free fatty acid levels is obtained from hydrolisis process of PKO as subtrate by titrimetric method at temperature variation 40; 45; 50; 55; 60oC and pH 6,0; 6,5; 7,0; 7,5; 8,0. The result shower that the highest activity is 2,432 U/mL at pH optimum 7,0 and temperature optimum 40oC

    Keberadaan Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia sebagai Pilihan Penyelesaian Sengketa Hutang Piutang

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    The national institutional arbitration in Indonesia is BANI (Indonesian National Arbitration Board. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic method. The data were gathered by using secondary data which consisted of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials as the main data. The obstacles in implementing arbitration decision in settling the dispute in debt and credit in Indonesia consists of judicial obstacles which comprise the execution which cannot automatically be implemented, there is still another decision which can be made after arbitration decision, and the settlement by the arbitration board is very limited. Technical obstacles consist of the lack of arbiters, the lack of information about the existence of BANI, and the highly dominant skill of arbiters. The attempts made by BANI to cope with the obstacles are by setting up a standard for arbitration clause such as the types of problem which can be settled through arbitration, the appointment of arbitration, the prevailing legal provisions, laws, and regulation, and the publication of quarterly bulletins, either in Indonesian or in foreign languages, so that people will know and understand the existence of arbitration board with all its functions as an alternative in settling disputes in business outside of Court

    Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Persepsi Petugas Gawat Darurat terhadap Kesalahan Medik

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    Kesalahan medik serius paling sering terjadi di intensive care unit, ruang operasi, dan unit gawat darurat. Tujuan penelitian ini mendapat informasi tentang pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan terhadap kesalahan medik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap manajer, kepala seksi, kepala ruangan, ke- tua kelompok perawat, dokter dan perawat pelaksana. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif meliputi wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis konten yg membandingkan hasil penelitian dengan teori. Ditemukan bahwa pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan cukup baik, tetapi belum diikuti tindakan, sarana prasarana dan pengawasan yang memadai. Sistem rujukan pasien yang kurang baik menyulitkan keluarga pasien. Kesalahan medik dipengaruhi oleh kasus sulit, pasien banyak dan tindakan tergesa-gesa. Sumber kesalahan medik adalah manusia, komunikasi, pasien. Keterampilan SDM dan kondisi fasilitas telah memadai. Namun, ruangan yang belum memadai dinilai sebagai sumber kesalahan medis. Selain itu, sikap antispasi atasan terhadap kesalahan medik kurang memadai. Untuk memperkecil kesalahan medik yang dilakukan upaya-upaya pelatihan, refreshing keilmuan, kolaborasi sesama tim, perbaikan komunikasi, dan mengikuti SOP.Kata kunci : Kesalahan medik, unit gawat darurat, pengetahuan, sikap, tenaga medisMedical error is known to occur mostly in the intensive care unit, operation room, and emergency unit. The objective of this study is to obtain information on knowledge, attitude, and perception of health workers on medical error. Study was conducted to manager, head of section, head of room, head of nursing team, doctors, and nurse. Qualitative method was employed including in-depth interview, observation, and document review. Analysis was conducted using content analysis that compare study results with theory. The study found that knowledge, attitude, and perception are relatively good, but has not been fol- lowed by appropriate action and not supported by sufficient facilities and monitoring system. Not very good referral system was an obstacle for patient's fa- mily. Medical error was infleunced to happen by the presence of difficult cases, big number of patients, and in hurry action. The source of medical error was human factor, communication, and patient. Insufficiency or less equipped room was also perceived as source of medical error. Moreover, the attitude of ma- nagement regarding medical error was not really appropriate. To minimize medical error, it is necessary to conduct trainings, refreshing course, collaboration between teams, communication improvement, and SOP compliance

    Kombinasi RSA-CRT Dengan Random LSB Untuk Keamanan Data Di Kanwil Kementerian Agama Prov. Sumatera Utara

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    In this study the authors use Cryptographic Algorithms Rivest Shamir Adleman Chinese Remainder Theorem (RSA-CRT) and steganography technique Random Least Significant Bits (LSB). RSA-CRT is basically the same as usual, but utilizing RSA CRT theorem to shorten the bit size decryption exponent d by hiding d on congruent systems that accelerate time decryption, the difference in the key generation process and the decryption process. Cryptographic algorithm RSA-CRT produce ciphertext stored into a picture (image) using Steganography technique Random Least Significant Bits (LSB). The workings of Random LSB is storing the message (ciphertext) in the first bit or the second bit random key for use random number generator Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) with Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) method. Ciphertext stored in a picture (image) has extracted key re-use random number generator at the time of inserting the message. Then the ciphertext is decrypted back by the algorithm RSA-CRT to produce the original text (plaintext). Merging Cryptographic Algorithm RSA-CRT with Steganography Technique Simple LSB than with Random LSB generate higher PSNR and MSE is lower, which means better level of data security and more resistant to attack. Has more difficult to find a secret message by cryptanalysis and steganalyst

    Sistem Operasional Pegadaian Syariah Berdasarkan Surah Al-Baqarah 283 Pada PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Syariah Gunung Sari Balikpapan

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    Pawn is one type of agreement debt receivable and Pawnshops is itself a financial institution. To guarantee the existence of an element of trust from the borrower against the debtor, then the party is needed there is stuff in powned as collateral against debts or loans. The goods remain the property of people who pawn, but controlled by the recipient of the goods (the lender). The legitimacy of the practice of this pledge has been around since the days of the Prophet, which is where the Prophet Muhammad himself doing this practice. Islamic pawn shops Gunung Sari Balikpapan is a non-bank financial institutions that provide financing/loan to the community. The goal of this institution is to eradicate dark pawn and loan sharks that requires the borrower to pay interest from the loans, which it is very damning for the people of the small or medium sized down. In this research analyzed the operational system of Islamic pawn shops that applied Shariah Pawnshops Gunung Sari Balikpapan based on surah al-Baqarah 283. source of data used in this study i.e., primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained through direct observation and interviews, with the results of the data in the form of the documents operational system Perum pawn shops and the results of the interviews to relevant parties. While secondary data in the form of literature-literature that discusses Islamic pawn shops, either in the form of books, journals, dissertations, theses and more. Based on the results of the analysis in this study, it can be inferred that Sharia Branch Pawnshops Gunung Sari Balikpapan in carrying out its operational system is in compliance with the provisions of the Shariah, or based on the study of fiqh mu'amalah about pawn. As for pawn shops that contribute products dominant against revenues this pawn shops are sourced from the pawn (rahn) products, which are present around 80% of the total income of Syariah Branches Pawnshops Gunung Sari Balikpapan

    Kajian Aspek Psikologi Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Layla-majnun Karya Sholeh Gisymar

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    This article describes: (1) Layla-Majnun novel structure Sholeh Gisyamar work, (2) the main character in the novel psychological Layla-Majnun works Sholeh Gisyamar of aspects of id, ego, superego. This data was collected by way of reading the novel Layla-Majnun Gisymar Sholeh work, marking the language related to the research problem. The findings of the research, a novel structure-Majnun Layla Gisymar Sholeh work consisting of plot, setting, characterization, theme and the message, style, and point of view. While the discussion of the psychological aspects of the figure consists of the id, ego, and superego. Based on the results of this study concluded that, aspects of the main character\u27s personality is more likely to attach great importance to the principle of the id ego gratification. Aspects of the ego is not balanced with the character superego aspect, then in the event of self-awareness on the figure, the ego back into play so that the resulting chaos and abnormal action. So the role of the superego in Layla-Majnun novel works Sholeh Gisymar only slightly