5 research outputs found

    Copper and zinc deficiency to the risk of preterm labor in pregnant women: a case-control study

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    Abstract Objective The present study explored the relationship between maternal copper and zinc levels and preterm labor. Design The design of the present study was a case-control. Two groups were matched in terms of early-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), pregnancy and childbirth rating, education level, income, and employment status. Blood samples were taken from mothers after meeting the inclusion criteria when admitted to the maternity ward to check copper and zinc serum levels. Demographic and midwifery data were also collected using a questionnaire and patient records. The data were analyzed in SPSS26 using independent-samples T-test, chi-square, Fisher exact test, and regression analysis, and the p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Setting Bohloul Hospital in Gonabad, Iran. Participants The subjects were 86 pregnant women visiting the hospital in two cases (preterm delivery) and control (term delivery) groups. Results The mean serum level of zinc in the case group (preterm delivery) (44.97 ± 13.06 µg/dl) was significantly lower than the control group (term) (52.63 ± 21.51 µg/dl), and the mean serum level of copper in the case group (149.82 ± 53.13 µg/dl) was significantly lower than the control group (183.97 ± 71.40 µg/dl). Conclusion As the findings showed, copper and zinc serum levels in mothers with preterm delivery were significantly lower than mothers with term delivery, which shows the biological role of these elements in the pathogenesis of preterm delivery

    Relationship between occupational hazards and pregnancy complications in health care workers in Gonabad University of Medical Sciences

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    Aims: Reproductive disorders are mentioned as one of the ten main diseases and work-related injuries and working in the health care field may affect pregnancy and its complications .The aim of this study was to observe the adverse consequences of pregnancy between female health care workers in relation to Occupational risk factors Materials&Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 153 female healthcare workers of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences Retrospectively during 2017-2020 who were selected by a Simple random sampling method. Data were collected through a checklist of women Health Care Workers.Data analysis was performed using Descriptive statistics methods , Chi-Square, Mann–Whitney U test with spss22 at a significant level less than 0.05. Results: The frequency of pregnancy complications in female employees was 37.9%. frequency of Premature labour 9.8%, abortion at 3.9%, low birth weight at 6.5%, intrauterine growth restriction 4.6%, spotting and bleeding 25.5%, and pre eclampsia 2% was reported. There was a significant association between some occupational hazards such as stress(0.04), exposure to anesthetic gas(0.015), prolonged standing(0.035), shift work(0.039), and workplace(0.012) with pregnancy complications.There was significant relationship between exposure to anesthetic gas with preterm labour(0.015)and Hours of work with low birth weight(0.013) significant relationship between shift work(0.039), long-standing(0.035) and workplace (0.012)with spotting and bleeding was observed. Conclusion: Our study showed that Some job characteristics and occupational hazards in health care workers affect the mother and the fetus and increase the risk of some pregnancy complications. Therefore, the support of pregnant health care workers in their work environment and the development of appropriate solutions in this regard must be taken into consideration by relevant organizations

    The Effect of Educational Intervention with Mobile Health Technology on COVID-19 Induced Stress among Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background & aim: The spread of COVID-19 has increased the stress level in pregnant women. The present study was performed to determine the effect of a mobile-based health educational intervention on the stress induced by the COVID-19 pandemic among pregnant women.Methods: This randomized controlled trial study was carried out on 80 pregnant women (40 sampleintervention and 40 control) referred to Gonabad Comprehensive Urban Health Service Centers from October to December 2021 who were selected using stratified random sampling. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaire (12 questions) and the valid and reliable questionnaire of the Corona Stress Scale (CSS-18). The questionnaires were filled out through self-administered method svia the Porsline platform in three stages: before, immediately after, and one month after the intervention. The intervention group received five 30-minute education sessions as twice a week based on the latest Ministry of Health maternity and neonatal health guidelines. The control group received educational content in PDF format. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon, Benferroni, Mann-Whitney, and independent t-tests using SPSS (version 16).Results:  The mean COVID-19 stress score before the intervention was not statistically significant in the two groups (P= 0.92). After the intervention, the mean stress score of COVID-19 in the intervention group was estimated 48.12 ±12.24, which was significantly lower than the control group (57.02 ± 15.99) (P˂0.001).Conclusion: Mobile-based education intervention reduces COVID-19 stress in pregnant women. It is suggested that this approach be implemented for the provision of healthcare to pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Effect of Sleep Health Education Based on Telephone Follow-up (Tele-Nursing) on Sleep Quality Improvement in Postmenopausal Elderly Women

