31 research outputs found

    Kajian Aspek Psikologi Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Layla-majnun Karya Sholeh Gisymar

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    This article describes: (1) Layla-Majnun novel structure Sholeh Gisyamar work, (2) the main character in the novel psychological Layla-Majnun works Sholeh Gisyamar of aspects of id, ego, superego. This data was collected by way of reading the novel Layla-Majnun Gisymar Sholeh work, marking the language related to the research problem. The findings of the research, a novel structure-Majnun Layla Gisymar Sholeh work consisting of plot, setting, characterization, theme and the message, style, and point of view. While the discussion of the psychological aspects of the figure consists of the id, ego, and superego. Based on the results of this study concluded that, aspects of the main character\u27s personality is more likely to attach great importance to the principle of the id ego gratification. Aspects of the ego is not balanced with the character superego aspect, then in the event of self-awareness on the figure, the ego back into play so that the resulting chaos and abnormal action. So the role of the superego in Layla-Majnun novel works Sholeh Gisymar only slightly

    Representasi Nilai-nilai Agama Dalam Film Dokumenter Indonesia Bukan Negara Islam Karya Jason Iskandar

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    Indonesia is not an Islamic State is a documentary about the work of Jason Iskandar, where the documentary film making occurred inadvertently caused by the Director\u27s own bad experience. The documentary, Indonesia is not an Islamic State tells the story of two muslim student who attended private catholic school in Jakarta, where they see based on their respective points of view that Indonesia is getting increasingly mixed into an Islamic State, and is assosiated with events that occurred on June 1, 2008 about the storming of FPI (Islamic Defenders Front) against AKKBB (National Alliance for freedom of religion and Believe). This research is a descriptive study of qualitative approach to the analysis of the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce. The objec of his research is the impressions documentary film Indonesia is not an Islamic State which lasted 9 minutes 32 second which have been published in 2009. The results obatained from the analysis of the top film Indonesia is not an Islamic State is the meaning of the signs contained in the selected 7 frame are talkinh about religious values. From the data obtained by use of the analysis the author signs contained in the movie by semiotics theory Charles Sanders Peirce. The analysis is done through two stages, namely the significance of picture/ frame then the results will be used as the material for the next stage of analysis i.e intrepretation contextually. Construction of taht menaing-laden will appear in the form of pictures an footage of the scene is also a narrative speaker which is considered to represent the intent of film\u27s director, Jason Iskandar. Religious values taht appear in the film include recognition of the personal rightts of each human being as the basis for understanding cross-cultural diffrerences, religious beliefs and social development, the concept of community-based “Agree in Disagreement”. The existence of the guarantee of a secure, peaceful, get along well, and serene as the foundation running philosophical values of Pancasila

    Peran United Nation High Commissioner For Refugees dalam Menangani Pengungsi Suriah di Lebanon Tahun 2011-2016

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    This research explains the role of International organizations in dealing with refugees as happened in Syria in 2011. One of the Syrian refugee destination countries is Lebanon, because it borders on Syria. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which has the task of coordinating protection and solutions for refugees in accordance with the mandate given by the United Nations in the name of humanity.This research uses qualitative research method. Data obtained from books, journals, articles, dictionaries and websites. The concept used in this research is the role concept and using the theory of International organization.This research shows the role of UNHCR in dealing with Syrian refugees and has made UNHCR an active role in providing its assistance to Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon. With UNHCR\u27s collaboration with the Lebanese government a direct positive impact on Syrian refugees through continuous protection assistance, safety assistance and other assistance

    Dampak Rehabilitasi Medis pada Penyandang Disabilitas Kusta

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    This aim of the study was to assess the impact of a variety of physical, psychological, sosial and economic after medical rehabilitation measures in Dr. Tadjuddin Chalid hospital Makassar. This study used qualitative methods with case study design, which departed from cases of leprosy disabled patientswho had undergone medical treatment. The results showed that medical rehabilitation can overcome chronic wounds, improve physical appearance, function and increase the ability of the body for daily activities. Psychologically, people with leprosy disabilities feel happy, satisfied, selfconfidence increases, there is also feeling sad, ashamed and insecure due to loss of limbs disabled leprosy patients can be accepted by the family andthe environment, sosial shame because there is loss of limbs, some choose to live in leper colonies. Leprosy disability person had changed the way to work and earn money, length of working and strength adapted to the conditions of disability, ability and skills of post-medical rehabilitation. Psychological condition, sosial and economic disability post-medical rehabilitation of leprosy is still influenced by the stigma that has existed since suffered from leprosy

