44 research outputs found

    Peranan Katalis K3-xhxpw12o40 Pada Katalisis Selektif Sintesis Metilamina Dari Metanol Dan Amoniak

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    Role of K3-xHxPW12O40 as a Catalyst in Selective Catalysis of Methylamine Synthesis from Ammonia andMethanol. Synthesize of methylamine from methanol and ammonia was studied in this research work using a partiallypotassium heteropoly salt (K3-xHxPW12O40 abbreviated as KPW) as a catalyst. KPW was prepared from heteropoly saltand potassium carbonate by using ion exchange method. The reaction was conducted at 600 ~ 800K and at theatmospheric pressure. Reactor used was a continue flow reactor with W/F=0,1~0,9g-kat.mnt./cc.Concentration ofreactants and products were analyzed by gas chromathography while catalyst structure was observed by XRD (X-raydiffraction). Isothermal adsorption method was used for determining catalyst pore size. The result showed that ionexchange between H ion in zeolit with K ion produced potassium heteropoly salt that caused the change of interstitialspace. The change of interstitial space was observed by the change of the lattice constant of the catalyst crystal.Trimethylamine(TMA) has molecule size smaller than catalyst pore size but bigger than molecular size ofDimethylamine (DMA) and Monimethylamine (MMA). This phenomenon caused the suppression of TMA formation.KPW has a rigid crystal structure and stabil during reaction. On the other hand, crystal structure of a non selectivecatalyst (NH4)3PW12O40 was not rigid and its pore size is easy to change depending on the product molecule size

    How To Raise capital and Secure Investements for indonesia

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    Perkembangan teknologi pada era Revolusi Industri 4.0 saat ini menuntut warga dunia untuk berkecimpung dalam teknologi digital dan internet yang perkembangannya begitu cepat. Kanselir Jerman, Angela Merker berpendapat bahwa Industri 4.0 adalah transformasi komprehensif dari keseluruhan aspek produksi di industri melalui penggabungan teknologi digital dan internet dengan industri konvensional. Menurut Prof Dwikorita Karnawati, revolusi industri 4.0 dalam lima tahun mendatang menghapus 35 jenis pekerjaan. Bahkan 10 tahun yang akan mendatang jenis pekerjaan yang akan menghilang bertambah 75 persen. Hal ini disebabkan pekerjaan yang diperankan oleh manusia setahap demi setahap digantikan teknologi digitalisasi program.1 Hal ini sangat berdampak pada sektor bisnis yang mana para pelaku usaha memanfaatkan internet untuk memperluas jangkauan kegiatan bisnis mereka. (Oktavia n.d.

    Artikel Ilmiah Tentang Sengketa Merek di Indonesia

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    Sengketa merek merupakan isu yang signifikan dalam konteks bisnis dan hukum di Indonesia. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang terkait dengan sengketa merek di Indonesia dan menawarkan solusi yang dapat diterapkan. Melalui pendekatan penelitian yang melibatkan studi literatur dan analisis kasus, temuan ini memberikan wawasan tentang tantangan dan implikasi hukum serta ekonomi yang terkait dengan sengketa merek di Indonesia

    Tinjauan Bagaimana hak cipta berlaku untuk karya seni visual dalam konteks NFT

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    Latar belakang masalah memuat penjelasan mengenai Bagaimana hak cipta berlaku untuk karya seni visual dalam konteks NFT yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian yang dianggap menarik, penting dan perlu diteliti. Kedudukan masalah yang diteliti diuraikan juga dalam lingkup permasalahan yang lebih luas. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Token Non�Fungible (NFT) telah mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan di dunia seni. NFT memungkinkan seniman untuk menandai dan menjual kreasi digital mereka, termasuk karya seni visual, dengan cara yang unik dan dapat diverifikasi. Namun, dengan munculnya NFT, pertanyaan tentang hak cipta dan kepemilikan aset digital ini telah muncul. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pertimbangan hak cipta untuk karya seni visual dalam konteks NFT


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    Role of K3-xHxPW12O40 as a Catalyst in Selective Catalysis of Methylamine Synthesis from Ammonia andMethanol. Synthesize of methylamine from methanol and ammonia was studied in this research work using a partiallypotassium heteropoly salt (K3-xHxPW12O40 abbreviated as KPW) as a catalyst. KPW was prepared from heteropoly saltand potassium carbonate by using ion exchange method. The reaction was conducted at 600 ~ 800K and at theatmospheric pressure. Reactor used was a continue flow reactor with W/F=0,1~0,9g-kat.mnt./cc.Concentration ofreactants and products were analyzed by gas chromathography while catalyst structure was observed by XRD (X-raydiffraction). Isothermal adsorption method was used for determining catalyst pore size. The result showed that ionexchange between H ion in zeolit with K ion produced potassium heteropoly salt that caused the change of interstitialspace. The change of interstitial space was observed by the change of the lattice constant of the catalyst crystal.Trimethylamine(TMA) has molecule size smaller than catalyst pore size but bigger than molecular size ofDimethylamine (DMA) and Monimethylamine (MMA). This phenomenon caused the suppression of TMA formation.KPW has a rigid crystal structure and stabil during reaction. On the other hand, crystal structure of a non selectivecatalyst (NH4)3PW12O40 was not rigid and its pore size is easy to change depending on the product molecule size.Keywords : methylamina, shape selective, heteropoly aci