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    Background and Objective: Poor sleep is one of the most common problems in old age and menopause. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tele-nursing-based sleep health education on sleep quality in postmenopausal elderly women. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 70 elderly people over 60 years of age who referred to urban community health centers of Gonabad City, Iran, and met the inclusion criteria were selected through a systematic sampling and were equally assigned into controland intervention groups. Participants completed a questionnaire that included the demographic questionnaire and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). After completing the pre-test in the intervention group, the sleep health education program was conducted as a face-to-face training session and a telephone follow-up during two months (12 follow-ups). The control group received routine health care. Post-test was performed in both groups after 2 months. Results: We did not find any significant difference between two groups at bassline variables. Besides, there was no statistically significant difference in the mean score of sleep quality before intervention in the experimental and control groups (P = 0.127), the mean score of sleep quality after the intervention showed a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The sleep health education program based on telephone follow-up can improve the sleep quality of postmenopausal elderly women. Therefore, teaching this non-pharmacological approach to health care workers, staff of community health centers, and caregivers is recommended to improve the sleep quality of postmenopausal elderly women

    دراسة احتياجات الرعاية الدينية للمرضى الراقدين في مستشفى العلامة بهلول غنابادي

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    سابقه و هدف: فعالیت‌های مذهبی منبعی مهم در مقابله با بیماری‌ها محسوب می‌شود. تحقیقات نشان داده است که مذهب و باورهای دینی از عوامل تأثیر‌گذار در سازگاری با سختی­ها است که موجب می­شود بیمار سلامتی خود را زودتر به دست آورد. اضطراب ناشی از جداشدن فرد از فرمان‌های مذهبی سبب تأثیر منفی بر سیر بهبود بیماری و طولانی‌تر شدن مدت زمان بستری در بیمارستان و ایجاد عوارض روانی نامطلوب در افراد می­شود. ازاین‌رو، پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی نیازهای مراقبت مذهبی بیماران بستری در بیمارستان علامه بهلول گنابادی طراحی شده است. روش کار: این مطالعۀ توصیفی-مقطعی با شرکت 622 نفر از بیماران بستری در بیمارستان علامه بهلول گنابادی در سال 1397 انجام شده است. داده­ها از طریق پرسش‌نامۀ اطلاعات جمعیت‌شناختی و پرسش‌نامۀ مراقبت مذهبی در بخش­های عمومی بیمارستان جمع­آوری شد. تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده­ها با استفاده از آمار توصیفی و تحلیلی انجام گرفت. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: بر اساس نتایج به‌دست‌آمده، میانگین و انحراف ‌معیار سنی و مدت زمان بستری افراد شرکت­کننده در این مطالعه به‌ترتیب 21/21±50/46 و 64/2±76/2 بود. 5/60% از شرکت‌کنندگان زن، 5/78% متأهل و 4/48% خانه‌دار بودند و 60% این افراد نیز سواد خواندن و نوشتن داشتند. علاوه‌براین، آزمون­ خی‌دو در تمامیِ ابعاد نیازهای مذهبی ارتباط آماری معنی‌داری نشان داد (001/0P&lt;). &nbsp; نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به یافته‌های حاصل از این پژوهش، نیاز به مراقبت مذهبی از نظر بیماران بسیار مهم و ضروری است. بنابراین، پیشنهاد می­شود مدیران و برنامه­ریزان بخش مراقبت­های بیمارستانی انجام مراقبت­های مذهبی را بخشی از مراقبت‌های جامع بیمارستانی محسوب نمایند که درنتیجه موجب رضایتمندی