6 research outputs found

    Frekuensi Getar Alami Balok Kantilever Timoshenko

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    . Exact solution for dynamic system with distributed mass in elastic state is commonly analyzed by Euler-Bernoulli theory, that is ‘plane cross sections perpendicular to the axis of the beam remains plane and perpendicular to the axis after deformation [Wang, 1995]. Due to effect of transverse shear deformation, the plane cross sections remain plane but not necessarily normal to the longitudinal axis after deformation. This effect may have significant influence on the natural frequency of the large and deep beam. Also, the inertial resistance to rotational acceleration of the beam could not be ignored for the large and deep beam. Investigation is made for these two conditions by the use of Timoshenko's beam theory. This paper presents exact solution of natural frequency, of which shear deformation and rotary inertia effects are included in the analysis. Numbers of mode-shapes become definite if which shear deformation and rotary inertia effects are included in the analysi

    Analisis Perpindahan Non Linier Balok Berdasarkan Teori Elastika

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    ANALISIS PERPINDAHAN NON LINIER BALOK BERDASARKAN TEORI ELASTIKAAnalysis Displacement Non Linear of Beam Based with Theory of ElasticaAnwar Dolu1 & Amrinsyah Nasution21Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas TadulakoAlamat korespondensi : Jl. Soekarno - Hatta KM. 9, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesiaemail: [email protected] Teknik Sipil FTSL Instititut Teknologi BandungAlamat korespondensi : Jl. Ganesha No.10, Jawa Barat 40132email: [email protected] this study the authors analyze the nonlinear deflection on the cantilever with a load point P at the end . Analysis nonlinear deflection based on the elastica theory with solving elliptic integrals and method of iterations. For external load ( P ) is small ( P 0.70 unit ) , the difference is increasing the amount of deflection in significant. Deflection obtained by using the theory elastica smaller than the deflection by linear theory .Keywords : Nonlinear deflection , elastica theory , elliptic integrals , method of iterations , MAPLEAbstrakDalam kajian ini penulis menganalisis lendutan nonlinier pada tumpuan jepit bebas dengan beban titik P di ujung. Analisis lendutan nonlinier berdasarkan teori elastika dengan pemecahan integral elliptik dan metode iterasi. Untuk beban luar (P) yang kecil (P < 0

    Respon Struktur Portal Bidang Dua Tingkat Berperedam Eksternal Terhadap Beban Impact

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    Energy absorption due to the dynamic loads on the moment resisting frame structures often cause damage to elements of the structure. In this study, to minimize the damage that occurs in the moment resisting frame structures, than do the protection of structure such as the addition of additional mass as a external damper expected to give a better response to dynamic load, such as period of vibration shorter, and smaller displacement of structure.In this study conducted experimental studies and analytical portal structure without external damper and the external form of additional mass damper. In the laboratory experiment, the model given impact load. This simulation gives the output in the form of natural frequency, displacement, and the value of the damping ratio of the structure. The results of the study indicate that the external damping in the form of additional mass is not good enough to contribute to the change in natural frequency (fn), but quite effectively provide value changes damping ratio (ξ), the period of vibration (T), and the maximum displacement (δmax) of the structure

    Kontribusi Bubuk Slag Nikel Di Dalam Meminimalkan Dampak Intrusi Mikroorganisme Terhadap Perilaku Fisik Material Beton

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    . This paper is presents the experimental study on use of nickel slag powder in the minimization intrusion impact of microorganism to physical properties of concrete materials. The intrusion of microorganism into concrete pores is fungus (Aspegillus Niger) and yeast (Sacchromycodes ludwigi) groups. Both types of this microorganism produce organic matter is acetate acid (CH3COOH) able to react with chemical compound in concrete materials, especially calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate compound. The reaction affect on the increasing of porosity, permeability coefficient, and loss masses of concrete. The effect of intrusion of microorganism can be minimized by use 16% nickel slag powder. For concrete without nickel slag powder, physical properties tend to follow equation of geometry function (power equation equation), while the concrete of 16% nickel slag powder as indicated by equation of saturated growth rate function

    Optimisasi Bubuk Slag Nikel Dengan Sistem Ternary C-A-S

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    . This papers study concerning optimization of nickel slag powder as substitution material to partial cement by C-A-S (CaO-Al2O3-SiO2) ternary system. Optimization conducted to determine procentage of nickel slag powder in the consuming calcium hydroxide compound as hydration product of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and dicalcium silicate (C2S) cement with water so that form secondary of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) compound. By the phase diagram C-A-S ternary system, procentage of optimum nickel slag powder determined by intersection point between of balance line pozzolanic reaction and mixing line of material cement and nickel slag powder. Analysis result indicate that by approach of C-A-S ternary system, percentage optimum of nickel slag powder is 14,59%