6 research outputs found

    A new methods of mobile object measurement by using radio frequency identification

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    In this study, the mobile robot conducts tag of RFID and the antennas’ reader was scattered at the indoor-outdoor environment, which represents the novelty of the study, as this has not been done in the previous studies. This protects the mobile robot from weight increase reduces the consumption of the battery. Moreover, mobile object increase demands an increase in cheap passive Radio Frequency Identification tags in the system of navigation. Techniques of Signal processing utilize both accompanied by the theories of electromagnetics in locating the robot’s position. Numerous antennas usage provides a breadth of comparisons. In this work, have been provide a new RFID tracking approach that can also be used for interior positioning. This technique employs RSS to gather the signal intensity of reference tags before they are used. The next step is to send a signal. Setting up Power Level ranges via reference tags uses strength as a setting parameter. Then, based on the intensity of the signal, you can determine how far away you are. Reference tags are used to match the signal intensity of track tags. Finally, when track tags are installed in indoor locations, they can be used to monitor the movement of people. It will use the arithmetic mean of the positions of surrounding reference tags to determine the location. Values. According to preliminary results from an experiment, our approach is more precise than the antenna system. Approximately 10 to 20 lines

    Design of rotary inverted pendulum swinging-up and stabilizing

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    The mechanical design of inverted pendulum systems may be very diverse. This study makes use of mathematics to explain the expanded unstable Rotary planer inverted pendulum arrangement (Rotary -inverted system). Pin connections are used in planer-inverted pendulums to attach the pendulum to the rotating- Rotary actuation base. This design of a Rotary -inverted pendulum is explored in the development of underactuated robotic systems because it best simulates the balance of a broomstick in the hand by treating the elbow and shoulder as revolute joints. It is necessary to utilize the Lagrangian equation of motion when creating the dynamical equation for the Rotary -inverted pendulum. MATLAB Simulink is used to simulate a nonlinear computational model of the system so as to test the accuracy of the mathematical model

    Design of automatic speech recognition in noisy environments enhancement and modification

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNN) and feed-forward multi-layer perceptron’s have been proposed for determining the absence and presence of speech in continuous voice signals when there is a variety of background noise levels present. The Aurora2 and Aurora3 were used to conduct detailed performance evaluations on vocal activity detection. When a Recurrent neural network feeds on automatic speech recognition particular features and acoustic features, the best outcomes can be achieved, according to this study. Aurora2 and the French, Romanian and Norway portions of the Aurora3 corpus are also proposed for detailed studies of ASR. When noise presence probability is utilized to change for encoding speech, phone subsequent probabilities are employed; the WER is reduced by 10.3 percent

    Enhancement automatic speech recognition by deep neural networks

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    The performance of speech recognition tasks utilizing systems based on deep learning has improved dramatically in recent years by utilizing different deep designs and learning methodologies. A popular way to boosting the number of training data is called Data Augmentation (DA), and research shows that using DA is effective in teaching neural network models how to make invariant predictions. furthermore, EM approaches have piqued machine-learning researchers' attention as a means of improving classifier performance. In this study, have been presenteded a unique deep neural network speech recognition that employs both EM and DA approaches to improve the system's prediction accuracy. firstly, reveal an approach based on vocal tract length disturbance that already exists and then propose a Feature perturbation is an alternative Data Augmentation approach. in order to make amendment training data sets. This is followed by an integration of the posterior probabilities obtained from several DNN acoustic models trained on diverse datasets. The study's findings reveal that the proposed system's recognition skills have improved

    Lifestyle behavior and mental health among nursing collegians at Baghdad University

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    Background : The lifestyle has changed between the past and the present, our current era has been characterized by the abundance of changes and transformations that put pressure on the human being, Family conditions have changed, social relations and economic conditions have become complicated, and physical and psychological diseases, have diversified alike, which makes the person resort to confronting these changes and transformations and adapting to them to achieve the greatest possible compatibility, happiness, and physical and psychological health. Objective: To fine out the relationship between Lifestyle behavior and Mental Health among nursing collegians at Baghdad university as seen with strong positive correlation at p-value= 0.001. Methodology: The study was conducted in 2021/2022 and included 171 participants representative of the Iraqi nursing student’s population. Lifestyle factors were assessed via electronic questionnaire and included frequency of physical and mental activity, alcohol consumption, smoking, as well as circadian and social regularity. Outcome variables were depression, anxiety, stress and satisfaction with life. Result: There is high significant relationship between Lifestyle behavior and mental health among the nursing collegians as seen with strong positive correlation at p-value= 0.001. Conclusion: Mental health and Lifestyle behavior have strong association among nursing collegians at Baghdad universit