16 research outputs found

    Sviluppo di composti di ossidazione in olio extra vergine di oliva durante la frittura: influenza della cultivar e del processo di estrazione

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    An experimental investigation was carried out in order to assess the influence of the cultivar and of the oil extraction process on the evolution of the oxidation compounds in extra virgin olive oil during frying. In order to do this oils from two Sardinian cultivars, obtained by two different oil extraction processes have been used to fry potato chips. The oils extracted from the potato chips were analyzed to evaluate the oxidative degradation and the antioxidant capacity. The results obtained showed that the differences observed for the oxidation triacylglycerol and polar compounds content in the extracted oils reflect the differences observed in the starting oils, while, as regards the triacylglycerol oligopolymers, the oils showed a different behavior during frying, indicating a slower polymerization rate in the oils characterized by a better quality. Un’indagine sperimentale è stata condotta allo scopo di valutare l’influenza della cultivar e del processo di estrazione dell’olio sullo sviluppo di composti di ossidazione in olio extra vergine di oliva sottoposto a frittura. Allo scopo oli monovarietali, provenienti da due cultivar sarde, ottenuti applicando due differenti tecnologie di estrazione sono stati impiegati per la frittura di patatine. L’olio estratto da queste è stato sottoposto ad indagini analitiche utili per la valutazione dei fenomeni di ossidazione e della capacità antiossidante. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che le differenze riscontrate per il contenuto in triacilgliceroli ossidati e in composti polari negli oli estratti dalle patate rispecchiavano quelle degli oli di partenza, mentre per il contenuto in oligopolimeri dei triacilgliceroli è stato evidenziato un comportamento differente degli oli nel corso della frittura, ad indicazione di una minore polimerizzazione negli oli caratterizzati da migliore qualità iniziale

    Sviluppo di burger a base di legumi

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    Le leguminose, dopo i cereali, rappresentano le colture alimentari più diffuse nel mondo e, in un futuro che prevedrà un forte incremento della popolazione mondiale, esse giocheranno un importante ruolo nella nutrizione umana in quanto fonte di proteine a basso costo. In considerazione delle esigenze dei consumatori moderni, che richiedono alimenti caratterizzati da elevata praticità d’uso e buone caratteristiche sensoriali, è nata l’idea di formulare, produrre e caratterizzare da un punto di vista chimico e nutrizionale, un burger precotto a base di legumi. La preliminare valutazione sensoriale ha evidenziato il positivo apprezzamento per il burger prodotto, con punteggi medi superiori a 6,5 per tutti i descrittori esaminati e con differenze che risultavano legate soprattutto all’età dei consumatori. Da un punto di vista chimico e nutrizionale, il burger era caratterizzato da un elevato contenuto in fibre e da un profilo in acidi grassi ed aminoacidi in linea con le più recenti linee guida per una sana e corretta alimentazione. Infine, il contenuto medio percentuale di fibre (pari a 6,4%) era sufficiente per poter applicare, secondo la vigente normativa, il claim nutrizionale “ad alto contenuto di fibre

    Phenotypic modifications of vascular smooth muscle cells could be responsible for vascular hyporeactivity to contracting agent in mechanically injured rat carotid artery

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    Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) that accumulate in neointima after angioplastic injury showdifferent phenotypic characteristics from those of medial layer and an impaired reactivity to contracting agents. The aim of the study was to correlate the vascular hyporesponsiveness to the changes in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i and the expression of proteins necessary for its utilization in mechanically injured rat carotid arteries (IC) at 14 and 28 days after angioplastic balloon. IC showed a significant reduction (P < 0.01) to PE- or KCl-induced contraction as compared to uninjured carotid (UC). Fura-2AM-loaded VSMCs isolated from IC revealed that this hyporeactivity to PE or KCl was accompanied by the impairment of the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by contracting agents in both Ca2+-free or -containing medium. Similar results were observed following the ryanodine challenge in VSMC.Western blot analysis showed a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in myosin heavy chain (MHC) and IP3-type III receptor expression in IC isolated at 14 days from injury compared to UC, while an improvement of these proteins expression was observed at 28 days after damage. On the other hand, in IC tissue, SERCA2 and -actin expression, compared to UC was significantly higher at 14 days than at 28 days. These data indicate that vascular hyporeactivity induced by mechanical injury may be due to alterations of either [Ca2+]i or contractile proteins. These modifications could be related to the changes of VSMC phenotypic characteristics, as supported by the observed modifications in MHC, SERCA2 and -actin expression, proteins considered as biological markers of cellular differentiation

    Some remarks on Hattori's theory for mapping cones of coexact squares

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    SIGLETIB: RO 1945 (109) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman


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    Endothelial injuries induced by different stimuli lead to proliferation of intimal vascular smooth muscle cells with formation of neointima. In this functional study, we evaluated the reactivity to contracting and vasorelaxing agents in Wistar rat carotid artery at different times (1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) after endothelial denudation with angioplastic balloon technique. Injured (IC) and uninjured carotid artery rings (UC) were placed in an isolated organ bath for isometric force displacement. IC collected at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days showed a reduction in contraction to phenylephrine (0.3M), angiotensin II (0.1M), U46619 (0.1M), KCl (60 mM) and A23187 (1M) at any experimental time compared to rings obtained from UC. The evaluation of endothelial-derived relaxing or hyperpolarizing factor (EDRF or EDHF), induced by acetylcholine (0.001–1M) in presence of indomethacin (10M) or indomethacin and N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (l-NAME) (10 and 100M, respectively), was carried out at 14, 21 and 28 days. The EDRF-induced relaxation was significantly (P < 0.0001) reduced at 14 days and it improved through out the observation time, indeed at 28 days it was indistinguishable from UC relaxation curve. In contrast, the EDHF-induced relaxation was significantly (P < 0.0001) reduced at all experimental time. A significant reduction in nitric oxide-induced relaxation, sodium nitroprusside (0.001–10M), was observed at 7, 14 and 21 days, but not at 28 days. The relaxation induced by diazoxide (3–300M), an opener of KATP channels, was significantly reduced only at 7 days but not at 14, 21 and 28 days. Western blot analysis of myosin heavy chain revealed that up to 28 days the re-differentiation (maturity state) of smooth muscle cells was not yet reached. In conclusion, our data showed that hyporeactivity to contracting and relaxing agents in endothelial denuded carotid of rats could be linked to a multifactorial condition in which reduction of receptors and alterations in post-receptor transductions in neointima may produce modification of protein expression and/or variation in ion flux where calcium could have a pivotal rol

    From Chaos to Opportunity: Decoding Cancer Heterogeneity for Enhanced Treatment Strategies

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    : Cancer manifests as a multifaceted disease, characterized by aberrant cellular proliferation, survival, migration, and invasion. Tumors exhibit variances across diverse dimensions, encompassing genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional realms. This heterogeneity poses significant challenges in prognosis and treatment, affording tumors advantages through an increased propensity to accumulate mutations linked to immune system evasion and drug resistance. In this review, we offer insights into tumor heterogeneity as a crucial characteristic of cancer, exploring the difficulties associated with measuring and quantifying such heterogeneity from clinical and biological perspectives. By emphasizing the critical nature of understanding tumor heterogeneity, this work contributes to raising awareness about the importance of developing effective cancer therapies that target this distinct and elusive trait of cancer