    Paditif Peningkat Angka Setana Bahan Bakar Solar Yang Disintesis Dari Minyak Kelapa

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    To reduce NOx, SOx, HC, and particulates that produce because of using diesel fuel, can be done by increasing cetane number. One of methods is adding an additive to diesel fuel. 2-Ethyl Hexyl Nitrate (2-EHN) is a commercial additive that an organic nitrate. Making an additive in this research is used palm oil by nitration reaction that used HNO3 and H2SO4. Result of this reaction is methyl ester nitrate that has a structure looks like 2-EHN. IR spectra from research show that methyl ester nitrate is indicated by spectrum NO2 at 1635 cm-1. This result show that methyl ester nitrate can be synthesized by nitration reaction and yield is 74,84% volume. Loading 1% methyl ester nitrate to diesel fuel can increase cetane number from 44,68 to 47,49

    Development of Formaldehyde Adsorption Using Modified Activated Carbon – a Review

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    Gas storage is a technology developed with an adsorptive storage method, in which gases are stored as adsorbed components on the certain adsorbent. Formaldehyde is one of the major indoor gaseous pollutants. Depending on its concentration, formaldehyde may cause minor disorder symptoms to a serious injury. Some of the successful applications of technology for the removal of formaldehyde have been reported. However, this paper presents an overview of several studies on the elimination of formaldehyde that has been done by adsorption method because of its simplicity. The adsorption method does not require high energy and the adsorbent used can be obtained from inexpensive materials. Most researchers used activated carbon as an adsorbent for removal of formaldehyde because of its high adsorption capacity. Activated carbons can be produced from many materials such as coals, woods, or agricultural waste. Some of them were prepared by specific activation methods to improve the surface area. Some researchers also used modified activated carbon by adding specific additive to improve its performance in attracting formaldehyde molecules. Proposed modification methods on activation and additive impregnated carbon are thus discussed in this paper for future development and improvement of formaldehyde adsorption on activated carbon. Specifically, a waste agricultural product is chosen for activated carbon raw material because it is renewable and gives an added value to the materials. The study indicates that the performance of the adsorption of formaldehyde might be improved by using modified activated carbon. Bamboo seems to be the most appropriate raw materials to produce activated carbon combined with applying chemical activation method and addition of metal oxidative catalysts such as Cu or Ag in nano size particles. Bamboo activated carbon can be developed in addition to the capture of formaldehyde as well as the storage of adsorptive hydrogen gas that supports renewable energy

    Pemodelan Dan Simulasi Katalitik Konverter Packed Bed Untuk Mengoksidasi Jelaga Pada Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel

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    Modelling and Simulation of Packed Bed Catalytic Converter for Oxidation of Soot in Diesel Powered VehiclesFlue Gas. Diesel vehicle is used in Indonesia in very big number. This vehicle exhausts pollutants especially diesel sootthat can be reduces by using a catalytic converter to convert the soot to CO2. To obtain the optimal dimension ofcatalytic converter it is needed a model that can represent the profile of soot weight, temperature and pressure along thecatalytic converter. In this study, a model is developed for packed bed catalytic converter in an adiabatic conditionbased on a kinetic study that has been reported previously. Calculation of developed equations in this model usesPolymath 5.X solver with Range Kutta Method. The simulation result shows that temperature profile along catalyticconverter increases with the decrease of soot weight, while pressure profile decreases. The increase of soot weight inentering gas increases the needed converter length. On the other hand, the increase of catalyst diameter does not affectto soot weight along converter and temperature profile, but results a less pressure drop. For 2.500 c diesel engine,packed bed catalytic converter with ellipse's cross sectional of 14,5X7,5 cm diagonal and 0,8 cm catalyst particlediameter, needs 4,1 cm length

    Produksi Biogasoline Dari Minyak Sawit Melalui Reaksi Perengkahan Katalitik Dengan Katalis γ-Alumina

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    Biogasoline Production from Palm Oil Via Catalytic Hydrocracking over Gamma-Alumina Catalyst. Bio gasolineconversion from palm oil is an alternative energy resources method which can be substituted fossil fuel base energyutilization. Previous research resulted that palm oil can be converted into hydrocarbon by catalytic cracking reactionwith γ-alumina catalyst. In this research, catalytic cracking reaction of palm oil by γ-alumina catalyst is done in a stirrerbatch reactor with the oil/catalyst weight ratio variation of 100:1, 75:1, and 50:1; at suhue variation of 260 to 340oCand reaction time variation of 1 to 2 hour. Post cracking reaction, bio gasoline yield could be obtained after 2 steps batch distillation. Physical property test result such as density and viscosity of this cracking reaction product and commercialgasoline tended a closed similarity. According to result of the cracking product's density, viscosity and FTIR, it canconclude that optimum yield of the palm oil catalytic cracking reaction could be occurred when oil/catalyst weight ratio100:1 at 340 oC in 1.5 hour and base on this bio gasoline's FTIR, GC and GC-MS identification results, its hydrocarbons content was resembled to the commercial gasoline. This palm oil catalytic cracking reaction shown 11.8% (v/v) in yield and 28.0% (v/v) in conversion concern to feed palm oil base and produced a 61.0 octane number's biogasoline