1,591 research outputs found

    Low Levels of Physical Activity Increase Metabolic Responsiveness to Cold in a Rat (Rattus fuscipes)

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    Physical activity modulates expression of metabolic genes and may therefore be a prerequisite for metabolic responses to environmental stimuli. However, the extent to which exercise interacts with environmental conditions to modulate metabolism is unresolved. Hence, we tested the hypothesis that even low levels of physical activity are beneficial by improving metabolic responsiveness to temperatures below the thermal neutral zone, thereby increasing the capacity for substrate oxidation and energy expenditure.We used wild rats (Rattus fuscipes) to avoid potential effects of breeding on physiological phenotypes. Exercise acclimation (for 30 min/day on 5 days/week for 30 days at 60% of maximal performance) at 22°C increased mRNA concentrations of PGC1α, PPARδ, and NRF-1 in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue compared to sedentary animals. Lowering ambient temperature to 12°C caused further increases in relative expression of NRF-1 in skeletal muscle, and of PPARδ of brown adipose tissue. Surprisingly, relative expression of UCP1 increased only when both exercise and cold stimuli were present. Importantly, in sedentary animals cold acclimation (12°C) alone did not change any of the above variables. Similarly, cold alone did not increase maximum capacity for substrate oxidation in mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase activities) of either muscle or brown adipose tissue. Animals that exercised regularly had higher exercise induced metabolic rates in colder environments than sedentary rats, and temperature induced metabolic scope was greater in exercised rats.Physical activity is a necessary prerequisite for the expression of transcriptional regulators that influence a broad range of physiological functions from energy metabolism to cardiovascular function and nutrient uptake. A sedentary lifestyle leads to decreased daily energy expenditure because of a lack of direct use of energy and a muted metabolic response to ambient temperature, which can be reversed even by low levels of physical activity

    Multi criteria governmental crop planning problem: an analytic hierarchy approach

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    The goal of this study is to rank crops to cultivate in the governmental agricultural lands in Gaza Strip using AHP methodology as a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) tool. This study is applied under the normal condition, from the governmental point of view. Seven main criteria were first identified consisting of economical, financial, marketing, environmental, technical, political, and social criteria, while thirty one sub-criteria were then identified. Crops were divided into eight types that include vegetables, fruits, citrus, olives, palms, export crops, field crops and medical and aromatic crops. The results indicate that the economic criteria are the most important criteria as they represent 0.33 of the total weight, while the technical criteria are the least important criteria as they represent 0.07 of the total weight. Sub-criteria weights indicate that the contribution to GDP sub-criterion is the most important one with respect to the goal as it has 0.103 of the total weight. Cropping pattern is skewed towards export crops, citrus and vegetables

    Oligorotaxane radicals under orders

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    A strategy for creating foldameric oligorotaxanes composed of only positively charged components is reported. Threadlike components-namely oligoviologens-in which different numbers of 4,4'-bipyridinium (BIPY(2+)) subunits are linked by p-xylylene bridges, are shown to be capable of being threaded by cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) (CBPQT(4+)) rings following the introduction of radical-pairing interactions under reducing conditions. UV/vis/NIR spectroscopic and electrochemical investigations suggest that the reduced oligopseudorotaxanes fold into highly ordered secondary structures as a result of the formation of BIPY(\u2022+) radical cation pairs. Furthermore, by installing bulky stoppers at each end of the oligopseudorotaxanes by means of Cu-free alkyne-azide cycloadditions, their analogous oligorotaxanes, which retain the same stoichiometries as their progenitors, can be prepared. Solution-state studies of the oligorotaxanes indicate that their mechanically interlocked structures lead to the enforced interactions between the dumbbell and ring components, allowing them to fold (contract) in their reduced states and unfold (expand) in their fully oxidized states as a result of Coulombic repulsions. This electrochemically controlled reversible folding and unfolding process, during which the oligorotaxanes experience length contractions and expansions, is reminiscent of the mechanisms of actuation associated with muscle fibers

    Facile synthesis of mononuclear early transition-metal complexes of κ3cyclo-tetrametaphosphate ([P4O12]4−) and cyclo-trimetaphosphate ([P3O9]3−)

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    We herein report the preparation of several mononuclear-metaphosphate complexes using simple techniques and mild conditions with yields ranging from 56% to 78%. Treatment of cyclo-tetrametaphosphate ([TBA]4[P4O12]·5H2O, TBA = tetra-n-butylammonium) with various metal sources including (CH3CN)3Mo(CO)3, (CH3CN)2Mo(CO)2(η3-C3H5)Cl, MoO2Cl2(OSMe2)2, and VOF3, leads to the clean and rapid formation of [TBA]4[(P4O12)Mo(CO)3]·2H2O, [TBA]3[(P4O12)Mo(CO)2(η3-C3H5)], [TBA]3[(P4O12)MoO2Cl] and [TBA]3[(P4O12)VOF2]·Et2O salts in isolated yields of 69, 56, 68, and 56% respectively. NMR spectroscopy, NMR simulations and single crystal X-ray studies reveal that the [P4O12]4− anion behaves as a tridentate ligand wherein one of the metaphosphate groups is not directly bound to the metal. cyclo-Trimetaphosphate-metal complexes were prepared using a similar procedure i.e., treatment of [PPN]3[P3O9]·H2O (PPN = bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium) with the metal sources (CH3CN)2Mo(CO)2(η3-C3H5)Cl, MoO2Cl2(OSMe2)2, MoOCl3, VOF3, WOCl4, and WO2Cl2(CH3CN)2 to produce the corresponding salts, [PPN]2[(P3O9)Mo(CO)2(η3-C3H5)], [PPN]2[(P3O9)MoO2Cl], [PPN]2[(P3O9)MoOCl2], [PPN]2[(P3O9)VOF2]·2CH2Cl2, and [PPN]2[(P3O9)WO2Cl] in isolated yields of 78, 56, 75, 59, and 77% respectively. NMR spectroscopy, NMR simulations and single-crystal X-ray studies indicate that the trianionic ligand [P3O9]3− in these complexes also has κ3 connectivity.Eni S.p.A. (Firm)Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Center (Program
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