38 research outputs found

    Neutron spectrum parameters in two irradiation channels of the Nigeria research reactor-1 (nirr-1) for use in k0-naa

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    For the utilization of the NIRR-1 to include the k0-standardization method, the following neutron spectrum parameters in one inner and one outer irradiation channels were determined using the “Cd-ratio for multi-monitor method”: The thermal to epithermal flux ratio, f, and the epithermal flux shape factor, α. These parameters determined in the inner irradiation channel A1,are: α = - 0.046 ± 0.005 and f = 18.4 ± 0.34 and for the outer irradiation channel A2 α = + 0.024 ± 0.002 and f = 49.5 ± 0.96. The results compare well with reported values obtained from other reactor facilities with similar core configuration such as the Slowpoke and Miniature Neutron Source Reactor facilities available in literature

    Determination of neutron-induced activation cross sections using nirr-1

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    Thermal Activation cross-sections for the (n, γ) reaction were experimentally measured using NIRR-1 facilities. The irradiated target isotopes were 71Ga, 109Ag, 55Mn 94Zr; 96Zr; 238U, 74Se, 75As and 48Ca. In order to obtain reliable activation cross sections, careful attention was paid to neutron irradiation and to the measurement of induced activity. The values obtained for the ten (n, γ) reactions were compared against the comprehensive evaluated values listed in Mughabghab, (2003) and other evaluated data libraries. The values were found to compare well with values evaluated by Mughabghab and those from other libraries

    Multi-elemental analysis of some Nigerian mineral rocks for a comparative assay of gamma shielding with concrete using winxcom

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    Analysis of chemical composition and concentration of three Nigerian minerals have been carried out with the research reactor (GHARR-1) at Ghana Atomic energy commission Kwabenya Accra, in order to analyze their gamma photon shielding prospects using WINXCOM software. The physical densities of Serpentinite rock from Katsina/ Zamfara state, Hematite rock from Kogi state and Barite from Benue states of Nigeria were measured, and their moisture content analyzed with the Am-Be neutron source irradiation facility at Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT) A.B.U. in Nigeria Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of gamma ray spectra of the residual radio nuclides of the rock samples were performed using the SPAN 5.0 software. The result of the chemical composition was observed to have a good elemental correlation with the well known neutron shields (concrete), but indicative of a better substitute to ordinary concrete when, in addition, the moisture retention capabilities, refractive properties and, most importantly, their densities are taken into account. The knowledge of the elemental composition is a requirement for calculating the shielding characteristics using WINXCOM. For an increase in photon energy by a factor of 0.21keV the mass attenuation in Serpentinite decreased by 2.0cm2/g; Hematite had a decrease of 5.0cm2/g; Barite also decreased by 5cm2/g while concrete had its mass attenuated by only 1.3cm2/g. Keywords: Transmission, Reflection, Mineral rock, Thermal neutrons, Fast neutrons, Moistur

    Measurement of Radon Concentration in Water Sources around Ririwai Artisanal Tin Mine Kano State, Nigeria

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    In this work liquid scintillation analysis was used to measure the concentration of 222Rn in three sources of water around Ririwai Artisanal Tin mine. The annual effective dose due to 222Rn concentration in surface water source and Domestic water were also determined. The result shows that the tailing bearing water has the highest 222Rn concentration of 3.04±0.14 Bq/L followed by surface water source with 222Rn concentration of 2.51±0.13 Bq/L while the Domestic water has the lowest 222Rn concentration of 2.23±0.11 Bq/L. The results also indicated that the annual effective dose due to the 222Rn concentration is higher in surface water with 13.05±0.55 mSv/year than in Domestic water with 11.11 ± 0.44mSv/year. The mean 222Rn concentration obtained in this work is lower than 10.00Bq/L recommended by WHO and UNSCEAR. Also in this study the annual effective dose obtained is lower than the maximum permissible of 0.1mSv/year recommended by UNSCEAR. Keywords: Radionuclide, activity concentration and annual effective dos

    Investigation on the Effects of Addition of Binder and Particle Size on the High Calorific Value of Solid Biofuel Briquettes

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    The effects of biomass particle size and addition of binder on the high calorific values (HCVs) of five (5) selected biomass briquettes is studied. Analyses of the experimental results show that finely grinded particles (about 1.75mm and 2.00mm) had low calorific values as the grinding resulted in a loss of some heat and made the sample vulnerable to air oxidation.Addition of gum Arabic binder greatly inceases the high calorific value of all samples followed by starch and top-glue binder tend to decerease the HCVs for the range of biomass tested in the order 25.3201> 23.2985>20.0023 respectively.Thus indicating gum Arabic and starch improves the caloric value while top glue and polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) decreases the calorific value of the samples. An extensive investigation on the PVC dissolved in Toluene compound(organic) as chemical binder was observed to decrease the calorific values of all the briquette samples except those made of coconut shell and rice husk. Keywords: Biomass, Biofuel, Binder, Briquette, High heating valu

    Proximate composition and mineral analysis of Brysocarpus coccineus grass

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    The proximate and some mineral compositions of Brysocarpus Coccineus in Nigeria were investigated. The grass was found contain 7.56 ± 0.06% moisture, 15.30 ± 0.22% Ash, 7.30 ± 0.26% crude lipid, 4.62 ± 0.11% crude fibre, 3.35 ± 0.22% crude protein, and 61.220 ± 0.90% was determined using standard methods. The mineral content showed 0.06 ± 0.02mg/100g calcium and 0.16 ± 0.08mg/100g magnesium using EDTA titration and 9.28 ± 0.26mg/100g sodium using flame photometer. The results indicated that Brysocarpus Cocccineus is not rich in crude protein, but found to be rich in carbohydrate and total ash content. The higher amount of total ash suggests a high value mineral composition comprising calcium, sodium and magnesium as the main elements. The present study inferred that Brysocarpus Coccineus would not serve as source of protein but a good source of energy.Keywords: Brysocarpus Coccineus, Grass, Mineral analysis, Proximat

