159 research outputs found

    Mechanisms for slow strengthening in granular materials

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    Several mechanisms cause a granular material to strengthen over time at low applied stress. The strength is determined from the maximum frictional force F_max experienced by a shearing plate in contact with wet or dry granular material after the layer has been at rest for a waiting time \tau. The layer strength increases roughly logarithmically with \tau -only- if a shear stress is applied during the waiting time. The mechanisms of strengthening are investigated by sensitive displacement measurements and by imaging of particle motion in the shear zone. Granular matter can strengthen due to a slow shift in the particle arrangement under shear stress. Humidity also leads to strengthening, but is found not to be its sole cause. In addition to these time dependent effects, the static friction coefficient can also be increased by compaction of the granular material under some circumstances, and by cycling of the applied shear stress.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Creep motion in a granular pile exhibiting steady surface flow

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    We investigate experimentally granular piles exhibiting steady surface flow. Below the surface flow, it has been believed exisitence of a `frozen' bulk region, but our results show absence of such a frozen bulk. We report here that even the particles in deep layers in the bulk exhibit very slow flow and that such motion can be detected at an arbitrary depth. The mean velocity of the creep motion decays exponentially with depth, and the characteristic decay length is approximately equal to the particle-size and independent of the flow rate. It is expected that the creep motion we have seeen is observable in all sheared granular systems.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Aging in humid granular media

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    Aging behavior is an important effect in the friction properties of solid surfaces. In this paper we investigate the temporal evolution of the static properties of a granular medium by studying the aging over time of the maximum stability angle of submillimetric glass beads. We report the effect of several parameters on these aging properties, such as the wear on the beads, the stress during the resting period, and the humidity content of the atmosphere. Aging effects in an ethanol atmosphere are also studied. These experimental results are discussed at the end of the paper.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Particle dynamics in sheared granular matter

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    The particle dynamics and shear forces of granular matter in a Couette geometry are determined experimentally. The normalized tangential velocity V(y)V(y) declines strongly with distance yy from the moving wall, independent of the shear rate and of the shear dynamics. Local RMS velocity fluctuations δV(y)\delta V(y) scale with the local velocity gradient to the power 0.4±0.050.4 \pm 0.05. These results agree with a locally Newtonian, continuum model, where the granular medium is assumed to behave as a liquid with a local temperature δV(y)2\delta V(y)^2 and density dependent viscosity

    Jamming and Fluctuations in Granular Drag

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    We investigate the dynamic evolution of jamming in granular media through fluctuations in the granular drag force. The successive collapse and formation of jammed states give a stick-slip nature to the fluctuations which is independent of the contact surface between the grains and the dragged object -- thus implying that the stress-induced collapse is nucleated in the bulk of the granular sample. We also find that while the fluctuations are periodic at small depths, they become "stepped" at large depths, a transition which we interpret as a consequence of the long-range nature of the force chains.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Persistent global power fluctuations near a dynamic transition in electroconvection

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    This is a study of the global fluctuations in power dissipation and light transmission through a liquid crystal just above the onset of electroconvection. The source of the fluctuations is found to be the creation and annihilation of defects. They are spatially uncorrelated and yet temporally correlated. The temporal correlation is seen to persist for extremely long times. There seems to be an especially close relation between defect creation/annihilat ion in electroconvection and thermal plumes in Rayleigh-B\'enard convection

    Optimal Spin Basis in Polarized Photon Linear Colliders

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    We analyze the spin correlations of the top quark pairs produced at Photon Linear Colliders. We employ the circular polarized photon beams and general spin basis for the top quark pair. We consider general spin bases to find a strong spin correlation between produced top quark and anti-top quark. We show the cross-section in these bases and discuss the characteristics of results.Comment: RevTeX, 16 pages, 6 figures, psfig.sty and here.sty are require

    Logarithmic rate dependence in deforming granular materials

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    Rate-independence for stresses within a granular material is a basic tenet of many models for slow dense granular flows. By contrast, logarithmic rate dependence of stresses is found in solid-on-solid friction, in geological settings, and elsewhere. In this work, we show that logarithmic rate-dependence occurs in granular materials for plastic (irreversible) deformations that occur during shearing but not for elastic (reversible) deformations, such as those that occur under moderate repetitive compression. Increasing the shearing rate, \Omega, leads to an increase in the stress and the stress fluctuations that at least qualitatively resemble what occurs due to an increase in the density. Increases in \Omega also lead to qualitative changes in the distributions of stress build-up and relaxation events. If shearing is stopped at t=0, stress relaxations occur with \sigma(t)/ \sigma(t=0) \simeq A \log(t/t_0). This collective relaxation of the stress network over logarithmically long times provides a mechanism for rate-dependent strengthening.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. RevTeX

    Time-Resolved Studies of Stick-Slip Friction in Sheared Granular Layers

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    Sensitive and fast force measurements are performed on sheared granular layers undergoing stick-slip motion, along with simultaneous imaging. A full study has been done for spherical particles with a +-20% size distribution. Stick-slip motion due to repetitive fluidization of the layer occurs for low driving velocities. Between major slip events, slight creep occurs that is variable from one event to the next. The effects of changing the stiffness k and velocity V of the driving system are studied in detail. The stick-slip motion is almost periodic for spherical particles over a wide range of parameters, but becomes irregular when k is large and V is relatively small. At larger V, the motion becomes smoother and is affected by the inertia of the upper plate bounding the layer. Measurements of the period T and amplitude A of the relative motion are presented as a function of V. At a critical value Vc, a transition to continuous sliding motion occurs that is discontinuous for k not too large. The time dependence of the instantaneous velocity of the upper plate and the frictional force produced by the granular layer are determined within individual slipping events. The force is a multi-valued function of the instantaneous velocity, with pronounced hysteresis and a sudden drop prior to resticking. Measurements of vertical displacement reveal a small dilation of the material (about one tenth of the mean particle size in a layer 20 particles deep) associated with each slip event. Finally, optical imaging reveals that localized microscopic rearrangements precede (and follow) each slip event. The behavior of smooth particles is contrasted with that of rough particles.Comment: 20, pages, 17 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A multi-instrument comparison of integrated water vapour measurements at a high latitude site

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    We compare measurements of integrated water vapour (IWV) over a subarctic site (Kiruna, Northern Sweden) from five different sensors and retrieval methods: Radiosondes, Global Positioning System (GPS), ground-based Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, groundbased microwave radiometer, and satellite-based microwave radiometer (AMSU-B). Additionally, we compare also to ERA-Interim model reanalysis data. GPS-based IWV data have the highest temporal coverage and resolution and are chosen as reference data set. All datasets agree reasonably well, but the ground-based microwave instrument only if the data are cloud-filtered. We also address two issues that are general for such intercomparison studies, the impact of different lower altitude limits for the IWV integration, and the impact of representativeness error. We develop methods for correcting for the former, and estimating the random error contribution of the latter. A literature survey reveals that reported systematic differences between different techniques are study-dependent and show no overall consistent pattern. Further improving the absolute accuracy of IWV measurements and providing climate-quality time series therefore remain challenging problems
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