12 research outputs found

    Memahami Hukum Islam Dalam Penafsiran Alquran Melalui Qaidah Bahasa Arab

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    The Qur'an as a guidance for all mankind must be upheld and carried out. The content of the Qur'an has several teachings of life so that a servant will find the happiness in the world and especially in the hereafter. The Qur'an is like an amazing ocean and its uniqueness has never been swallowed up by the times, so the various interpretations emerged with various methods as well. The tafsir books that fulfill the library is a proof of how excited and attentive the scholars in understanding the meanings as well as the messages contained in the Qur'an

    Government Decentralization Program in Indonesia

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    Without much preparation, Indonesia, in 2000, at a stroke replaced the previous system of centralized government and development planning with a wide range of decentralization programs. The reforms gave greater authority, political power, and financial resources directly to regencies and municipalities, bypassing the provinces. The powers transferred include those of executing a wide range of responsibilities in the areas of health, primary and middle-level education, public works, environment, communication, transport, agriculture, manufacturing, and other economic sectors. At the same time, the government replaced the antiquated cash-based, single-entry system of public finance with a modern double-entry accounting system that uses a single treasury account; is performance based; and has transparent management of the public treasury, tight expenditure and financial controls with performance indicators, computerized reporting, and a tightly scheduled auditing system. On the positive side, unlike in many developing and transition countries, the decentralization program in Indonesia has not caused major political or economic problems. However, the decentralization program was ill prepared and not carried out in a logical order for two reasons. First, the capacity of subnational governments to produce public and private goods, increase productivity and employment, and promote economic growth in their jurisdictions, was not increased. Because of the long tradition of centralization, local government never built the capacity to carry out economic planning and undertake initiatives to promote local economic growth. Before the reform, the local governments had mainly functioned as implementing agencies of national policies and programs. Second, the number of good financial managers, as required by the new laws of public treasury and auditing, was also limited and needed to be trained. The rising revenues of local governments do not follow their increasing government functions to promote economic development that could potentially cause fiscal imbalances

    Respon Pemberian Pupuk Urea dan Urine Sapi terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) di Pembibitan Awal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemberian respon pemberian pupuk urea dan urine sapi dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan vegetatif bibit kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) di pembibitan awal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada September sampai Desember 2015 di Kebun Masyarakat Kelurahan Sari Rejo, Kecamatan Medan Polonia. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua taraf yaitu: faktor pertama: pemberian pupuk urea dengan 3 taraf: P0= tanpa pupuk urea; P1= pupuk urea 2 g/polibag; P2= pupuk urea 4 g/polibag. Faktor kedua: pemberian urine sapi 4 taraf: U0= tanpa urine sapi; U1= urine sapi 80 ml/polibag; U2= urine sapi 160 ml/polibag; U3= urine sapi 240 ml/polibag. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk urea dapat meningkatkan tinggi bibit tanaman kelapa sawit umur 11 MST dengan dosis 4 g/polibag memberikan tinggi bibit kelapa sawit tertinggi 21,17 cm. Pemberian urine sapi belum dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit tanaman kelapa sawit. Interaksi antara pemberian pupuk urea dan urine sapi belum dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan vegetatif bibit kelapa sawit  di pembibitan awal

    Frameworks for CentrallLocal Government Relations and Fiscal Sustainability

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    Sustainable and inclusive growth in emerging Asian economies requires continued high levels of public sector investment in areas such as infrastructure, education, health, and social services. These responsibilities, especially with regard to infrastructure investment, need to be devolved increasingly to the regional government level. However, growth of sources of revenue and financing for local governments has not necessarily kept pace, forcing them, in some cases, to increase borrowing or cut spending below needed levels. This paper reviews alternative models of the relationship between central and local governments, and provides an overview and assessment of different financing mechanisms for local governments, including tax revenues, central government transfers, bank loans, and bond issuance, with a focus on the context of emerging Asian economies. The paper also reviews financing mechanisms for local governments and mechanisms for maintaining fiscal stability and sustainability at both the central and local government levels. Based upon the evidence on the decentralization process in Asia, it proposes some policy implications for improving central-local government relations and fiscal sustainability