    Tindak Kekerasan Terhadap Tokoh Perempuan Masa Perang Dalam Novel Perawan Remaja Dalam Cengkeraman Militer Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer

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    This study aimed to describe the violence contained in the grip of the novel Virgin Teens Military Pramoedya Ananta Toer. In the grip of the novel Virgin Teens Military Pramoedya Ananta Toer many interesting things to study, especially regarding violence. For that reason, the study of theory in this study included are: the nature of the novel, novel structure, analytical approach to fiction, sociology, literature, violence. This research is descriptive qualitative with research method, content analysis techniques. The data of this research is a form of the language that suggests violence in the novel Virgin Teens in the military's grip Pramoedya Ananta Toer which includes the trace elements based characterizations. The data source of this research is novel in the grip of the military in the Virgin Teens Pramoedya Ananta Toer the Popular Library published by Scholastic in 2001.Data were collected with the following steps: (1) read a novel repetitive elements associated with a mark, (2) inventory data by using invetarisasi format data. Once the data is collected, the data were analyzed using the following steps: (1) classify the data, (2) interpret data (3); interpret the findings and discussion of the existing problems, and (4) write a report based on the findings and discussion

    Ungkapan Larangan Bagi Suami Ketika Istrinyasedang Hamil Di Kenagarian Alahan Panjang Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti Kabupaten Solok

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    This research aims to describe the structure, categories and social functions contained in the expression for the ban on husband while his wife was pregnant at Alahan Subdistrick Panjang Lembah Gumanti Regency Solok . This research descriptive qualitative research method.The background of this study was , while the entry of this study is the expression in Kenagarian Alahan Panjang Subdistrick Lembah Gumanti Regency Solok ban on the husband in terms of structure, categories and social functions. To collect the data acquisition from Kenagarian Alahan Panjang Subdistrick Lembah Gumanti Regency Solok the informants using recording techniques. The technique used to analyze the data as follows. (1), transcribes the data from spoken language into written language, (2), translates the data into Indonesian. (3), analyzing the structure of the expression for the ban on husband while his wife was pregnant. (4), analyzed the expression category prohibition for a husband when his wife was pregnant. (5), to analyze the social function expressions prohibition for a husband when his wife was pregnant. (6), formulating research results in the form of reports

    Structure Community of Mangrove Forest in North Coastal Rupat Island District of Bengkalis Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in January 2017 in north coastal rupat island district of bengkalis Riau province. The purpose of this researches is to determine the structure community of mangroves in rupat island. The method used in the research was transect line method and plot. The result of observation in North Rupat Island showed the existence of mangrove vegetation that comes the 17 species and 7 families. The species of most dominating growth was Rhizophora apiculata has important values and high density than other species was value 288.9 ind/ha. The second of high density was Rhizophora mucronata with value 144.4 ind/ha. So, the species of Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata is the species capable of grow well on each environment in north coastal rupat island district of bengkalis Riau province. Researchers also identify zoning mangrove vegetation

    Kajian Hukum Normatif Terhadap Sanksi Administrasi Negara Dalam Qanun Kota Banda Aceh

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    The development of Indonesia state administration law is indicated when the government manage the people by using the law order with determine the decision about prohibition or by the issuance of permit system. Quanun based on the Law of Aceh Government is “Regulations in local regulations that rule the government administration and the society living of local area in Aceh. Generally, the type and several of sanctions is recorded and determine clearly in the administration rule. There are any sanction in administration law, i.e. government coercion, withdraw the advantage decision (subsidy permit, payment), coercion fee by government, and administration fine. The policy on concept of administration sanction in Quanun according to the description of Act No. 11 of 2006 concerning to Aceh Government indicates that Quanun is a rule that override the other rules by follow the principles of Lex Specialis derogaat Lex Generalis. Asrticle 18 of Constitution of 1945 is a law base for the implementation of local autonomy by provides the local head with wide authority, real and accountable