443 research outputs found

    Keanekaragaman Laba-laba (Araneae) Pada Ekosistem Sawah Dengan Beberapa Pola Tanam Di Kota Padang

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    Laba-laba (Araneae) merupakan pemangsa serangga yang memegang peranan penting dalam pengendalian hama pada ekosistem sawah. Pola tanampadi memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap keanekaragaman laba-laba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman laba-laba pada ekosistem sawah dengan beberapa pola tanam padi di Kota Padang, diantaranya pola tanam serempak, pergiliran tanam dan pola tanam campur. Sampel laba-laba dikoleksi di Kecamatan Pauh dan Kecamatan Kuranji dengan menggunakan perangkap sumuran (pit fall trap), nampan kuning (yellow pan-trap), jala serangga (sweep net), dan koleksi langsung (hand sorting). Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan sebanyak 742 individu laba-laba dari 45 spesies, 22 genera, dan 10 famili. Pola tanam padi yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh terhadap keberadaan laba-laba yang ditandai dengan perbedaan index keanekaragaman di Kecamatan Pauh (2,89) dan Kecamatan Kuranji (2,43)

    Marhata-hata Dalam Upacara Marhorja Di Nagari Kota Nopan Kecamatan Rao Utara Kabupaten Pasaman

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    The results showed that the structure marhata-hata comprising the structure of the story and the narrator are circumstances and situations on the show or things that affect the outside structure of the show include the atmosphere, audience, players, history, atmosphere of the show, and tools. Position as follows: first, the values ​​contained in marhata-hata, for example: the value of harmony, spiritual values ​​and social values​​. Second, as a complement to the marhorja (marriage). Marhata-hata function in society, among others: (1) the function of entertainment, by listening marhata-hata all the sadness that is felt listeners will be lost, (2) the function of education, someone who has been impregnating or understand marhata-hata will have language which means both polite and not condescending to others, (3) social function, values​​: tolerance, responsibility, and suave or polite, (4) the function of language, through marhata-hata is preserved regional languages ​​and culture of the region, (5) custom function, people who do not understand or comprehend marhata-hata regarded as people who do not know the customs, (6) the atitude function, marhata-hata could lead a person to behave well, and (7) the function of religion

    Metode Ekstraksi Karakteristik Optis Dari Solid Tissue Phantom Menggunakan Data Pengukuran Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy

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    Diffuse optical spectroscopy merupakan teknik spektroskopi yang digunakan dalam karakterisasi media melalui pengukuran spectral diffuse reflectance pada rentang pita panjang gelombang yang dikenal dengan sebutan optical windows, yaitu 600 hingga 1000 nm. Salah satu metode ekstraksi karakteristik tissue dari pengukuran DOS adalah dengan menggunakan backward approach dimana data percobaan akan di fitting dengan pendekatan diffuse dari persamaan radiativ transfer (RTE) untuk mendapatkan optical properties dari media. Pada penelitian ini, dikembangkan metoda ekstraksi (backward approach) untuk mendapatkan karakteristik tissue berdasarkan pengukuran multi-distance DOS. Metoda ekstraksi ini dikembangkan berbasis algoritma fitting nonlinear Lavenberg-Marquadt. Data pengukuran DOS yang digunakan merupakan pengukuran refelektansi difus atas tiga jenis solid phantom tissue dari ISS®, dengan karakteristik optis yang berbeda

    Improving Students' Achievement in Reading Comprehension by Using Know-want-learn (Kwl) Chart Technique

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    This study focuses on the process of improving students' achievement in reading comprehension by using KWL Chart Technique. The objective was to discover the significant improvement of students' achievement in reading comprehension when the students were taught by using KWL Chart Technique. The subjects of the study were the second grade students of SMP Negeri 29 Medan. There were thirty four students. They were taught by using KWL Chart Technique. The instruments for the data collection were reading assessment, questionnaire sheet, and observation sheet. The techniques of the data analysis applied were quantitative and qualitative. In analyzing the data, the students were three reading tests namely orientation test, test I, and test II. The mean of students' core for the orientation test was 38.59, test I was 59.32, and test II was 77.76. The total percentage of students who passed the passing grade significantly improved, in the orientation test it was 3.12%, in test I it was 23.53%, and in test II it was 88.24%. It was found that the application of KWL Chart Technique significantly improved the students' achievement in reading comprehension

    Kombinasi RSA-CRT Dengan Random LSB Untuk Keamanan Data Di Kanwil Kementerian Agama Prov. Sumatera Utara

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    In this study the authors use Cryptographic Algorithms Rivest Shamir Adleman Chinese Remainder Theorem (RSA-CRT) and steganography technique Random Least Significant Bits (LSB). RSA-CRT is basically the same as usual, but utilizing RSA CRT theorem to shorten the bit size decryption exponent d by hiding d on congruent systems that accelerate time decryption, the difference in the key generation process and the decryption process. Cryptographic algorithm RSA-CRT produce ciphertext stored into a picture (image) using Steganography technique Random Least Significant Bits (LSB). The workings of Random LSB is storing the message (ciphertext) in the first bit or the second bit random key for use random number generator Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) with Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) method. Ciphertext stored in a picture (image) has extracted key re-use random number generator at the time of inserting the message. Then the ciphertext is decrypted back by the algorithm RSA-CRT to produce the original text (plaintext). Merging Cryptographic Algorithm RSA-CRT with Steganography Technique Simple LSB than with Random LSB generate higher PSNR and MSE is lower, which means better level of data security and more resistant to attack. Has more difficult to find a secret message by cryptanalysis and steganalyst

    The Factors Which Faded the Implementation of Traditional Wedding Ceremony and Death Ceremony in Mandailing Ethnic Society in Medan and in Their Hometown

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    Based on the topic and the problems of the research, the writer focussed on the analyses of the factors which might fade the implementation of a traditional wedding ceremony in Medan and in Muarasoma, Batang Natal Regency in South Tapanuli. The data were collected by using the method of direct and open interview. Qualitative method is used to explain and describe the data in the form of statements ideas and thoughts which will be analyzed by using the theory of culture and local wisdom. There are about twenty informants from both places. They might represent traditional/local leaders in their society. They expressed their ideas and thoughts about the implementation of the traditional wedding ceremony. It could be seen from the analyses that the implementation of a traditional wedding ceremony in Medan was decreasing due to the large sum of money and time spent for the wedding ceremony. In Muarasoma, it needed three days and nights to conduct the ceremony because it had a long process to be done. Beginning with the invitation, discussion among the leading persons, slaughtering the bull, performing of Gerdang Sembilan, traditional dancing, giving advice and clan name for the bride and so on. In Medan, people only spend one day to make the wedding ceremony, it is so simple and efficient. Anyhow, all informants hope that Mandailing people will hold their tradition and culture strongly in the future
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