بیماران از ارائۀ مراقبت­های پرستاری خواهد شد.Background and Objective: Religious activities are considered as an important source for dealing with diseases. Research has shown that religion and religious beliefs are effective in adapting to adversity, and help the patient regain his/her health sooner. Anxiety caused by separation from religious orders has a negative effect on the course of the disease and prolongs hospital stay and causes undesirable psychological complications in individuals. Therefore, the study was designed to investigate the religious care needs of the patients admitted to Allameh Behlool Gonabadi Hospital. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed with the participation of 622 patients admitted to Allameh Bohlool Gonabadi Hospital in 2018. Data were collected through demographic information questionnaire and religious care questionnaire in general wards of the hospital. Data analysis was performed using descriptive and analytical statistics. In this study, all ethical considerations were observed and the authors reported no conflict of interests. Results: Based on the obtained results, the mean and standard deviation of age and length of hospitalization of the participants in this study were 46.50±21.21 and 2.76±2.64, respectively. Out of the 60.5% female participants, 78.5% were married and 48.4% were housewives. Also, 60% of them were literate. In addition, the results of chi-square test showed a significant relationship in all dimensions of religious needs (P&lt;0.001). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, religious care is very important and necessary from the patients’ perspective. Therefore, it is suggested that managers and planners of hospital care departments consider religious care as a part of comprehensive hospital care to keep the patients satisfied with the provision of nursing care.خلفية البحث وأهدافه: تعتبر الأنشطة الدينية مصدراً مهماً للسيطرة على الأمراض فقد أظهرت الأبحاث أنّ الدين و المعتقدات الدينية من العوامل المؤثرة في التكيف مع المحن ممّا يجعل المريض على استعادة صحته بشكل أسرع يتسبب القلق الناجم عن انفصال الشخص عن الطوائف الدينية في تاثير سلبي على التاريخ الطبيعي للمرض و يطيل مدة الإقامة في المستشفى حيث يسبب آثاراً نفسية ضارة لدي الناس. ومن هذا المنطلق تم تصميم الدراسة الحالية بهدف دراسة احتياجات الرعاية الدينية للمرضى الراقدين في مستشفى العلامة بهلول غنابادي. منهجية البحث: اجريت هذه الدراسة الوصفية المقطعية بمشاركة ٦٢٢ مريضاً تم إدخالهم في مستشفى العلامة بهلول غنابادى في عام ٢٠١٨. تم جميع البيانات من خلال استبيان المعلومات الديموغرافية و استمارة الرعاية الدينية في الأقسام العامة بالمستشفى. تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام الإحصاء الوصفي و التحليلي. تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإن مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تضارب في المصالح. المعطیات: بناءً على النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها، كان المتوسط الإنحراف المعياري للعمر و فترة الإستشفاء المشاركين في هذه الدراسة 21/21±50/46 و 64/2±76/2 على التوالي. 5/60٪ من المشاركات كانت 5/78٪ متزوجات و 4/48٪ ربات بيوت. كما أن 60٪ من هؤلاء الناس يعرفون القراءة والكتابة. بالإضافة الى ذلك&nbsp; أظهر اختبار مربع كاي علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية في جميع أبعاد الإحتياجات الدينية. الاستنتاج: حسب نتائج هذه الدراسة فإنّ الحاجة للرعاية الدينية مهمة جداً و ضرورية للمرضى. لذلك يقترح على مديري و مخططي قسم الرعاية بالمستشفى اعتبار الرعاية الدينية جزءاً من الرعاية الشاملة في المستشفى مما سيؤدي الى رضا المرضى عن الرعاية التمريضية