21 research outputs found


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    Ischemic heart disease (CHD) is a leading cause of disability and mortality in the world, especially in economically developed countries. Risk stratification plays an important role in providing medical care to patients with ischemic heart disease. Research aim. Adapt methodological approaches to examination of patients with coronary artery disease, with the definition and assessment of the level of a healthy lifestyle`s basis formation of individually for each patient to optimize the treatment and prevention of this pathology. Object and methods of research. 60 patients with coronary heart disease were examined: stable angina FC I-II (main group) and 35 practically healthy subjects (control group). The average age was 40.5 2.02 years. All patients in the main and control group which were include in the research are completed informed consent on voluntary participation and providing true information and a questionnaire Nosova A.G. The formation of the healthy lifestyle`s components , 2014. Stage A included testing on the questionnaire with internal consistency of questions, satisfactory reliability). Stage B - assessment of body composition on the monitor (model HBF-500-E, Omron, Japan) with parameters: weight, body mass index (BMI), percentage of fat, internal fat, percentage of skeletal and muscular tissue, metabolism in a complete rest and screening testing, which allows to detect deviations from the basics of HLS, risk factors and objective evidence of compliance with HLS. Stage C - Processing of the received data. The authors of the article, in order to optimize the prevention and treatment of patients with coronary artery disease, have adapted methodological approaches to the examination patients with the definition and assessment of the level of formation the principles of a healthy lifestyle individually for each respondent. According to the results of the research, significant differences were detected in all levels of healthy lifestyle between the main and the control group. Thus, the object-passive (low level - less than 50%) was found in 15% of patients with coronary artery disease and 11.5% of practically healthy (control group) (R0,05); Ibjective-active (middle) level was observed in 60% of patients in the main group and 25% in the control group (P <0.05); high level of subjective - in 25% of patients in the main group and 63.5% - in the control group (P <0.05). During the research of bioimpedance analysis of the body in patients with CHD were noted the differences between both groups for the following parameters: BMI - in patients of the main group was 29.84 1.05 and 26.3 0.99 - in the respondents in the control group (P <0.05);visceral fat - in the patients of the main group 9.57 0.84 and 7.2 0.82 - in the respondents in the control group (P <0.05); calori - in patients of the main group 2533 79,9 and 1553 54,9 in the control group (P <0,05). Analysis of the results of Stage B - screening testing for the purpose of identifying the presence of risk factors and objective evidence of HLS management, deviations from the basics of HLS, significant differences (P <0,05) between the main and control group on the scale of 4,5,9: 4. Are you doing morning exercises? 5. Do you smoke? 9. Do you take more than 6 g of salt? The obtained results allow to confirm the significant influence of the revealed factors - morning exercise, sports, smoking on the development and course of CHD, as well as the importance of adherence to the principles of HLS in the prevention of this disease. The examination of patients with CHD by using this technique allows to develop for each patient the algorithm of actions and personal behavior, in relation to observance of the principles of the HLS

    Рациональная цитопротекторная терапия ишемической болезни сердца с сопутствующим хроническим обструктивным заболеванием легких

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    У статті наведено досвід терапії хворих з поєднаною патологією ІХС та ХОЗЛ із застосуванням в комплексній терапії кардіо - і ендотелий-протективної препарату – кардиоаргинина. Позитивна клінічна динаміка у хворих, які отримували комплексну терапію із застосуванням розчину кардиоаргинина сприяла підвищенню якості життя, збільшення толерантності до фізичних навантажень, скорочення термінів перебування хворого в стаціонарі на 1,6 доби;В статье приведен опыт терапии больных с сочетанной патологией ИБС и ХОБЛ с применением в комплексной терапии кардио- и ендотелий-протективного препарата – кардиоаргинина. Положительная клиническая динамика у больных, получавших комплексную терапию с применением раствора кардиоаргинина способствовала повышению качества жизни, увеличению толерантности к физическим нагрузкам, сокращению сроков пребывания больного в стационаре на 1,6 суток;The article presents the experience of therapy of patients with combined pathology of coronary artery disease and COPD with the use of complex therapy of cardio - and endothelial protective drug - cardiogenicin. Positive clinical dynamics in patients receiving complex therapy with the use of cardiarginine solution contributed to improving the quality of life, increasing tolerance to physical activity, reducing the length of stay of a patient in a hospital for 1.6 days

    Peculiarities of the duodenal ulcer manifestation depending on psychosomatic correlations and effectiveness of differential psychotropic therapy

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    У статті показані основні особливості виразки дванадцятипалої кишки. Запропонований індивідуалізований підхід до терапії цієї категорії пацієнтів із застосуванням засобів, що впливають на стан центральної нервової системи в комплексі з антихелікобактерною терапією;В статье показаны основные особенности язвенной болезни двенадцатиперстной кишки. Предложен индивидуализированный поход к терапии этой категории пациентов с применением средств, влияющих на состояние центральной нервной системы в комплексе с антихеликобактерной терапией;In the article there were shown the main peculiarities of duodenal peptic ulcer. There was proved of individualized approach to the therapy of this category of patients with the application of the agents, influencingon the condition of central nervous system, in the complex with antiheliocobacter therapy

    Birch sap in a treatment of metabolic syndrome

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    Було досліджено вплив березового соку на перебіг метаболічного синдрому. Застосування збродженого березового соку на тлі базисної терапії викликало суттєве покращення суб’єктивного стану хворих та сприяло покращенню деяких показників перекисного окислення ліпідів та реології крові, що обгрунтовує доцільність його подальшого вивчення з перспективою застосування у клініці; Было исследовано влияние березового сока на течение метаболического синдрома. Применение березового сока на фоне базисной терапии вызвало существенное улучшение субъективного и объективного состояния больных, и привело к улучшению некоторых показателей перекисного окисления липидов и реологии крови, что обосновывает целесообразность его дальнейшего изучению с перспективой применения в клинике; It was investigated the influence of birch sap on an implications of metabolic syndrome. Use of the ferment birch sap an addition of basic therapy has caused substantial improvement of subjective and objective condition of patients and promoted improvement of some indicators of peroxidation of lipids and rheology of blood that causes expediency of its further application in clinic