    Proximate and Mineral Analyses of White Grubs (Phyllophyga specie)

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    White grubs (Phyllophyga specie) were obtained from Tambuwal local government area in Sokoto state Nigeria. The powdered sample of head and the body were used for the proximate composition showed that the value of ash and protein content was higher in the body 30.33±0.76% and 26.34±0.32% than in the head 21,17±1.04% and 25.23±0.81%  respectively, while the lipid, carbohydrate, moisture and fibre content were 18.33±1.26%, 22.78±1.54%, 8.20±1.26% and 4.33±0.81% respectively, were higher in the head compared to the body with 17.67±0.03% for Lipid, 16.76±2.46% for Carbohydrate, 6.67±1.26% for Moisture, 3.00±1.00% for Fibre. Minerals analysis revealed slight high values for sodium in the head (486.67±5.77mg/100g) compared with the body (485.00±8.66mg/100g). Similarly high values was recorded for potassium but much higher in the body (406.67±5.77mg/100g) compared with 388.33±7.64mg/100g in the head. Magnesium content in the body (0.17±0.00mg/100g) appeared higher than (0.14±0.01mg/100g) in the body. The analysis revealed thatconsumption of white grubs is useful diet supplements recommended for families. Keywords: Body, Head, Mineral, Proximate Analysis, White Grub

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Urinary Pathogens Isolated from Two Tertiary Hospitals in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is among the most common reasons for patients to seek health assistance that is commonly  encountered in office practices. This is also a leading cause of Gram negative sepsis in hospitalized patients.Objectives: This study was carried out in order to isolate, characterize and identify the pathogens associated with UTI in two teaching hospitals at Osun state, Nigeria and to determine their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns.Methods: This was a prospective observational study involving standard microbiological procedures for analysing urine samples of inpatient and outpatient cases of UTI. Identification of these pathogens was performed using Microbact/API identification system.Results: Out of the 300 urine samples cultured, 88 (29.3%) yielded  significant growth of urinary pathogens while 212 (70.7%) yielded either insignificant growth or no growth of any urinary pathogen. Escherichia coli 19 (21.6%) were the commonest pathogen isolated followed by Klebsiella pneumonia 14 (15.9%), Staphylococcus aureus 12(13.6%), Candida albicans 12(13.6%), Pseudomonas aerugenosa 9 (10.2%), Klebsiella oxytoca 8 (9.1%), Staphylococcus saprophyticus 6 (6.8%), Serratia  rubidaea 3 (3.4%), Enterobacter agglomerans 2 (2.3%), Acinetobacter iwoffii 1 (1.1%), Acinetobacter baumannii 1 (1.1%), Providencia retgerri 1 (1.1%). The susceptibility of Gram negative bacteria (GNB) were mainly toward parenteral antibiotic rather than oral one, while most of the common  antibiotic showed a resistant pattern. UTI was more prevalent among  patients within hospital setting 71(80.7%) than out-patients 17(19.3%).Conclusion: This study justifies the necessity to treat patients with UTI based on antimicrobial susceptibility test result in order to prevent   evolution of resistant pathogens. Since UTI has large impact on the socio-economy and emergence of bacterial resistance, periodic surveillance of antibiotic susceptibility is strongly recommended.Keywords: Microbact; antimicrobial resistance; UTI and Osobgo

    Proximate and mineral composition of Jatropha curcas leaves

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    The proximate and mineral composition of jatropha curcas leaves were evaluated in dry sample to determine the Ash, carbohydrate, crude lipid, crude fiber, crude protein and mineral contents using standard method and atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. The result showed that jatropha curcas leaves contained (12.0±1.00%) Ash, (61.94±5.56%) carbohydrate, (7.00±0.43%) Fat, (16.5±0.1%) fibre, (2.56±0.23%) protein, (4.33±0.28%) moisture in dry sample respectively. The result also revealed that the concentration of potassium is (18.60±1.19mg/100g) sodium (11.50±0.39mg/ 100g), magnesium (58.17 ± 2.04mg/100g), cupper (4.23±0.12mg/ 100g), iron (2.85±0.04mg/100g) and calcium (93.42±0.48mg/100g) respectively which are the major minerals present in the sample. This indicated that Jatropha curcas leaves could serve as an alternative source of food for animal and human after quality processing.Keywords: Carbohydrate, Crude Protein, Jatropha curcas leaves, Mineral, Moisture Analysi

    Extraction and Formulation of Perfume from Locally Available Lemon Grass Leaves

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    The availability of wild plants and their use as economically efficient sources of food for man and animals is obvious. In most parts of Nigeria, plant materials whose edible use is not established are regarded as waste materials. Available materials like lemon grass leaves that contain  essential oils can be utilized in the production of perfumes that can mask body odours. Lemon grass extracts obtained using soxhlet extraction andsolvent extraction (maceration) were utilized in the formulation of perfume using methanol and ethanol as solvent media. An oil yield of 4.5% and 3.8% were obtained for solvent extraction and soxhlet extraction methods respectively. Physicochemical properties of the two formulations revealed that the essential oil has saponification value of 21.04mgKOH/g and the densities of the two formulations in methanol and ethanol were 0.768gcm-3 and 0.82gcm-3 at 60oc while the boiling point for both formulations was 85o. The essential oil can be profitably used for cosmetic grade and perfume formulations.Keywords: Essential oil, Extraction, Perfume, Physicochemical Parameter